Wednesday 30 November 2022

European Outlook # 81 December 2022


In 1945 the UK had almost 3 million men under arms but today we have less than 200,000. Our defence policy is based on NATO and our nuclear arsenal. This consists of British-built Vanguard-class submarines armed with Trident 11 missiles made by Lockheed Martin in the US. The missiles carry nuclear warheads made in the UK to an American design and supplied by the US Navy. Our four nuclear-powered submarines; Vanguard, Victorious, Vigilant, and Vengeance, were launched between 1992 and 1998 and are due for replacement by Dreadnought-class submarines in the 2030s.  

We spend about 3% of our GDP on defence, but we are capable of bombing countries that are no threat to us, such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Lybia, and Syria. We also provide troops for the current NATO manoevres in eastern Europe.

Our Tory government is still playing at Empire 66 years after the humiliation of Suez. We are threatening China over Taiwan and Russia over Ukraine. And to demonstrate our power we sent our giant aircraft carrier Queen Elizabeth - known as big Lizzie - to the far east. Her sister ship The Prince of Wales has broken down so she cannot be deployed to the Black Sea.

This foolhardy sabre-rattling by the UK government may appeal to the popular press and its readership but it doesn't impress the rest of the world.

While we proudly fly the flag in foreign parts we are being invaded by Third World economic migrants and our economy is being undermined by rising energy prices resulting from our support for one side in what is essentially a Russian civil war. 

A responsible government would protect our islands from invasion, secure our energy supplies, and provide the social services that we deserve. But we don't have a responsible government we have a delusional government that thinks it still rules the waves.

The Monarchy - Sam Dickson

The Queen had very little power to do anything about immigration. She constitutionally is prohibited from making any statement on the side of any issue.

Her son has brought the rage of the System Media down upon him for the twin sins of opposing modern architecture and the fast food/poison food industry.

It didn't help when he was covertly photographed when he was alone sitting on a blanket in a meadow at Balmoral reading one of those "hate books", Count Nicolas Tolstoy's "Victims of Yalta", an account of how "Ike", Truman and others deported millions of Eastern and Central Europeans to Stalin after WW11 so Stalin could murder them.

I still share my father's preference for maintaining the monarchy. As he said, even if the monarch has no power and even if the monarch fails to give leadership against the System's anti-white programs, it's worth keeping the monarchy, if for no other reason than that during her reign it was the Queen Elizabeth's picture up in the post office and not the picture of some sleazy, vote grubbing, corrupt politicians like Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Obama, Bush, Trump, Biden.

It also gives me a malicious frisson to know that no matter how successful a conniving con-artist who claws his way up to be the System's Prime Minister can be, the loathsome predator - no matter how successful - can never be #1 but must always stay in 2nd position.

The great and good Gregory Hood who is the finest writer we have is forgiven for minor transgressions.

That said, the resplendent Hood exhibits a slight trace of naivete in repeating the claim that Queen Elizabeth pressured noble Margaret Thatcher into supporting Black rule in Rhodesia.

Thatcher, like the majority of political office seekers in a universal suffrage democracy, was most likely a clinical sociopath. She had no real trace of affinity, or connection, to her race, her people, their church, their language, etc.

No, Thatcher like most of them was "looking out for number one", to use the highly instructive title the odious libertarian Robert Ringer chose for the title of his book.

We have proof of Thatcher's sociopathic immunity to the call of racial, national or religious loyalty.

At one point in her career as as a misleader in Britain Thatcher journeyed to the Soviet Union to meet with the then head kaboola of Communism, Leonid Brezhnev.

When she returned to Britain, Thatcher breathlessly related the supposedly shocking and horrifying news that at one point during their conversation, Brezhnev had mentioned that Russia and Great Britain should take cognizance of the fact that they shared so much.

Both countries were White (!!!Gasp!!!) European countries and they should keep this in mind because it showed how important it was that the two countries should cooperate in the interest of their shared race and civilization.

Thatcher could not wait to reveal this repellent remark and tell the press and everyone in Britain how shocked and disgusted she was to hear such a hateful and indeed incomprehensible  idea.

And to a clinical sociopath like Thatcher - as to Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Bush, Biden and so many in positions of misleadership in America - she probably told the truth.

To Thatcher racial, cultural and religious loyalty probably was an idea so bizzare that she was inherently incapable to getting her sociopathic mind around such a weird conception.

European Outlook: I will never forgive Margaret Thatcher for trying to stop the reunification of Germany in 1989. The Times of London reported 11 September 2009: "Two months before the fall of the Berlin Wall Margaret Thatcher told Mikhail Gorbachev that Britain did not want  German unification". Fortunately, Gorbachev was on the right side of history, the Wall came down and Germany was reunited.


Following the landing of boatloads of Albanian migrants on the Kent coast our new Home Secretary Sella Braverman warned that we are being invaded. She gives the impression that all Albanians are criminals. Some of them are but the saintly Mother Theresa of Calcutta was an Albanian who devoted her life to the service of the poor..  

The Albanians are not fleeing war or famine, they are coming here simply as economic migrants. For many years Albania was unknown to most of us. Under the dictator Enver Hoxha (pictured) the country was cut off from the rest of the world, except for a long distance alliance with China. But since the fall of communism all over eastern Europe, Albania has been transformed into a market economy with membership of NATO and aspirations to join the EU.

Albanians are Europeans, closely related to their neighbours in Montenegro, Kosovo and Macedonia. Albania is a secular country that was declared the world's first athiest state by dictator Enver Hoxha in 1976. Those professing a religion are mostly Muslim. This is the result of 500 years under the Ottoman Empire when they converted to Islam. But religion and language are not biological factors. Islam is a world religion and its members can be of any race.

All this reminds me of the old days when we used to read pseudo-scientific books such as George Pile's 'Five Races of Europe'. This was full of photos of individuals who all seemed to be in the wrong places; Mediterranean types from England, Alpine types from Romania, and so on. George Pile was not a scientist, he just collected the thoughts of anthropoligists who were as political as they were scientific. One of their conclusions was that the Alpine Race were slow-witted people only fit to be labourers. In fact, the Alpine area; eastern France, southern Germany, Austria, Switzerland and northern Italy, has produced legions of scientists, architects, artists, writers and composers. In other words George's book is a pile of nonsense.

Race and culture are significant but obsessive racism is entirely negative. The attempt by the Nazis to subdivide Europeans into greater and lesser races led to the disaster of the Second World War. 

So, don't panic. We will not be overrun by Albanians; they are not primitive savages, or terrorists, and there are only 2.8 million of them. What's more, their prime minister Edi Rama has agreed to take back any of their citizens that we don't want.

A Sense of Balance

Benito Mussolini urged us to maintain "senso di equilibrio, a sense of balance." He is portrayed as a tyrant by liberal historians but we should remember that he was a successful and popular leader until the tragedy of WW2. When Violet Gibson, an Irishwoman, shot Mussolini at point blank range in 1926 she was arrested, found to be insane and deported to the UK. One wonders what would have happened to someone who tried to assassinate Churchill at the height of his power?

Geogia Meloni has been appointed prime minister of Italy one hundred years after Benito Mussolini's March on Rome. Her Fratelli d'Italia party is a direct descendant of Partito Nazionale Fascista.

Recent events, including the death of Queen Elizabeth and the war in Ukraine, have brought conflicting messages from my readers. Some have objected to my stand on the Russian invasion of Ukraine. They see it as naked aggression against an innocent nation, but I have pointed out that the Zelensky regime provoked the war by persecuting its Russian-speaking population.

Most of my political friends and contacts expressed deep sadness at the death of the Queen, but a few of them thought that it was the right time to abolish the monarchy. I am not a royalist but I admired Elizabeth Windsor and I know that the majority of Britons support the monarchy. In any case, every nation has a head of state and they all cost a fortune. We could trim down the monarchy and sell off a few of their palaces, but its probably right to maintain a tradition that acts as a unifying factor.

Having a sense of balance is not the same as sitting on the fence. There is no advantage in taking extreme positions. That's one of the things that held back the so-called far-right. Its leaders thought that they had to be more extreme than their followers, so they said and did things that sometimes made them look ridiculous.

The 'respectable' parties are just as bad. The false claims of the Brexiteers have come to haunt them as we sink into a self-inflicted recession, and the grandstanding of Priti Patel did nothng to control immigration. The British public were fed up after years of austerity and they would have supported reform of the EU; instead Boris Johnson and his gang of offshore tax-avoiders ejected us from the single market and the Rwanda plan was declared illegal.

We are facing hard times under a hard-nosed Tory government that lacks compassion. They talk about levelling up but they practice levelling down. They are encouraged by the popular press to take extreme positions, but the public expects them to govern fairly. What they need is a sense of balance.

Alexander Dugin

(Dr Alexander Dugin is labelled a racist and a nationalist by the mainstream media, but he is neither. He believes in Eurasianism; the union of the Russian Federation with the former states of the Soviet Union).

In 1991, the West was content with the collapse of the USSR and our ideological surrender, primarily by accepting the Western liberal ideology, political system and economy under Western leadership. Today, the red line for the West is the existence of a sovereign Russia, even within the borders of the Russian Federation. The AFU's counter-attack in the Kharkiv region is a direct attack by the West on Russia. Everyone knows that this
offensive was organised, prepared and equipped by the US and NATO military command and took place under their direct supervision. It is not only the use of NATO military equipment, but also the direct involvement of Western aerospace intelligence, mercenaries and instructors. In the eyes of the West, this is the beginning of 'our end'. . . . It is therefore worth coldly admitting that the West has declared war on us and is already waging it. We did not choose this war, we did not want it. Even in 1941, we did not want war with Nazi Germany and refused to believe in it until the very end. But in the current situation, when the war is waged against us de facto, this is not decisive. The only thing that matters now is to win it by defending Russia's right to be.

History Debunked - Simon Webb

Nation Revisited

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European Outlook

All articles are by Bill Baillie unless otherwise stated. The opinions of guest writers are entirely their own. We seek reform by legal means according to the UN Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19:

"We all have the right to make up our own minds, to think what we like, to say what we think, and to share our ideas with other people."






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