Federal Europe
The same is true of Yugoslavia which was one country under Marshall Tito but is now divided into Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo, Serbia and North Macedonia, seven different states, all members of the South Slav family, and all speaking related languages.
Czechoslovakia has split into Czechia and Slovakia, both Slavic nations with a shared history and culture.
And we are now facing the prospect of the United Kingdom being split between England and Scotland, with Wales and Northern Ireland facing an uncertain future.
There is much talk about 'Europe of One Hundred Flags' but what is the point of parochialism? Almost every European country is comprised of regions with nationalist pretensions. France could disintegrate into Brittany, Normandy, Corsica etc, Germany could revert to her ancient states, Prussia, Bavaria etc, Italy into North and South, Spain into half a dozen states, and Belgium into Wallonia and Flanders.
This subdivision is a retrograde step. The logical European model is a federation stretching from the Atlantic to the Russian border. One day perhaps Russia will be included, but for the present we should stick to the EU and its associated states, including the UK. Brexit is a temporary aberration and mini-states are an anachronism.
The individual states of the United States of America have their own histories and cultures; New York was originally Dutch. New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina were British colonies. Louisiana was French, Florida was Spanish, Texas, California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Colorado, and Wyoming were Mexican, Alaska was Russian, and Hawaii was a Polynesian kingdom. Since the Civil War, there hasn't been a serious movement to split up the USA because Americans know that their power and prosperity depends on unity.
Under the Roman Empire every citizen was proud to say: "Civis Romanus Sum" - "I am a Roman Citizen", and when Europe is truly united, as it inevitably will be, we will say: "I am a European Citizen."
Lost Amenities
Years ago there was a public convenience in every district. Seperate facilities for men and women that were looked after by dedicated attendants who kept them clean and hygeinic. Today, they have disappeared, along with banks, public libraries, police stations, fire stations, ticket offices, and pubs.
The banks argue that we can do our banking online, but we can't piss online. The only time we see a policeman is when a police car speeds by, and consulting a doctor face to face is a rare privilege.
Our public services have been decimated and our expectations have been reduced. We no longer expect the police to catch criminals, but if they do manage to arrest a murderer or a rapists we can be sure that he will receive a lenient sentence from a liberal judiciary. Criminals can't be sent to prison because our prisons are bursting at the seams and we have a desperate lack of prison officers.
Wherever you look in the UK things are getting worse. Modern technology should have given us a bouyant economy but our unequal society ensures that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
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Nobody seriously believes that the Tory Party wants to level up society. The Tories are there to defend the traditional aristocracy of landowners, and the new aristocracy of casino capitalists and drug dealers. But such is the power of the right-wing press that any threat from the Labour Party is dealt with by a campaign of lies and propaganda such as the one that destroyed Jeremy Corbyn (pictured). He was never an anti-Semite but the mainstream media stands truth on its head and convinces the gullible public that black is white.
The same media is pushing the idea of the small state; a low tax economy where people are forced to fend for themselves. That's fine if you are wealthy but if you are only just managing it's a death sentence. At a time when we owe £2.4 trillion, and face a recession, it's irresponsible madness to talk about tax cuts. When we've got inflation under control, and productivity is rising, we can have tax cuts, but not before.
So, the next time that you need a policeman, or a firefighter, or a banker, or if you are caught short with no public toilets in sight, remember that that's what you voted for.
False Labels
The Trade Description Act protects the public from false claims. You can't say that a particular shampoo prevents baldness unless you can prove it. But when it comes to politics you can say what you like, as long as it's within the law. In reality the mainstream political parties are all of the centre. They all support the Atlantic Alliance, the multicultural society, and unrestrained capitalism.
We classify them as right-wing or left-wing but these labels are increasingly irrelevant. And so is the label 'far-right'. Nation Revisited and European Outlook use the cross and star emblem that was originally devised by John Bean in 1957 to represent his National Labour Party. The cross stands for the nation, and the star stands for socialism. National Socialism if you like, but not the regime that slaughtered its socialists on the Night of the Long Knives, or that relied on slave labour to man its industry and agriculture while its citizens were trying to conquer the world.
JB believed in the socialism pioneered by Kier Hardy, and the simple patriotism expressed by the slogan: 'For Queen and Country'. He was a self-confessed racist, as befits a man born in 1927, when the British Empire was intact. We can't rewrite history, and we can't ascribe manners and morals retrospectively. If a statue of John Bean existed the Black Lives Matter mob would bring it down, while the police 'took the knee' and the mainstream media celebrated diversity.
I believe in Natural Selection as described by Charles Darwin (picture). There is absolutely no doubt that the races of the Northern Hemisphere contributed the most to human achievement, but education and technology have enabled the rest of humanity to catch up. It took thousands of years to develop the airplane but a naked and illiterate New Guinea tribesman can be taught to fly one. I don't believe in the great Jewish Conspiracy. I am a fascist, in as much as I believe in authority and leadership, but I have no desire to annex Albania or colonise Ethiopia. I applaud the achievements of the white race but I am not a racist. I believe in the political and economic principles expounded by Oswald Mosley, and representative government. So what label is
Colin Todd on Tory Sleaze (written in July 2022)
Now that the disgusting Boris Johnson is on the way out as Prime Minister the 'beauty' contest to replace him should provide a ghastly form of entertainment.
Peter Rushton asks 'Who Speaks for The British' ?
Following pathetic results for British Nationalists in the 2022 UK council elections, Peter Rushton wrote a long and detailed analysis in Heritage and Destiny'. - www.heritageanddestiny.com
This is his conclusion:
"It is a sad commentry on the utter failure of racial and civil nationalism at this year's elections that the most significant 'success' was for Graham Williamson, former deputy chairman of the National Front, who has for many years distanced himself from even the most broadley defined types of nationalism (though he remains an executive member of the Solidarity trade union, run by his former NF, Third Way, and National Liberal colleagues Patrick Harrington and David Kerr).
Williamson easily won re-election in South Hornchurch ward, Havering for his 'Rainham Independent Residents Association'.
Saddest of all is that this year's elections provided further proof of widespread public dissilusionment with traditional politics. Many voters continued to shun both the Conservative and Labour, looking not to nationalists but to a range of tiny localist parties or even to resurgent Liberal Democrats and Greens. A serious nationalist party ought to be able to attract many of these protest voters and forge a more positive agenda. Are nationalists seriously interested in electoral politics, or will they continue to waste time and energy on futile conspiracy theorising and online posturing?
There are two reasons to be active in politics: either to build towards the possibility of winning at least a share of power; or to build a consistent and credible core ideology that - even if presently remote from winning power - can contribute to winning the battle of ideas and attract elite recruits for the next generation. At present our movement lacks either electoral or intellectual credibility."
European Outlook: Peter Rushton is right. Little parties contesting elections without considerable financial backing are wasting their time. In the 2017 UK general election the Tories spent £18.6 million, Labour spent £11 million, and the Lib-Dems spent £6.8 million. Elections are too expensive for the minor parties but they could but build a credible core ideology. The Socialist Party of Great Britain has been moulding left-wing opinion since 1904. They occasionally stand in elections but only as a training excercise. They argue their case sensibly with literature and meetings, they don't disrupt other peoples meetings, and generations of politicians and journalists have been influenced by them.
Darya Dugina RIP
20 August 2022, Alexander Dugin's 30 year-old journalist daughter Darya Dugina was assassinated by a car bomb in Moscow. She shared her father's views and supported her country's actions in Ukraine. May she rest in peace.
Nation Revisited
Our sister blog Nation Revisited is posted at: https://nationrevisited.blogspot.com
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