The Party System
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Boris Johnson has resigned as prime minister but he remains in power until his successor is chosen in September by members of the Conservative Party. Frankie Boyle says that they are trying to lure him out of number ten with a used pair of knickers on a fishing line. The choice is between Liz Truss, the Foreign Secretary, and Rishi Sunak the Chancellor. He would probably send us bankrupt and she could start a war with Russia.
The Tories traditionally stand for the status quo; the Establishment, the Church of England, the Monarchy, and big business. They believe in low wages and 'hire and fire'. They pretend to stand for law and order, and immigration control, but they underfunded the police and turned a blind eye to immigration for the sake of cheap labour. They are always cheats and liars.
The Labour Party is supposed to be the party of the working man. They are bankrolled by the trade unions and staffed by the middle class. They believe in tax and spend, nationalisation, comprehensive education, and the National Health Service. Their hearts are in the right place but they always leave the country in a mess.
It's hard to say what the Liberal-Democrats stand for. They are pro-European but afraid to campaign openly for rejoining the EU. The right wing of the party is near to the Labour Party but their left wing flirts dangerously with libertarian anarchy.
These are the choices facing the British electorate when they put their illiterate crosses on ballot papers at election time. In Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland they can vote for old-fashioned nationalist parties, and there are always minority parties standing throughout the country with no hope of success.
This is the party system that we expect to solve our problems; a national debt of £2.4 trillion, rising Third World immigration, declining productivity, a housing crisis, a cost of living crisis, and a skilled labour shortage.
In 1911 Hillaire Belloc and Cecil Chesterton published 'The Party System' which looked at the politcal situation as it then was. Sadly, nothing has changed:
"We have just attempted a sketch of representative government as it ought to be, and the English people long believed that they had got, if not quite that, then at least a decent approximation to it. It was their boast that without bloodshed or violent severence with the past they had as much of the reality of self-government as the most perfectly planned Republic could have. In what degree this was ever true will form the matter of discussion later. But undoubtedly it was widely believed . Most Englishmen until very lately, if told they were not self-governing, would have laughed in your face.
But now a dim suspicion has begun to arise in the minds of at least a section of the people that this historic optimism is not quite as true as it looks, that the electors do not as a fact control the representatives, and that the representatives do not as a fact control the Government, that something alien has intervened between electors and elected, between legislature and Executive, something that deflects the working of representative institutions.
That thing is the Party System."
Sam Dickson
Take a look at this:
This organization is not even racially aware. It's a civic nationalist organization. It's ridiculous even for a hit organization with little credibility like the SPLC to call this a "hate group."
The group has staged counter protests all over America using the same means that these guys were using:
1. Renting a U-Haul and putting the entire group into one vehicle the license plate of which would be of no use to Antifa;
2. Wearing masks so as to avoid doxing by Antifa and the Antifa-fawning System Media. (Antifa almost invariably wears masks. The authorities all over America - probably at the instance of the FBI - hardly ever enforce the anti-mask laws against them and the System Media gives the Antifa a pass, just as they do when Antifa and its related minority racist, leftist support groups carry guns to the public meetings. You don't see remarks about the guns in System reporting on events where these people show up armed. Such conduct is only mentioned when someone opposed to Antifa carries a gun.)
These boys haven't even been charged with a crime...until now by these photo-hungry authorities and cops in Idaho seeking System Media and FBI/Deep State approval.
Note the false statement reiterated throughout the article that the accused wore shirts with "Conquerors on thieves." In fact, as the photos show if you look carefully (which most readers won't do) one of the guys wore a shirt with "Conquerors not thieves." Dropping the "t" on the end of "not" and reversing the letters "o" and "n" raises a vague suggestion that the motto means violence towards the gay demonstrators. Not a very clear charge but the best the presstitutes could fashion.
Similarly, the "sticks" the presstitutes say the boys were carrying are actually flagpoles with which they usually fly the yankee flag in their demonstrations.
Even in the unlikely event that these young folks are acquitted despite jury pressure, System Media jury tainting and judges who act as a part of the prosecution team, the arrests will bear fruit for our enemies, to-wit:
1. All these guys will be doxxed by Antifa. Their names, home addresses, employers and photographs will be accessed by Antifa. As a result many of them will lose their jobs, be financially ruined and be subjected to Antifa threats and instigation of crimes by having their neighborhoods pamphleted (as I have experienced) with cleverly worded inferences that they should be subjected to criminal attacks to punish them for their "fascism."
2. They will incur heavy attorney's fees in their efforts to defend themselves against this System railroading. They will also incur expenses of travel to and from Idaho.
Welcome to the nation "with liberty and justice for all."
The most supremely hypocritical nation on earth.
Sam Dickson
Uncontrolled money printing resulted in the runaway inflation that crippled Zimbabwe under the Robert Mugabe regime. It got so bad that the desperate Zimbabweans abandoned their own currency and adopted the US dollar. Governments can get away with 'quantitative easing' if they have a dynamic economy, but Zim, after the overthrow of white rule, became a typical African basket case.
Chancellor Alistair Darling had no choice in October 2008, if he hadn't bailed out the banks following the subprime mortgage crisis the entire banking system would have collapsed. Those who think that the banks are part of a great conspiracy would have celebrated but jobs, mortgages, and savings would have been wiped out.
Similarly, Chancellor Rishi Sunak printed money to keep our economy going during the Coronavirus shutdown. Once again there were those who objected to such generosity, but without it we might be in an even worse mess.
Quantitative Easing, or money printing, is just another form of borrowing. The government lends the money to itself, but eventually the loan must be paid back. We are paying back the money that the government used to bail out the banks in 2008, to pay for the Coronavirus pandemic over the past two years, and to prop-up the doomed Zelensky regime in Ukraine.
There are various theories on how to correct the situation. Major Douglas proposed the Social Credit system, JM Keynes offered the Wage Price Mechanism, and the Communists believed in state ownership. All of these systems were 20th century solutions that required central planning and regulation. It's safe to say that we are not going to abandon global capitalism. Instead, we must pay back our national debt and try to live within our means. This will take time but it shouldn't involve austerity. We must maintain essential services but stop trying to feed and defend half the world. We are not a great power that can distribute weapons and money around the world.
The Second World War was the most expensive thing this country ever did. We survived by selling all our assets and borrowing money from the US and Canada, which we only paid back in 2006. If we do the same with our current debt it will probably take another sixty years; if the US doesn't go broke in the mean time.
Mussolini In The News: Swiss Show Strength While America Takes The Knee - Eric Galati
The deletion of existence and its culture has always existed in America. Except today we have a name for it, and even The Political Right in America wants us to believe it's something new, Really!!!??? I need not count the events. I may end up in Saint Elizabeth's Memorial Hospital, a bona fide Mad House like a certain poet, for thirteen and half years.
Well Il Duce has been victorious against Cancel Culture. It is almost miraculous that a University's administration and its cultural board have made the decision they did: shame on America The Land of The Free & Home of the Brave! Viva Gli Svizzeri! Iddio Ti Benedica, Eric - A Noi! A Boia Chi Molla!
European Outlook: Eric Galati was commenting on the decision by the University of Lausanne not to revoke Benito Mussolini's honorary degree. He was made a Doctor of Science in 1937. The citation reads: "For having conceived and realised in his homeland a social organisation which has enriched socialogical science and which will leave a profound mark on history." This follows the wave of destruction throughout the Western World that has seen statues toppled and memorials desecrated. Historic figures such as Christopher Columbus and Cecil Rhodes are now seen as wicked men forever connected to slavery and imperialism. The achievements of our great men are dismissed by self-hating whites and envious blacks who have nothing much to boast about. But they can't rewrite history. Benito Mussolini established the world's first welfare state, Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas, and Cecil Rhodes pioneered the goldfields of South Africa. Instead of being intimidated by left-wing agitators, we should be proud of our heroes.
22 Measures for 2022
Marine le Pen came second in the French presidential election with 41.4% against Emmanuel Macron with 58.5%. And in the parliamentary election her rebranded party increased its representation in the National Assembly from 8 to 89 seats. The old National Front was decidedly Eurosceptic but the new National Rally party has dropped all opposition to the EU.
Their policy statement is entitled 22 Measures for 2022:
1) Stop uncontrolled immigration by giving the floor to the French by referendum.
2) Eradicate Islamic ideologies and all of their networks from the national territory.
3) Make safety everywhere and for everyone a priority for the five year term.
4) Reduce VAT from 20% to 5.5% on energy products (fuel, oil, gas and electricity) as basic necessities.
5) Allow companies a 10% wage increase (up to 3 minimum wage by exempting ths increase fom employer contributions.
6) Renationalise motorways to lower tolls by 15% and privatize public broadcasting to eliminate the Euro 138 fee.
7) Encourage young people's projects and their entry into working life.
8) Support French families.
9) Guarantee our seniors a peaceful and dignified retirement.
10) Finally, ensure the rights of our compatriots with disabilities.
11) Introduce the Citizens initiative Referendum and introduce proportional representation.
12) Ensure our energy independence to lower the French bill.
13) Defend our farmers and quality food for all.
14) Launch a Euro 20 billion emergency health support plan.
15) Restore our education system so that it regains its mission of transmitting knowledge.
16) Remove the IFL which taxes rooting and create an IFF, tax on financial wealth, to tax speculation.
17) Promote access to property and housing for French people.
18) Establish economic patriotism to reindustrialize and produce wealth in France.
19) Create a "French sovereign wealth fund" to increase the renumeration of French savings and direct it towards strategic sectors and innovation.
20) Increase the defence budget to 55 billion euros by 2027.
21) Create a Ministry of State for the Sea and Overseas.
22) Create a ministry for the fight against fraud (tax, social contributions and benefits, imports, agreements etc).
Capt Elwyn Wright
Capt Elwyn Wright (photocredit FOM) -
In Euorpean Outlook # 76, July 2022, I asked for information about Capt Elwyn Wright, an 18B detainee who was greatly admired by Sevetri Devi. I have discovered that he was the organiser of the Anglo-German Fellowship which was closed down in 1939. The AGF was supported by luminaries such as Montagu Norman, the Governor of the Bank of England, Lord Mount Temple, Lord Nuffield, and the Duke of Wellington, but only Capt Elwyn Wright was detained on the Isle of Man where he made common cause with members of British Union.
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