Friday 31 July 2020

European Outlook # 62 August 2020

The Yellow Peril

Boris Johnson's sudden hostility to China has got little to do with Hong Kong, it's just another example of our slavish support for American foreign policy. Donald Trump has started a trade war with China to boost his election chances. Nobody seriously challenges China's right to administer Hong Kong. The fact that the city was once a British colony is neither here nor there. Half of the world was part of the British Empire but we don't interfere in India or Africa because we once ruled over them.

China is accused of human right abuses but so are many of our trade partners, including Israel, and Saudi Arabia. We manage to live with the occupation of Palestine and the bombing of Yemen but we are worried about Hong Kong.

Huawei was set to provide the UK with 5G technology at a price that would have given us an advantage over our competitors. But Boris Johnson has used a combination of 'Yellow Peril' racism and paranoia to scupper the deal. 

Chinese companies are building nuclear power stations for us but we are worried about their smartphones. The Huawei decision is a blatant case of American trade domination; they want to sell their technology to a captive market and their lickspittles in the UK are supporting them.

And this is the government that promised the punters that they would "take back control" of our economy.

We should be building our own power stations and 5G systems, but we have not invested in technology to the same extent as China. Our economy is not as big as theirs and we have not been able to keep up, If we make a serious effort to train our own scientists we will be able to compete with China in the future. But in the meantime, there's nothing wrong with buying their technology. 

The security angle is a red herring. China has got satellites circling the globe to spy on the West. They have also got thousands of Chinese takeaways reporting back to Beijing. They don't need our phones to help them.

All Lives Matter

The liberals preach White Guilt as firmly as the Catholic Church preaches Original Sin. We are supposed to feel guilty for having had an empire. But when the British Empire was at its peak my grandmother went to school in Bermondsey with no shoes on her feet. The upper class made lots of money by exploiting black and brown people but the working class were as poor and hungry as any coolie. We have absolutely no reason to feel guilty and it's time that we stopped.

Slavery was awful but it was not exclusively a white man's business. Europeans bought slaves in Africa from Arab slave traders who bought them from black Africans. They were shipped across the Atlantic to work as field labourers, picking cotton or cutting sugar cane. Their lives were miserable but no worst than the poor whites in Europe who worked under terrible conditions in mines and factories.

We didn't have many black slaves in the UK because they had to be fed and housed but poor whites worked for tokens and fended for themselves. We like to think that slavery was abolished out of Christian charity but it was really because it was cheaper to employ poor whites.

The killing of unarmed suspects by the police must be stopped, but the 'Black Lives Matter' movement is wrong to concentrate on black deaths. All lives matter, black and white.


People with parents of different colours used to be called 'half-castes' but that term has been replaced by 'mixed race'. We used to say they had 'a touch of the tar brush', but that nautical phrase is no longer heard. The way we used to talk was insensitive but the current obsession with race is just as bad. 

Some of the new rules are confusing. One can say 'people of colour' but not 'coloured people'. 'Nigger' has always been offensive but it's used by some black people, particularly rappers.

The various names that we used to call gays; 'Nancy Boys', 'Poofs' and 'Queers' are no longer acceptable, but one of their favourite pubs 'The Royal Vauxhall Tavern' is still known to the locals as 'The Shirt Lifters' Arms.  

The latest minority group to be celebrated are transsexuals. They are a tiny minority in any country but their cause has been taken up by the usual suspects. Enthusiastic social workers with warped minds are asking little children if they are happy being boys and girls. The sex change operation was popularly known as a 'strapadictomy' when it involved women wanting to become men, but nowadays we call it 'gender reassignment'.

The best way to tell if words are kosher is to read the newspapers and watch TV. The BBC strictly enforces a policy of word censorship. They no longer make their newscasters wear dinner jackets but they insist on political correctness. MacDonald Hobley (pictured) used to grace our screens with sartorial elegance in the Sixties but today's newscasters are a different breed.

Friendly Websites

We post links to friendly websites on a reciprocal basis, but we do not necessarily agree with them.
Who is Responsible?

Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Home Secretary Priti Patel make all the right noises when it comes to law and order. They say that violent protestors will be prosecuted, but the police are committed to a liberal agenda. They stand and watch while criminals equipped with ropes and tools bring down statues and desecrate war memorials.

High-ranking police officers dripping with gold braid appear on our television screens to congratulate themselves. Far from apologising for their performance, they praise those officers who 'took the knee'; a political gesture that should not be allowed in a non-political police force. 

The police do a dangerous and thankless job but they do themselves no favours by running away from rampaging hooligans, ignoring organised gangs of child abusers, or allowing the open sale and use of drugs. These are political decisions made by senior officers, but who exactly is responsible?

Laws are made by Parliament. It's the duty of the police to enforce laws not to question them. It might be politically expedient to turn a blind eye to lawbreaking but that is not what we pay them for. If we are to be governed by the police we might as well abolish Parliament.

(Originally posted on Facebook in June 2020)

William's Choice

I received the following e-mail.

Dear Sir,
I am a young Nationalist patriot who is deeply concerned about the state of Britain and the white race. I have looked at several nationalist organisations, however, they either seem to be full of Hitler worshipping freaks and misfits, or watery populists who have given up on any attempt to save our country from Multiracialism, instead promoting some kind of ersatz anti-Islam, non-racial "patriotism". However, I have recently come across your blog and have found it a refreshing change from the standard nationalist groups.

My ideology is basically racial nationalism combined with a socialist economic policy (though not National Socialism). I do not believe in racial superiority, rather racial difference which must be defended from race mixing. I also do not believe in any conspiracy theories trying to implicate Jews for the decline of the White race or some kind of "World Conspiracy". I am interested in your support for Mosley's "Europe a Nation". Whilst I supported Brexit and am opposed to the current European Union, I am not against close co-operation with our White European neighbours. Unlike some so-called "nationalists", I do not have anything against white immigrants to Britain, as they differ only in nationality, in terms of race they are our kinfolk.

Is Nation Revisited confined to a blog for the time being, or will you be engaging in any political activity in the future? I would be interested in learning more about your organisation. Yours faithfully William.

I replied that at 75 years of age I would not be starting a new party and advised him to join an existing one. But how could I recommend any of them? Britain First has attracted publicity but for all the wrong reasons. They specialise in bigotry, threatening behaviour, and coming last at elections. Now their leader, Paul Golding, is accused of beating his former deputy Jayda Fransen. She has now fled Britain First to form her own party. 

The so-called far-right has had its share of thugs and psychopaths over the years. All of them were convinced that they should be running the country, but none of them succeeded and their dictatorial ambitions were never realised.

From British Nationalist to National Socialist - Eddy Morrison

I only met Eddy Morrison once at a New Right meeting in London about five years ago, but I exchanged e-mails with him for years. Eddy was one of the few nationalists who could see beyond the White Cliffs of Dover. His political career was chaotic but his heart was in the right place. He was criticised by many but I liked him and I admired his staying power. The following article was written by him in 2002.

In 1967 I joined the National Front, then recently formed, and started to learn about British Nationalism This meant to me, Britain First and being proud of British heritage and our now dead Empire, now replaced by a multi-racial Commonwealth which is just a bad joke. 

Amongst the literature given to me when I started out on my over three decades activism in the White Nationalist Movement (by this I mean the White Nationalist groups in the UK) was a collection from the then NF Leeds leader, Phil Stone. Phil, unfortunately, is no longer with us, after many years of failing health he died in Tenerife a few years ago.

However, Phil had been a member of the first BNP (led by John Bean) and was also friendly with many of Colin Jordan's National Socialist Movement comrades. Amongst the wealth of material (much of it now lost or "borrowed") was a stack of National Socialist material from the National So cialist White Peoples' Party (formerly the American Nazi Party), and at that time led by George Lincoln Rockwell.

Rockwell was murdered by a former ANP member and National Bolshevik on August 25th 1967 and so I missed any opportunity of ever meeting him. But his magazines and articles - especially Stormtrooper, the Rockwell Report and more particularly National Socialist World - gave me pause to reflect that perhaps British Nationalism, confined by fake international barriers, did not fulfill my long tern philosophical needs. My ideological development into a National Socialist and a radical rather than the pale flag waving Populists I had been, took a few years. During that time I was speaking at many meetings on a regular basis and involved in mostly NF activities about five time a week - but cooking slowly in the back of my mind were Rockwell's and Hitler's teachings - for by that time I had read and absorbed "Mein Kampf" too,

The NF, riven as it was by Populist splits, was still controlled by ex-National Socialist Movement / Greater Britain Movement members for when the GBM united with the NF in 1968, John Tyndall, Martin Webster, Denis Pirie, Dave Pascoe and many other highly energetic National Socialists entered the Front. Through their deeper commitment to an ideology far stronger than mere "plastic patriotism" of the rightist Tory variety, they taught me more of the creed of Blood and Soil and how the battle was a worldwide one.

I was happy though to go along with the general opinion and hide my newly found National Socialism under a welter of patriotic jingoism because that was what the Front wanted and I felt happy that the NF was in safe NS hands under Tyndall.

However, I did try a number of other experiments with much more "direct action" groups - leaving the NF for short periods for the more openly NS British Freedom Movement. I also formed a couple of groups in Leeds - The National Democratic Freedom Movement and the second incarnation of the British National Party. Our direct confrontational tactics against the Marxist scum brought the massive publicity both locally and nationally which Rockwell said it would. It also brought many of us arrests, fines and imprisonment - again as Rockwell had predicted. We felt a sense of martyrdom and sacrifice and attracted so many new young fighting recruits that we soon dwarfed the local NF, which by that time had fallen under the spell of John Kingsley Read's populist faction. "Nazis" weren't welcome any more!

However, in 1976, when Tyndall and Webster took the NF back over and Read formed his short-lived National Party, I felt comfortable dissolving the BNP and merging its 500 or so members back into the NF. The influx of so many National Socialists made for a situation in West Yorkshire where it was a very unhealthy place for a Red to sell papers or hold a meeting. We swept the Reds from the streets and did not let one Commie or anti-fascist meeting go unchallenged. We also for the first time advertised our own PUBLIC meetings and challenged the Reds to come along. The result - more arrests, more jail but masses of publicity including a "World in Action" TV special.

These were the tactics I successfully employed much later for the BNP (before it became sanitised) in Darlington and the following week in Dewsbury - which again made world headlines (1989).

Since then I have made strenuous efforts to streamline the NF that proved fruitless; though I still personally support the NF as the most future effective movement in Britain. I decided I was fed up with hiding my National Socialism (a hopeless and unrewarding task) and formed Aryan Unity - an idea rather than an organisation dedicated to WORLDWIDE National Socialist Unity and Pan-Aryanism.

I define Pan-Aryanism as accepting our worldview that the Aryan folk, spearheaded by Aryan/NS freedom fighters throughout the White world is now our only hope.

So today I can say quite proudly that I am a National Socialist and the days of being a "little Englander" are far behind. I recognise that our ultimate enemy - the coming New World Order in all its various guises and with its tentacles squeezing the lifeblood from our people throughout the world as well as strangling free speech, can only be fought against by an Aryan worldwide effort. I hope that Aryan Unity can play its part in that eternal struggle.

For National Socialists the Second World War did not end in May 1945 - it was just one lost battle amongst many - the struggle for the existence of our people and the preservation of our culture and heritage continues. 


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European Outlook

All articles are by Bill Baillie unless otherwise stated. The opinions of guest writers are entirely their own. We seek reform by legal means according to the UN Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19:

"We all have the right to make up our own minds, to think what we like, to say what we think, and to share our ideas with other people."

This blog will appear occasionally in support of Nation Revisited which is posted monthly.






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