Saturday 30 June 2018

European Outlook # 51 July 2018

The Holocaust.

Ken Livingstone has been hounded out of the Labour Party by accusations of anti-Semitism, but he is not the first victim of hysteria. David Irving has been vilified, bankrupted and jailed for 'Holocaust Denial'. Disputing the figure of six million dead is illegal in many countries but the Internet abounds with disbelieving websites. Irving concedes that an unknown number of Jews were killed by the Nazis, Richard Harewood in 'Did Six Million Really Die?' puts it at 300,000, and a contested Red Cross report records 271,501 deaths.

The BBC website describes one of the camps.

"Bergen-Belsen was the only concentration camp taken by the British and the soldiers were unprepared for what they found there. In fact, most of the details did not appear in the media until a couple of days after the liberation when the first medical team arrived.

Mass graves were dug to hold up to 5,000 corpses at a time. The former army guards from the SS were deliberately made to use their bare hands to bury the prisoners, many of whom had died of contagious diseases.

The mass evacuation of the camp began on 21st April. Prisoners with any hope of survival were moved to an emergency hospital.

British medical students responded to an appeal from the Ministry of Health to go to Germany and help in the treatment of prisoners.

Photographs and a film taken at the camp and published in the media brought home the full horror of life in Belsen. German civilians living near the camp were taken to see what had gone on inside.

The last hut in the camp was burned to the ground on 21st May 1945. Today the camp is a landscaped park.

Brig General Glyn-Hughes, who was put in charge of cleaning up the camp, said it took a staff of 68 a fortnight to stamp out typhus in the camp. But prisoners too sick to respond to treatment continued to die. Historians at as many as 28,000 of the 38,500 prisoners in the camp when it was liberated, subsequently died.

The camp commandant, Joseph Kramer, was found guilty at Luneberg of war crimes and hanged in December 1945."

Nazi apologists claim that the Holocaust never happened but British soldiers testified that thousands of Jews died in Belsen. The exact body count and the causes of death are debatable but there's no doubt that terrible crimes against humanity were committed. 

The Holocaust happened over seventy years ago and there's nothing that we can do about it now, but Palestinians are currently being killed by the Israeli Defence Force. Of course, we must never forget what happened to the Jews but Instead of focusing on past atrocities we should turn our attention to crimes that can be prevented.

Tommy Robinson

Since the Second World War nine Acts of Parliament have been passed concerning immigration; British Nationality Act 1948, Commonwealth Immigration Act 1968, Immigration Act 1971, Immigration Act 1988, Immigration and Asylum Act 1999, Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002, Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006, UK Border Act 2007, Border, Citizenship and Immigration Act 2009. According to the Office of National Statistics, the non-white population of the UK stands at 9.1 million. 

At long last, the government is making it harder for people to get into the UK, but whole areas of the country have already been colonised by aliens who show little interest in assimilation. This situation has been made worse by a political culture that ignores the sexual exploitation of young women by gangs of predominately Pakistani men.

When Tommy Robinson was sent to prison for reporting on this, a
campaign to free him was immediately launched. Half a million signatures were quickly collected on Facebook, and an impressive demonstration in London was addressed by the controversial Dutch politician Geert Wilders, and Anne-Marie Waters, the 'For Britain' candidate in the Lewisham East by-election who finished in seventh place with 266 votes - 1.2%. 

Many of us think that Tommy Robinson deliberately courted arrest, and we are suspicious of Anne-Marie Waters and Geert Wilders. They rely on a blind hatred of Islam which attracts the worst elements of the far-right. Julian Leppert posted the following message on Facebook on Sunday, June 10: 

During my own time within it (2001-2011) the British National Party worked very hard to finally bury those negative stereotypes from the 80s (skinheads, football hooligans etc), and present a smart, professional image for British nationalism that wouldn't alienate the wider public to our cause. Then Tommy came along with his EDL marches and brought all those horrible images of yobby pissed-up geezers looking for a punch-up right back into the public consciousness, providing validation to the left, and propaganda ammunition for the anti-British media to discredit the patriotic movement with. The EDL may have gone, but Tommy's fans are still out doing our enemies job for them quite splendidly in his name, as seen in London yesterday. In the scheme of things, is the cult of Tommy a help or a hindrance? 

This Land is Our Land - Don Andrews

Nationalist Party Of Canada - 

Yes, the “land” was here before Europeans arrived. In fact, it was here before aboriginals first crossed the Bering Strait. But the “land” is not the nation. The “land” is not “Canada”. And one can’t credibly deny that the British and French were the primary founders of the nation called “Canada”. It should also be noted that the newcomers from “non-traditional” sources who arrived in the wake of the pivotal shift to Official multiculturalism more than four decades ago most probably did so because they found this “nation” of Canada superior to the countries they left. That is to say, it appears that those accursed “White settlers” and their descendants didn’t do such a bad job of building this nation after all.

Yet it is the Multicultural project to transform this nation, the nation that immigrants have found so attractive, into something resembling the nations of those immigrants have fled. And it looks like they are halfway there. In 1981 there were 6 ethnic enclaves in Canada. By 2010 there were 260. Obviously, Canada is in the midst of a vast experiment in social engineering. The question we need to ask, as lab rats, is, “Is this really a good thing?” “Diversity”, we are constantly told is a strength. In a masterpiece of Orwellian double-speak, the Multicultural lobby assures us that there is “unity in diversity”. A look at the rest of the world, however, would not confirm this belief.

You don’t believe me? Then ask the people of what used to be Yugoslavia. Ask the people of Syria or Iraq. Ask Ukrainians. Ask Russians. Ask Ruandans, Ask Sri Lankans. Ask just about every people in the world. You don’t even have to look far. Take a look at America’s experiment with “integration” right now. Look how it descended into tribalism. Look beyond soap operas and movies and the make-belief world that the American media presents. Look at America at the ground level. Look at cities, towns, neighbourhoods and college campuses. You will see clusters of African-Americans over here, clusters of Hispanics over there, and clusters of “whites” sitting or standing alone in the corner. This is not a function of mandated “apartheid”, but voluntary segregation. For many parts of America Martin Luther King’s dream has not come to pass. In fact, America is growing further apart, and “Coming Apart”, as Charles Murray’s book of that title suggests. In the words of Coloradan writer Mike Folkerth, “The United States is the most fractured society on earth – the most fractured culture.”

The make-belief world that the media presents and the unrelenting torment of state propaganda will not conceal these facts. The spin machine will not ultimately succeed in perpetuating the “Diversity illusion”, as British author Ed West calls it, no more than the Communist state of Yugoslavia succeeded in convincing its citizens and the world at large that its ethnic blocs were living in blissful harmony.
Multiculturalists, of course, insist that Canada is unique. That Canada can make multiculturalism work: that so far it is a roaring success, and is a model for the world to follow. That those who say otherwise are a delusional fringe without credibility, people who need to be excluded from public forums, ostracized or even punished for spreading “hateful” messages. Rather than acknowledge the inherent division that exists between incompatible ethnic groups, they accuse those who point out this division as divisive!

The Communist establishment in the Soviet bloc said similar things about dissidents: that they were insane; that they should be detained in prison or confined to mental asylums. They were tiny anti-social elements who disputed what was obvious: that the socialist state was a Workers’ Paradise where all ethnic groups got along.

But suddenly in the late 80s and early 90s, the truth came out. The command economy had been a failure, socialism wasn’t working and ethnic nationalism was alive and well.


Our politicians have lost touch with reality. Being unable to grasp the great changes that have taken place they have retreated into a world of fantasy.  

The Tories are still singing "Britannia Rules the Waves" but they were only able to send a frigate to counter a perceived Russian threat in the Middle East. They want to have their own space program when we leave the EU, but they are having to increase taxes to pay for the National Health Service. And they talk about spending untold billions designing and building a satellite navigation system that the Americans and the Europeans have already perfected. 

The Labour Party wants to spend more on the NHS, the police, education, social services, and everything else but they don't say where the money will come from. They promise that increased public spending will revive the economy and produce plenty for all. But their record in government tells a different story. Every Labour government without exception has resulted in economic disaster. Their dream of prosperity is never realised.

The Lib-Dems, the Greens, and Ukip are up against an unfair 'first past the post' system that is rigged in favour of the Old Gang. We urgently need proportional representation but when we had a referendum on voting reform the far right parties campaigned against it!

he public imagines that parliamentary democracy is 'government by the people' but it's really government by big business. Our elected MPs take their orders from the unelected bosses of international corporations. The political parties depend upon their donations and they would not bite the hand that feeds them.

We must face the fact that we are no longer a world power. Now that the British Empire has gone we are a medium-sized country that imports half of its food and fuel. We have an immigrant-swollen population of 66.5 million, and a National Debt of £1.7 trillion. We can't afford a high seas fleet or our so-called 'independent' nuclear deterrent. According to CND, upgrading the Trident missile system will cost £100 billion. The logical thing to do is to trade with our neighbours and co-operate with them on defence and security. Instead, the Old Gang are wallowing in nostalgia and dreaming of past glories. 

Hard Copy Publications

Every political movement used to have its own newspaper or magazine. Some of them were professionally printed and others were typewritten and duplicated. But none of them ever made any money. There are still a few hard copy publications left but most of them have gone over to the Internet.

aper, printing and postage are prohibitively expensive and the violent thugs of the anti-fascist movement would threaten anyone daring to sell newspapers or magazines.

he Internet is available to us provided that we choose our words carefully and keep within the law, but nothing is achieved by going to prison.

This is not just a problem for small political parties, 'The Independent' has switched to the Internet and other newspapers are likely to follow. All of them are losing circulation but their online versions are forging ahead. The days of mass circulation newspapers are numbered but the rise of the Internet enables us to reach people without standing on street corners in the rain trying to sell papers to a disinterested public.

In the old days we were lucky to sell twenty or thirty copies but now we get hundreds of visitors to our websites without getting wet or being assaulted by anti-fascists. Those hard copy publishers still in business must be congratulated for their staying power but the future is with the Internet. 'European Outlook' and 'Nation Revisited' will, therefore, cease hard copy publication with this issue. Most families nowadays have got laptops, tablets or smartphones, and those without can use Internet cafes or public libraries. If you're not sure how to log on ask your grandchildren.

The Brexit Dividend

Tory government has promised a Brexit Dividend of £20 billion for the National Health Service. But Paul Johnson, director of the Institute for Fiscal Studies said: "There is literally, arithmetically, no money." In reality, it will come from higher taxes but workers on minimum wages don't pay much income tax, and some of them are so poorly paid that they qualify for state benefits.

Our police, firefighters, teachers and medical staff cannot afford to live in the cities they serve because of unaffordable rents and mortgages. And the long-promised construction of social housing is not happening fast enough.

Immigration is down - at least from Europe -  but the resulting shortage of workers has highlighted skills shortages throughout the economy. Theresa May abandoned her cap on immigration because we can't stop importing Indian doctors or Polish plumbers until we train enough of our own people. 

We will soon have two massive aircraft carriers equipped with unbelievably expensive American aircraft but we lack the support ships, sailors, marines, technicians, and pilots to make them viable.

All of these failings are the result of a short-term mentality linked to a five-year parliamentary cycle. Politicians are almost incapable of thinking ahead because they don't expect to be in power in five years time. Instead of planning for the future they blunder on and hope for the best. 

This irresponsible behaviour is compounded by the practice of shuffling ministers. The Minister of Health suddenly becomes the Minister of Defence, or the Home Secretary takes on the duties of the Minister for Education. It would make more sense if the Minister for Heath was a medical man, the Minister for Defence an ex-serviceman, and so on. What Mosley used to call "Government by experts."

We went decimal way back in 1971 but we are still using pints and miles alongside litres and kilometres. The 'Daily Mail' perpetuates an obsolete temperature scale and avoirdupois weights and measures while industry and the military are fully metric.      

Britain was saved in the Second World War by great men like Robert Watson-Watt, the father of Radar, Barnes Wallis who designed the Wellington bomber and the bouncing bomb, Reginald Mitchell who designed the Spitfire, Sydney Camm who designed the Hurricane, and Alan Turing, the brilliant codebreaker who pioneered computers. Winston Churchill was an accomplished actor and Clement Attlee was a good administrator but it was our scientists and engineers that won the war. We hope that history repeats itself because our politicians are practically useless.

If we rounded up a gang drunks and derelicts sleeping in doorways, and gave each of them a hot meal, a bath and a new suit of clothes, they would surely make better Cabinet ministers than blustering - "fuck business" - Boris Johnson, dithering David Davies, catatonic Chris Grayling, or ghastly Gavin Williamson. We have never had such a pathetic troop of clowns in charge of us.

Jez Turner

Our comrade Jez Turner is serving 12 months in prison for criticising the Jews. He went to a boarding school and served in the British Army, so he is well used to spartan conditions. I can report that he is in good spirits and making use of the prison library and chapel. 

Our thoughts and prayers are with him.

You can write to Jez at the following address:

Jeremy Bedford Turner A5544EE
PO Box 5
HMP Wandsworth
Heathfield Road
London SW18 3HU


All articles are by Bill Baillie unless otherwise stated. The opinions of guest writers are entirely their own. This blog is protected by the UN Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19: "We all have the right to make up our own minds, to think what we like, to say what we think, and to share our ideas with other people."

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