Thursday 30 November 2023

European Outlook # 93 December 2023

The Beauty of Aryanism - Eddy Morrison - reprinted from The White Nationalist Sept 2015

The late Eddy Morrison had his faults but he was an inspiring speaker and a gifted writer who devoted himself to the nationalist cause. But he was not an insular nationalist, he could see beyond the White Cliffs of Dover, and he fought for the survival of our people throughout the world. His use of the word 'Aryan' is shocking to modern ears but there's nothing sinister about it. An 'Aryan' was originally anyone speaking an Indo-European language, but nowadays it's taken to mean a member of the White Race.

In this world of negativity, where everything that we believe to be true is called a falsehood. In a world where the things we love are turned into objects of hate. In a world where history is continually changed to suit the liberal consensus. In a world of "peace lovers" who sit planning and waging war against our own people - in many cases their own people, it is hard to retain and remember that what we fight for is beautiful.

Today, the greatest possible sin is to be a "racialist." This is fast replacing murder as the worst possible crime you can commit! But what does it mean to us to be a racialist? Are we "haters" or are we people in LOVE with their heritage and their traditions, and who dream a dream of a future world where there is a place in the sun for our people - the Aryans.

To be a racialist for us, the Aryan fighters for freedom, is simply to recognise the beauty of individual races, each striving along its own path to its own destiny. The greatest wish for a real racialist is not an infantile "hatred" of other peoples, which is negative and counter-productive, but the wish to BE OURSELVES, different and separate from other races. They have their own histories and their own lifestyles, let them have them. We have ours and we have our own destiny to pursue - all that we ask is that we be allowed to do that and peace and unmolested.

What is Aryanism? It is the recognition that White people the world over are part of a large race - the Aryan Race, which from time immemorial has been one of the great founders of civilisations and cultures. The Aryans have been culture bearers throughout their long history, back into the dawn of man and it is this of which we are most proud. All we ask of this world is that we be allowed to exist, to live and to flourish. All we ask is to be left alone from the machinations of the Globalists with their "One World - One Race" agenda. All we ask is the right to live. But remember - rights can only be rights if they are fought for, and if we give up the struggle to assert our separate identity as a people, then we forfeit the right to demand freedom to pursue our Aryan goal.

Beauty is truth and truth is beauty. Our dream is one of truth and beauty. We must not besmirch it by falling into the trap of being the "racists" that the New World Order would think we are - rather let us show them the beauty of Aryanism and the fact that we are fighting for the truest and most beautiful of causes - fuelled by a deep love and concern for our own people. 

Black Crime in America Surging under Biden - Robert Morningstar

Robert Morningstar photo credit

If you have friends in the Afro-American community, it's time to warn them that things have changed under the Chou Bi-Den Administration and racial tolerance is at the lowest ebb since the 1960s.

Yesterday, a Muslim stabbed a gay black man to death in a Brooklyn gas station (the guy was dancing in pink shorts while gassing up his car).

I think it's time to warn black looters, thugs and anti-White provocateurs that some people (like Muslims and Hindus) "have had enough" and that the "Prime Time era" of looting (reparations) and thuggery promoted by the Mockingbird mass media, Black Lives Matter / Antifa era is over.

This is very sad (and painful) to watch, but if politicians like Governor Newsom of California and Mayor Adams of NYC "look the other way" and order police not to intervene to stop shootings, some store owners certainly will.

And who can blame them?

Trouble Ahead

It now seems likely that the Labour Party will win the next UK general election. The Tories have made such a cock-up of things that even the lacklustre Labour Party is seen as a better alternative.

The sacking of Suella Braverman as Home Secretary and the appointment of ex-prime minister Dave Cameron as Foreign Secretary may be the last act of this tired and clueless government.

The new government will be faced with a catalogue of disasters. Our national debt of £2.5 trillion is about the same as our Gross National Product. This is a staggering amount of money, but it doesn't compare to our national debt in 1945 after five years of war. Then it was more than twice our GDP, and we only finished paying it off in 2006.

There are two ways of dealing with debt; we can either stop spending money, which would result in cutbacks to the National Health Service, the police, education, the military etc, or we can go on borrowing.

A demographic crisis is confronting the developed world. In the UK we have labour shortages due to a birth rate below replacement level. This shortage was being met by Polish and other European workers when we were in the EU, but since we quit Europe many of them have gone home and we are relying on Africans and Asians. We must decide what sort of immigrants we want; fellow Europeans who share our race and culture or Africans and Asians who do not.

Ever since the British Nationality Act of 1948 we have been bombarded with multi-racial and multi-cultural propaganda. Governments both Labour and Tory, and the mass media, have brainwashed us into accepting millions of black and brown immigrants. We are told that they are 'enriching' us and we are urged to 'celebrate diversity'. 

They got away with this nonsense because we were relatively wealthy and people could afford to escape from 'enriched' areas when feral youths rioted and burnt the place down. 

Many coloured immigrants contribute to our society but others blatantly live off the state and form criminal gangs that terrorise parts of the country.

Other problems are longstanding; houses are being built all over the country but most of them are far too expensive and mortgages are hard to come by.

Virtually all public service workers are underpaid and looking for more money. 

The police have more or less given up. Only ten percent of crimes are successfully prosecuted and many people don't bother to report thefts and assaults because the police can not, or will not, take action.

This is the unhappy face of the United Kingdom in 2023. But the situation is not beyond recovery. It's not so much policies that are required as a determination to succeed and the confidence to ignore 'international opinion'; notably that of the United States. Imagine the outraged response if a British prime minister announced a total ban on asylum seekers and a positive program to repatriate illegal immigrants.

We need a prime minister to stand up for Britain, but Kier Starmer is not the man. He led the campaign to get rid of Jeremy Corbyn who dared to criticise Israel, and he supports America's proxy war on Russia. Kier Starmer is a self-confessed Zionist and a Tory in all but name who can't be compared to his namesake Kier Hardy, the Labour pioneer who called for "Britain for the British." The Labour Party's greatest asset is shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves, a trained economist with an open mind on Europe who is recommended by Ken Clarke, the best chancellor we ever had.

One-Sided Newspapers

The mendacity of the mainstream mass media is mind boggling. We are led to believe that the Ukrainians are winning the war with Russia despite informed opinion to the contrary by such distinguished figures as Col Douglas McGregor. Ukraine's 'Spring Offensive' was a total failure but it was reported by our newspapers as a great triumph. Such slavish support for American foreign policy was expected from the Daily Mail and the Express, but even the Times and the Telegraph have joined in the deception.

There was a time when the so-called 'quality' newspapers were objective, but they have long since lost their reputation.. During the Second World War newspapers were subject to government censorship. The Daly Worker was banned at the start of WW2 when it saw the war as a "fight amongst thieves," but as soon as the Nazis attacked the Soviet Union it supported the war effort and the ban was lifted. 

We no longer have state censorship but the press conform to a Zionist editorial policy that spews out lies and misinformation. We are expected to believe that carpet bombing civilians in Gaza is justified because Hamas is hiding under schools, mosques, churches and hospitals.

Any criticism of Israeli terror bombing and ethnic cleansing is shouted down as 'anti-Semitism'; even when it comes from fair-minded Jews, such as Miriam Margolyes, Steven Fry, and Harold Pinter.

Israel briefly won the support of the civilised world when she was attacked by Hamas, but the killing of thousands of innocent Palestinians by the IDF has swung public opinion against them.

For years the BBC and the press had a stranglehold on the news. When the Battle of the Bulge ended in 1945 the American government decided that their casualties were far too high to be reported. They got over it by swapping the casualty figures to show that the Germans had lost the most men. Eventually the truth came out but at the time the general public were bamboozled by bullshit.

The situation is dire but at least we have satellite TV channels and websites to counter the established media. The UK government has shut down Russian Television in a flagrant denial of free speech, but You Tube and the Telegram channels are online and al Jazeera and the Hindustan Times are doing a great job reporting the Middle East conflict.

An interesting tit-bit came from Col Douglas McGregor on You Tube. He quoted Max Hastings who recalled that Bibi Netanyahu praised a battalion of North African and Yemenite Jews for taking the Golan Heights in 1973. He said: "they are good soldiers so long as they have white officers."

Meaningless Labels

The terms left and right as applied to political parties comes from the French Revolution of 1789 when supporters of King Louis XVI sat on the right in the National Assembly and supporters of the Revolution sat on the left. But even in those troubled times there were monarchists who favoured social reform and revolutionaries who would have settled for a constitutional monarchy.

Today, the labels 'left' and 'right' are meaningless. Right-wingers are supposed to support the establishment, but Margaret Thatcher, who is still worshipped by the Tory Party, was a revolutionary who wanted to dismantle the Welfare State, and claimed that "there is no such thing as society." This philosophy is not far removed from Anarchism which promotes the Individual over the State. Margaret Thatcher was the unlikely granddaughter of Peter Kropotkin.

The Labour Party was supposed to be socialists until Tony Blair ditched Clause Four and took Britain into an illegal war in Iraq. Following a period of left-wing enthusiasm under Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour Party under Kier Starmer has moved so far to the centre that it's almost indistinguishable from the Tories. They support America's proxy war against Russia in Ukraine and Britain's continued membership of NATO.

To the left of the Labour Party there are small groups of old school communists who compete with the far-right to come bottom of the polls. The Communist Party of Great Britain hasn't had an MP since 1950 when Phil Piratin in Mile End and Willie Gallagher in West Fife both lost their seats.

The Liberal Democrats and the Green Party are well supported in parts of the country but they lack the financial backing necessary to make an impression on the parliamentary system.

The Tories are a centre-right party with an extremist faction led by Boris Johnson.

The extra-parliamentary far-right call for national independence but most of them support NATO and American hegemony.

It has been suggested that politics is a circle. That if you keep going left you end up on the right. Remembering the regimes of Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia this appears to be true. They fought each other in a bitter ideological war that cost the lives of millions, but there was little difference between them. Both regimes sacrificed liberty for efficiency and preached socialism while practising slavery.

I believe in armed neutrality, proportional representation, a reformed House of Lords, closer ties with Europe, tighter immigration controls, the nationalisation of public utilities, strict banking regulations, social security from the cradle to the grave, and fair wages and working conditions. What does that make me?

Majority Rights    

Nation Revisited

European Outlook

All articles are by Bill Baillie unless otherwise stated. The opinions of guest writers are entirely their own. The editor reserves the right to shorten or otherwise amend articles submitted for publication. We seek reform by lawful means according to the UN Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19:

"We all have the right to make up our own minds, to think what we like, to say what we think, and to share our ideas with other people."






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