Shamima Begum, the fifteen-year-old schoolgirl who went to Syria with two friends to help the so-called 'Islamic State', had her British citizenship revoked by the then Home Secretary Savid Javid. She was born in London to Bangladeshi parents, but she is not entitled to Bangladeshi citizenship and is now stateless.
The war in Syria took the lives of her two friends, two terrorist husbands, and two children. At 23 she is older and wiser. She bitterly regrets her involvement with the 'Islamic State' and wants to come home to her mother in the UK.
As a stateless person she could hardly be charged with treason when she was supporting terrorists with the same objective as the British government; to bring down Bashar al-Assad. But British courts have always been confused about treason and citizenship. They executed William Joyce and John Amery for supporting Germany during the Second World War despite the fact that William Joyce was a naturalised German citiizen and John Amery was a naturalised Spanish ctizen. Today, legal objections would be raised by their defence lawyers, but in the vengeful climate of post-war Britain death sentences were expected and duly carried out.
The following article is from Nation Revisited # 2 January 2006.
John Amery was born on 14 March 1912 and executed on 19 December 1945. After his education at Harrow and London University he fought for the Nationalists in the Spanish Civil War and was granted Spanish citizenship. Following General Franco’s victory Amery moved to France where he campaigned with the fascist leaders Jaques Doriot and Marcel Deat, who both fought for Germany as French volunteers. There he met his wife Jeannine Barde, who he described in his last statement as “my beloved friend and political revolutionary.”
He began broadcasting for the Germans in 1942 and started to raise a Free Corps from amongst British prisoners of war to fight on the Eastern Front. His recruiting leaflet ends with the words;
“This conflict between England and Germany is racial suicide. We must unite and take up arms against the common enemy. We ask you to come into our ranks and fight shoulder to shoulder for Europe and for England.”
In 1945 he was broadcasting for the Italian Social Republic when he was captured by Partisans and brought back to England for trial at the Old Bailey.
The Crown-appointed psychiatrist Dr Edward Glover never examined John Amery but nevertheless made a diagnosis of moral insanity; this was based on evidence from parents and teachers that he had suffered a period of bed-wetting as a child and had been suspected of masturbation! Faced with a court that disregarded the diagnosis of insanity and his Spanish citizenship John Amery pleaded guilty.
The Times of 29th November 1945 reported:
"The Judge then said to him: “John Amery I have read the depositions and the exhibits in this case, and I am satisfied that you knew what you did and that you did it intentionally and deliberately after you had received warning from more than one of your fellow countrymen that the course you were pursuing amounted to high treason. They called you a traitor and you heard them; but in spite of that you continued in that course. You now stand a self-confessed traitor to your King and country, and you have forfeited the right to live.”
The Judge then passed the only sentence allowed; death by hanging. Amery had kept his eyes on the Judge throughout his remarks and while he passed sentence. Showing no sign of emotion, he bowed with dignity to the Judge and turned to walk down the steps to the cells. No jury was sworn and the Attorney-General did not speak throughout the brief hearing.
The South African Prime Minister Jan Smuts made an appeal to British Prime Minister Clement Atlee on the grounds that the offence had been ideological and not criminal but it was rejected. The hangman Albert Pierrepoint described John Amery as the bravest man that he had ever had to hang. When his mother asked to see her son’s grave in 1948 she was refused. He left us two works “England and Europe” a synopsis of the situation in 1943 and “John Amery Speaks” a collection of his wartime radio transcripts, both are available from Amazon.
I Believed - Douglas Hyde
Douglas Hyde was a leading journalist on the Daily Worker who believed that the end justifies the means. As a Communist he would do anything to serve the Soviet Union, including lying and stealing. He tells of his conversion to Christianity and his rejection of Communism in his 1959 book 'I Believed' which is obtainable from Amazon.
From a secret party member working in the Home Office we got news of his pending release. I immediately wrote a "forecast" to this effect, backing it up with a pre-war picture of Mosley in full SS uniform, calculated to raise maximum indignation.
Our members in industry began at once to get resolutions passed in the factories. The first, as usual on such issues came from a clothing factory in North London, followed by another from a cabinet works. Quite deliberately we used the Jewish fear of fascism and antisemitism for our own political ends. It made the Stepney branch our strongest, with over 1,000 members. It was the Party's greatest asset in Jewish areas all over Britain.
Yet nowhere will one find a more cynical antisemitism than in the party itself. And the most antisemitic communists of all are those of Jewish origin. Just as the Catholic-turned-communist tends to become the most anti-Catholic, so the man or woman from a religious Jewish home who turns communist will become anti-Jewish, identifying his religion with his race. In his anxiety to "emancipate" himself from earlier influences he will try to live down his Jewish origin and in doing so he will often react viciously against his old background and his former associates.
The Jewish communist who, in Party circles, says the most outrageously antisemitic things can do so without reproof. For coming from him it is seen merely as proof of his successful "emancipation".
Our reputation as the great opponents of antisemitism paid hansome dividends during the next few weeks. Resolutions poured in, setting a snowball rolling which became the biggest thing in the papers history.
Housewifes took petitions from door to door demanding that Mosley should "remain behind bars", they collected names in stores and fish queues. Men in the Forces set round-robin letters in motion to which the names of officers as well as men were appended. In the factories members of the management in many cases signed petitions or supported resolutions.
When Mosley was released nonetheless, I wrote one of the bitterest articles I had ever penned and again it rang the bell. Within a few days thousands of resolutions and petitions allegedly backed by hundreds of thousands of people demanding his reinternment, were reported to us.
It confirmed us in our view that the anti-fascist campaign I had built up was one of the biggest political assets and was therefore to be continued at all costs.
Another one-time fascist leader who had been released was John Beckett, who was associated with the Duke of Bedford. In my post one day came an envelope addressed to me, inside which, however, was a letter written to Beckett, confirming the booking of a room in a hotel in Scotland for a small meeting of members of his Party.
A few days later I received a courteous note from Beckett in which he said that he was enclosing a letter which had come to him in an envelope bearing his name and address but clearly intended for me.
The security people at the post office, opening the correspondence of both communists and fascist alike, had it seemed, had the two letters out at the same time and had put them back in the wrong envelopes.
Communists do not write courteous letters to fascists and so I did not return Beckett's letter to him. Instead, I had a crypto-communist at the appropriate date and time in the hotel in Scotland and was, as a consequence, able to run an exclusive story of his Party's intentions.
'I Believed' The autobiography of a former British Communist is available from Amazon.
Lions and Unicorns
Under the mystic protection of heraldic symbols the lunatic fringe of the Tory Party is threatening Russia and China and supporting the corrupt Zelensky regime in Ukraine. These super-patriotic, tax-avoiding Brexiteers are living in a land of make-belief where lions and unicorns populate the sunlit uplands.
In the real world, our workers are on strike, the economy is shrinking, the pound is sinking, people are cold and hungry, inflation is running at ten percent, the housing crisis is getting worse, and the countless unemployed of Africa and Asia are heading to our shores.
The UK Government estimates that it will cost £100 billion to replace its Trident nuclear missile system. CND has calculated the cost at £205 billion, but these estimates are based on 2012 figures, they could be much more. The final cost of replacing the Vanguard-class submarines and their missiles and warheads is unknown.
The Government can find the money for missile systems that will never be used but it can't afford to give nurses a rise. As our pensioners ride buses to keep warm in the winter because they can't afford to turn on their heating, they can comfort themselves with the thought that we are capable of nuking Russia. And those subsisting on benefits can celebrate our generous foreign aid program, which includes £67.9 million to China. In the wonderful land of Tory make-belief it all makes sense.
For The Sake of History - Ilias Ermeidis
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In Vietnam you burned them with napalm bombs, the forests the infrastructure of an entire state, you left nothing standing, you dropped the bombs into the cities and villages destroying everything.
You destroyed Yugoslavia by bombing Belgrade itself, bombing homes, hospitals, without countimg anything.
You tried Milosevic as a criminal in The Hague with a parody trial that killed him, letting the ouchekades baptize Kosovo (Albanian) because you liked it.
You had the Turks invade Cyprus, an independent state, and still 50 years now, we can't even find the bones of the missing putting us to negociate to this day, with our butcher allegedly to solve the Cyprus issue, while you are fine and comfortable with the situation.
You let the Turks roam the Aegean, question the islands and tell us to "find each other" while you know what is happening and who threatens whom.
You broke up Libya, along with your European friends because you didn't like Gaddafi, and he didn't give you oil at a free price.
You fought six full years of civil war in Syria because you didnt like Assad, and you were bothered by the Russian naval base in Syria, and Assad came out to be very Russian.
You invaded Iraq to find the nukes, and Afghanistan allegedly to find your ex-friend Bin Laden and you destroyed both countries, bombing uncontolled cities and villages destroying everything, sending Baghdad cruise missiles from your ships that exploded in the shelters, killing women and children. Who can forget that night.
Are you talking about democracy?
You guys who built the perfect center for physical and mental torture in Guantanamo?
Those of you who hung Hussein without trial who at least a few years ago was your best friend and ally?
You who with your wars and policies created ISIS and Taliban.
You who overthrew in the bloodiest coup Salvador Allende in Chile, an elected democratic president, killing him inside the presidential palace, and installing the cruelest Pinochet dictatorship.
You who when the Berlin Wall fell, you promised Russia that NATO would not extend an inch and you reached it in the feet of Russia, despite your promises and agreements.
Are you talking about democracy, peace, and Russia's war crimes?
You filled all Europe with Pershing and Cruise missiles by surrounding Russia which you didn't mind. You did not comply with a single condition of the Minsk Agreement, while on the contrary Russia fulfilled all of them.
A lifetime of hypocrites.
Even Hitler, your own multinationals funded him and made him a beast.
So only Ukraine was missing from the puzzle to complete NATO's noose around Russia to drown it.
Since 2009 Putin has been warning you that Ukraine is a red line.
In 2014, with the coup that you subjugated, you threw out Yanukovic, elected president, exploiting Nazi and fascist regiments slaughtering the world, and installed a puppet government intended to prepare the country for entry into NATO and EU while you knew it was a red line for Russia.
You talk about democracy and invasions of independent states?
History Debunked - Simon Webb
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All articles are by Bill Baillie unless otherwise stated. The opinions of guest writers are entirely their own. We seek reform by legal means according to the UN Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19:
"We all have the right to make up our own minds, to think what we like, to say what we think, and to share our ideas with other people ."
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