Repatriation - Kevin Wilshire
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I've often found it rather ironic when members of our liberal 'elite' raise their hands in horror at the very thought of repatriating any of our 'uninvited' guests. Why? It was our own liberal democracy that participated in the forced resettlement of millions of Europeans from their ancestral homelands at the end of WW2.
Those wanting to control immigration have half a dozen political parties to choose from. There is hardly any difference between them. They all put emotion before logic and enthusiasm before reality. They want to increase public spending whilst cutting taxation; a trick that no Chancellor has ever managed. They talk about restoring the issue of money to the Crown, but it really doesn’t matter if money is issued by the Bank of England or the Treasury. A nation’s wealth is based on resources and productivity. Countries that can feed and defend themselves enjoy higher standards of living than those that can't.
The last political party to have intelligent policies was Oswald Mosley’s Union Movement. It had a repatriation policy based on a trade deal with the West Indies, an economic policy based on the Wage Price Mechanism which linked wages to rising productivity, and a housing policy that made house building the responsibility of the national government instead of leaving it to corrupt and inefficient local councils. Unfortunately, the great British public clung to the Old Gang parties, and we are now suffering the consequences.
A patriotic political party could still make a difference. The trouble is that the existing ones cling to pre-war policies that no longer make sense. Economic nationalism was viable before WW2 when we had a mighty empire to buy our manufactured goods in exchange for their raw materials. But it will not work in a global market; as Brexit is proving. The UK imports half of its food and fuel and needs dollars to pay for them.
We are a post-industrial European state with commensurate armed forces. We have a thriving scientific base, and we lead the world in banking and insurance, but we are not an imperial power and it’s time that we realised it.
We should never have got involved in America’s colonial wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and we should keep out of their proxy war in Ukraine. America has not won a significant war since WW2. The Korean War ended in stalemate, Vietnam was a disaster, the Middle East was an unnecessary bloodbath, and Afghanistan was a twenty-year exercise in futility. All that we got out of these wars was dead and crippled soldiers and multitudes of refugees.
But all is not lost. Global capitalism is in crisis, American debt is unsustainable, the BRIC nations are setting up an alternative trading currency, Europe is going into recession, refugees from Africa and Asia are continuing to flee from poverty, the war in Ukraine is threatening the stability of the West, and Israel is once again at war with the Palestinians. In such a chaotic scenario almost anything is possible.
The important thing is to stand up to the mass media and state our case openly. The following quote is from 'Violent London' by Clive Bloom, Sidgwick & Jackson 2003.
"Extreme Mosleyites and suspected Nazi sympathisers were interrogated by MI5 at Latchmere House on Ham Common. After a regime of 'semi-starvation' and psychological pressure, prisoners were meant to crack under interrogation. Some, however, like Charlie Watts, saw themselves as defiant heroes in enemy hands. At the end of the ordeal, Watts had breath enough to spit out 'Hail Mosley - fuck 'em all!'
Charlie Watts (the pre-war Blackshirt, not the Rolling Stones drummer) was born in Croydon, Surrey in 1903 and died in Penzance, Cornwall in 1971. He was district leader of the Westminster branch of the BUF and leader of the London cab drivers section. He was detained under Defence Regulation 18B together with over a thousand fascists. He wrote "It has Happened Here", an account of his brutal treatment in the Ham Common Concentration Camp. This was serialised in the Friends of Mosley magazine 'Comrade' from 1986.
Turkey and Europe
Turkey's admission to the European Union seems as far away as ever because the main European countries are hostile to the idea. Most Britons have never heard of the Battle of Vienna in 1683 when Jan Sobieski the King of Poland led a combined European army against the Turks led by Kara Mustafa. But mainland Europeans have more of a racial memory than us.
Turkey will probably remain outside the EU with privileged access to the single market. Their economy is going through a challenging period but the Turks are an industrious and educated nation with modern defence forces and abundant resources.
The Cyprus situation is a bone of contention between Turkey and the rest of Europe. The Turks invaded Northern Cyprus in 1974 following an EOKA coup led by Nicos Sampson (1935-2001).
The Greek Cypriots, and the rest of the world, have never recognised the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, but the reality is that it has been part of Turkey for the last 49 years.
The logical thing would be for the international community to recognise Turkish sovereignty over the north, and accept the age old dream of the Greek Cypriots for union with Greece.
When Britain quit Cyprus in 1960, after a long and bloody colonial war, we retained the so-called Sovereign Bases in the south. We don't known what these military installations cost the British taxpayer, but they employ 3.500 servicemen and 7,000 civilians. In 1960 it was argued that we needed them to protect the Suez Canal and the sea route to India. Today we have no such Imperial concerns; a more likely use for these bases is the protection of Israel, a country much loved by the British establishment.
One of the objections heard in Europe is that Turkey is a Muslim country, but the Turkish Republic has been a secular state since 1922 when Mustafa Kemal abolished the Caliphate. Some Turks are devout but many of them practice Islam like we practice Christianity; going to the Mosque only for weddings, baptisms, and funerals. Another objection is that they are Asians. It's true that most of their country lies east of the Bosporus but that doesn't necessarily make them Asians. Their language derives from central Asia but so does Finnish and Hungarian.
Turkey is in Europe and Asia but most Turks look European. They will never be accepted by the 'Master Race' fraternity that looks down on Latins and Slavs, but they have been easily assimilated in Germany and the UK.
Turkey's President Erdogan (pictured) is accused by the West of being pro-Russian, and by the Russians of being pro-Western, but he is really a Turkish nationalist who puts his own country first. Whatever happens, Turkey will remain a powerful country on the edge of Europe that we have to do business with.
The Rise of the AFD - Robert Lyons from Baltimore
Thank you for the latest issues of Nation Revisited and European Outlook, very interesting reading as always, thanks very much for sending. Always interested in what is considered forbidden speech of censorship of thought in the UK and Europe. What is censored seems to be anything the left doesn't approve of, difficult living that way never knowing what is okay one day and prohibited the next.
Carolyn Yeager wrote about Alternative fur Deutschland (AfD) in Germany:
" Not since the NDP has the right shaken the left so much, happy to see it. Already the German government is debating banning the party.
Two local runoff votes in Eastern Germany were won by the Alternative fur Deutschland (AfD), now the country's most successful far-right party since World War Two.
Robert Sesselmann won the June 25th District Administrator election in Sonneberg, a small district in east Germany's Thuringia state. It was the first time a candidate from the far-right party was elected to head a government. A district administrator does not have much clout, but jubilant AfD leaders are hoping the victory will herald far greater political success."
Keep on fighting old friend, for those of us old cripples on the side line like me who like cheering you on.
What is Nationalism?
Opponents of the European Union see it as a monolithic empire on the lines of Oswald Mosley's 'Europe a Nation'. But it's actually a loose confederation of self-governing nation states tied together by a customs union.
The EU may be a step towards a continental empire but its member states are still nations in their own right. The French are still French, the Germans are still Germans, and the Irish are still Irish. Membership of the EU has not eroded nationality or nationalism.
On a smaller scale, the union of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales into the United Kingdom functions as a federal state but each nation clings to its own culture and traditions.
All of this has been confused by the introduction of non-Europeans. The French encouraged them to assimilate into French culture and become black and brown Frenchmen. In the UK we 'celebrated diversity', by bending over backwards to accommodate alien cultures, languages, and religions. But the results were just the same; both countries have ended up with discontented immigrant enclaves given to rioting and arson.
The breakdown of traditional societies has produced civic-nationalist parties like Ukip. They are fiercely pro-British whilst recognising anybody as British who lives in the UK. On the other hand racial nationalist parties like the National Front go to the other extreme and exclude black and brown people even if they were born in the UK. They dream of an ethnic state for Britons only; but is such a state possible?
Israel was founded as a home for the Jews. Every Jew has a right of entry, but things are not so simple. The Jews who founded the state of Israel were mostly from Russia, Poland and Germany. They are European by culture, but Jews from North Africa and Western Asia are very different, and the latest wave of Jewish immigrants from Ethiopia are different again. Also, the non-Jewish population is over twenty percent, mostly Palestinians, Russians, and African refugees. The ancient dream of a Jewish state has not been realised, and the bitter enmity between Israelis and Palestinians is as bad as ever.
Nationality is a confusing mixture of race, language, culture, religion, territory, and identity. Nepalese Gurkha soldiers were proud to die for the British Empire, but English-speaking Irishmen who were born in the British Empire demanded independence.
I was born in 1945 and although the Empire was on its last legs, I was proud to be British and loved to see a map of the world with all our possessions marked out in red. I never felt particularly English, probably because my family was of Scottish and Irish heritage. The first time that I was aware of English nationalism was when football supporters started waving the Cross of St George and chanting "England, England."
But many people who are happy to be part of a British federation are bitterly opposed to being part of a wider European federation.
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And many of those who campaign for immigration controls ignore Race when it suits them. Otto Abeysakera, (the dark man next to Jeffrey Hamm) was a dedicated anti-communist Sinhalese who supported Mosley's Union Movement in the old days. And although he was brown-skinned, we never had any problem accepting him as a friend and comrade in the struggle.
Adolf Hitler, and Benjamin Disraeli, believed that "all is race" but Spengler and Yockey put culture first. I believe that they were right up to a point. The real answer is to treat people as human beings whist maintaining a practical approach to immigration. It's wrong to treat non-Europeans unfairly but it's criminal insanity to have an open door immigration policy.
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