What We Stand For
National Labour Party supporters in 1960, from the left Terry Savage, unknown, Giuseppe Taracco, John Bean, Ken Davis, Ben Franklin.
The cross and star symbol that adorns Nation Revisited and European Outlook was designed by by my old friend John Bean, the founder of the National Labour Party, in 1957. The cross represents our Christian nation and the star represents our socialist convictions..
In other words we believe in National Socialism; not the discredited goose-stepping regime of Adolf Hitler, but a system that puts people first. At present we are governed by big business and suffering the erosion of our hard-won rights. The government is using anti-terrorist legislation to suppress free speech, just as it did in 1940 when over a thousand British fascists were imprisoned without being charged or tried.
Over a million Britons died in two world wars in defence of democracy, only to fall under plutocracy - rule by the international corporations that have no respect for nations or races. They import labour fo undercut our wages without regard to the social and economic consequence. But nothing last forever, the crisis of capitalism so long predicted, is fast approaching, The mighty dollar is in peril, and if it collapses it will take the pound and the euro with it.
The situation looks grim but our time will come.
The National Health Service
The NHS is constantly criticised for long waiting lists and cancelled operations. Some people have waited months, or even years, for treatment. They have every right to complain but my experience has been entirely different. In the last six months I have been treated for Conjunctivitis, Heart Failure, and Eczema. Each referral was practically immediate an d the doctors and nurses in each department were respectful and efficient.
Years ago doctors were reluctant to talk to their patients, they thought that we were too ignorant to understand medical terms, and they considered themselves to be a cut above the rest of us. Today thigs are much better, we are kept fully informed about our ailments, and we are treated with respect.
And it's not only attitudes that have improved; hospital equipment is highly sophisticated and costs literally millions of pounds to install and maintain.
Supporters of unrestricted immigration like to point out that our hospitals rely heavily on imported labour. It's true that many of our doctors and nurses come from overseas but so do many of their patients, particular on the maternity wards.
The NHS is a victim of its own success, Every time a new discovery is made, or a new procedure is introduced, the cost to the taxpayer goes up.
The new Labour Party government is pledged to defend the NHS but private medicine is infiltrating the system. and it's just a matter of time before the whole NHS is privatised and run for profit. This would be welcomed by the Tories and Reform UK, but I am advised by my American friends, that private enterprise medical care is very expensive, even with medical insurance. Medical bills are the main cause of bankruptcy in the USA..
If we want to keep the NHS free at the point of use we must be prepared to pay for it. The warmongering mass media is demanding increased defence spending in support of American foreign policy. America has decided that Russia and China are their enemies, but there's no reason why we should follow them. Of course we need to defend our own islands, but what happens in Russia and China is not our business. We should use the money we waste on offensive weapons to pay for our wonderful NHS.
The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament estimates that the cost of installing, updating, and maintaining Trident comes to £200 billion.
Artificial Intelligence
Computers drive everything from the traffic lights in the high street to air traffic control. They are to be found in factories, banks, schools, military installations, universities, and hospitals. The latest computer-driven hospital equipment can diagnose illnesses and perform the most delicate operations.
Scientists predict that Artificial Intelligence will take over half the jobs that are currently done by human beings, but what will we do with the millions of workers that we have brought in? Will they go home to their own countries or stay here on the dole?
I once asked a Japanese businessman why Japan is so successful compared to Britain? He replied that after the Second World War they went for automation but we went for immigration.
British businessmen and the trade unions resisted modern technology. The bosses were frightened of spending money and the workers were frightened of loosing their jobs .Fork lift trucks were banned in the London Docks until the sixties That's how we lost our place as a leading manufacturing nation.. We must not make the same mistake with AI, we must embrace it.
Relentless Propaganda
The BBC used to have a reputation for honest reporting. People trusted the BBC to tell the truth and foreigners with less principled broadcasting services listened to the BBC to find out what was really going on.
Sadly, those days have gone. Today the BBC is the mouthpiece of liberal-plutocracy. Almost every phrase that they use is slanted; the Ukraine War is always referred to as "Putin's illegal invasion." Russian missile and drone attacks on Ukrainian positions are described as "barbaric", but Ukrainian attacks on Russia are always reported to be against military targets.
That splendid website Judging Freedom, hosted by Judge Andrew Napolitano, uses former US military experts such as Col Douglas McGregor, to accurately report the news from Ukraine. He states that the war has been effectively, been won by Russia, but the BBC is still predicting a Ukrainian victory.
When it comes to the war in the Middle East, the BBC is torn between its natural left-wing support for the Palestinians and its ingrained Zionism. Generally speaking Israel is portrayed as the good guy and the Palestinians as naughty children,
The genocidal ethnic cleansing of Gaza by the so-called Israeli Defence Force is seldom mentioned but the plight of the Israeli hostages is constantly reported. The BBC employs a great number of Jews, many of them in positions of authority, but very few Palestinians.
But there is no conflict of interest with Black Lives Matter. The BBC supports the BLM movement unconditionally, even when hooligans torch police cars and tear down statues.
The BBC is an anti-British, propaganda machine funded by a compulsory licence fee that was introduced when there was only one television channel. Today there are hundreds of channels to choose from but you still have to buy a TV licence even if you never watch the BBC.. The entire corporation should be sold to the highest bidder and its grossly overpaid staff should be sacked. .
The rest of the television channels, and the popular press, are almost as biased as the BBC but they are not a burden on the taxpayer.
The Class Struggle
The Labour Party used to represent the Working Class, while the Conservative Party defended the Middle Class and the Upper Class. This division is becoming increasingly meaningless.
Working Class men used to do manual jobs. They wore cloth caps, they drank in public bars, and they seldom went to university.
The Middle Class did retail and clerical jobs, they wore bowler hats, they drank in saloon bars, and they generally went to university. The epitome of a Middle Class Tory was Margaret Thatcher. She won the hearts of the people by winning the Falklands War and selling off council houses, but she went too far with the Poll Tax against the advice of most MPs.
The Upper Class lived on their inheritances, on formal occasions they wore coronets, they drank in gentleman's clubs and they were privately educated.
The Upper Class have hung on to most of their privileges, but the Middle and Working Classes are no longer distinguishable. Nurses who are Working Class girls, all earn degrees, and the Middle class competes with the educated Working Class for jobs in the tech industries.
My friend Vic Sarson notes that the American class system is all about money. Whereas the British class system is defined by culture, education, and tradition. I can see his point but money is also a factor.
Attempts by various governments to iron out social differences have not been entirely successful. If people can afford private health and education they will willingly pay for it. The classless society remains an unfulfilled dream.
In fact the gap between rich and poor is getting wider. The Labour Party used to be made up of ex-coalminers, steel makers, construction workers and other manual workers, In two world wars they flocked to the colours to do their bit for King and Country.
The Conservative Party was full of company directors, senior managers, and accountants. Many of them had served as officers in the armed forces and the party was proud to be called the patriotic party.
Today both parties are dominated by lawyers who owe no allegiance to class or country. Lawyers are the only profession that is paid to tell lies. Under our adversarial legal system a defence councillor will try to convince the jury that the accused is innocent even though he knows that he is guilty. These are the charlatans that are taking over our country,
As for the Upper Class, they remain aloof from the class struggle, except to occasional stand for Parliament when they get fed up with chasing foxes.
Nation Revisited https://nationrevisited.blogspot.com
European Outlook
All articles are by Bill Baillie unless otherwise stated. The opinions of guest writers are entirely their own. The editor reserves the right to shorten or otherwise amend articles submitted for publication. We seek reform by lawful means according to the UN Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19:
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