Sunday, 31 March 2024

European Outlook # 97, April 2024

Stop Murderers, Rapists and Paedophiles Reoffending, Hang Them the First Time they are Convicted - Pete Williamson

Over the years it has been proven that people who are found guilty of serious crimes are extremely likely to reoffend once they are released back into society. Paedophiles are certain to continue harming children by their very nature, and the same can be said of rapists and murderers. 

So why are they ever released, why are they given the opportunity to commit their terrible crimes again?

According to the liberal elite, anybody can be rehabilitated. This as we all know is complete rubbish. Once a killer, paedophile, rapist, always a killer, paedophile, rapist, it's a proven fact.

The only way we can seriously stop these disgusting creatures from reoffending is to bring back capital punishment for all the most serious crimes.

Here is an old newspaper report from 2011.

"More killers and rapists are committing another serious crime after they are let out of jail than official figures suggest, the head of the Parole Board has said.

Sir David Latham said he was concerned government statistics underplay the extent of reoffending by life sentence prisoners who are released from prison.

Prison rules allow murderers, paedophiles, and other serious offenders given life sentences to be released once they have served the minimum term set by the court.

The Parole Board rules on whether each individual is safe to be let out on licence. But to make its decisions the board relies on official data showing how likely previous similar criminals were to return to crime.

Sir David said existing statistics were not 'robust', meaning it was hard to know if the board was making the right decisions.

The revelations will fuel concern that too many dangerous offenders are walking the streets when the should be behind bars."

Proportional Representation

Our first-past-the-post electoral system is profoundly undemocratic. In a typical UK general election the winning party, say the Tories, would get 40% of the poll. The second party, say Labour, would get about 30%. The third party, the Liberal Democrats, might get 20%, and the forth party, say the British Democrats, would get the remaining 10%. Under a PR system with a House of Commons of 600 MP's this would translate as 240 seats for the Tories, 180 seats for Labour, 120 seats for the Liberal Democrats, and 60 seats for the British Democrats.

This would result in a coalition government, probably of Labour and the Liberal Democrats. The British Democrats average about five percent in local elections, if this was repeated in a general election under PR they would probably have 30 seats in Parliament and be able to influence government policy.

The rise of populist parties throughout Europe depends on PR. Our only chance of political success would be under a reformed electoral system, but, incredibly, the far-right parties campaigned against PR in the 2011 referendum on alternative voting,

There are various PR systems in use around the world. Some of them involve constituencies and some do not. Most have thresholds of 10%. In Israel this as low as 3,5% which has resulted in a governing coalition of seven parties. PR encourages minor parties but it's fairer than our system which favours the big parties.

I usually advise my readers not to bother voting because there's so little difference between the parties. But in the coming general election I advise them to vote for the Liberal Democrats, the Green Party or Reform UK simply because they support PR.

Our 'Black' Ancestry - John Bean

John Bean with Andrew Fountaine at the BNP Camp in 1961

Without exception the UK daily press and all the main TV channels have welcomed research at the Natural History Museum which, they said, shows our ancient ancestry was black. It is the media's interpretation of a facial reconstruction on the skull of Britain's oldest skeleton, the 10,000-year-old Cheddar Gorge Man.

A typical press report on the findings began: "The earliest Britons were black-skinned with dark curly hair and possibly blue eyes." This came from a Henry Bodkin of the Daily Telegraph, a so-called serious Tory paper. The photo produced everywhere shows that the face was a dark bronze and the hair was straight down to mouth level and then became wavy. Perhaps our MR Bodkin wanted it to appear more African with complete curly hair. As for the definitely blue eyes, well you can't have that with an ancient African, hence it was "possible" blue eyes.

I make no criticism of the pioneering work of the archaeologists who found scraps of DNA in the ear the Mesolithic 'Cheddar Man'. They then cross-referenced the genomes of modern inhabitants with known origins of living near the area of the Gorge. Their DNA now comprises roughly 10 per cent of the genetic make-up of most white people living in the UK. But the maximum figure of 10 per cent is not good enough for the heading of Mr Bodkin's report. This says: "The first Britons were black - and their DNA lives on in most of us."

That was also the view of a dusky lady on the BBC who went even further by suggesting that the overwhelming majority of Brits throughout the UK were black in origin. Ignore the fact that 90 per cent of our ancestors were Celts, Saxons, or Vikings (the Normans were cross-breeds of French and Viking). Furthermore archaeologists in mainland Europe have recorded ample evidence in DNA testing that their 'whiteness' goes back at least ten millennia.

Euopean Outlook: Veteran nationalist John Bean died in 2021 aged 94. He never claimed to be an expert in genetics but he was a trained industrial chemist with an interest in history and ethnology. The BBC and the academic establishment continue to pretend that Race is an artificial construct, but we prefer to believe the evidence of our our own eyes.

The Great Pretender

Rishi Sunak is not only pretending to be an Englishman, he is also pretending to be the leader of a great world power. He dishes out arms and money to Ukraine and Israel despite the facts that our armed forces are undermanned and underfunded, and we have a staggering national debt of £2.5 trillion.

We cannot afford to pay our doctors and nurses decent salaries but we send money to Ukraine where it is pocketed by corrupt Ukrainian generals.

The UK claims to be the 5th or 6th richest country in the world but the wealth is restricted to Tory landowners and asset strippers. In reality, people are living on the streets and children are going hungry.

The current act of madness is Britain's support for Israel in their latest war. The Royal Air Force is bombing Yemen from our base in Cyprus. Rishi Sunak's excuse is that we are protecting shipping in the Red Sea, but the real reason is that Houthi rebels in Yemen are firing missiles at ships bound for.  Israel in support of their kinsmen in Gaza. 

Our Typhoons need to be refuelled in flight to reach Yemen. This is an expensive operation undertaken by a depleted air force. We built two giant aircraft carriers for just such a mission, but they are both plagued by mechanical failures and lack of suitable aircraft. Nobody knows how much this adventure is costing but our hospitals and schools would be glad of the money.

The UK is a European state with armed forces and economic resources comparable to our neighbours France and Germany. We are not a great world power with a navy that rules the waves and an empire on which the sun never sets. We have nuclear weapons and a seat on the UN Security Council but Rishi Sunak and his deluded followers should realise that the Empire is dead and gone, and they should stop spending money like a drunken sailor.

There will always be wars and oppressive regimes. Throughout history big nations have dominated small nations and bloodthirsty tyrants have enslaved whole populations. But we are not the world's policeman and it's not up to us to interfere in foreign conflicts. When we had the Empire we could afford to kill Boers and Irishmen who resisted our 'benign' rule, but today things are altogether different.

In 1939 Oswald Mosley recommended that we should mind our own business. He was right then and his advice is still good. 

Populist Policies

At a recent gathering of veteran nationalists in London I was given a copy of a British Democrats leaflet. It was printed in red, white and blue, on glossy paper, just like the leaflets produced by the British National Party before its terminal decline. And just like the BNP it advocated populist policies that are easier said than done.

It covered seven policies:

Scrap Foreign Aid

"The British Democrats will abolish the £12 billion per year spent on overseas aid and spend it here at home to help the British people through the cost of living crisis. It is madness for the government to borrow money and then give it away to other countries. China and India receive British foreign aid even though they are two of the fastest growing economies in the world, and both have multi-£billion space programmes. CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME!"

EO: Some of our foreign aid goes into the pockets of corrupt Third World dictators but most of it is tied up in trade agreements and credit facilities that benefit our economy. Far from scrapping foreign aid we should use it to repatriate undesirables back to their countries of origin.

Self Sufficiency

"We will ensure the UK is as self-sufficient as possible in energy and food supplies. Maintaining and increasing our agricultural sector is more important than any other. Our very survival might depend, in emergencies, on the ability to feed ourselves."

EO: Agree 100%.

Save our Green Spaces

"We will protect our greenbelt from overdevelopment. We will preserve rural and suburban Britain by maximising the use of brownfield sites for future housing. The Conservatives continue to conserve nothing. They have failed to protect not only our precious countryside but also our borders."

EO: Agree 100%.

British Jobs for British Workers - No to Globalism

EO: The British Democrats are right in principle but the demographic crisis cannot be ignored. Our birth rate of 1.8 babies per couple is below replacement level; we simply do not have enough able-bodied workers to maintain our economy. We need to import labour but we should be selective where we get it from. We can chose fellow Europeans who share our race and culture, or we can chose Africans and Asians that do not.

Remembering Our War Heroes - Don't Let Their Sacrifices be in Vain.

"Our war heroes did not fight for Britain to become an unrecognisable third-world country. They fought and died for a traditional British future for their children and grandchildren."

EO: Agree 100%.

Support Free Speech - Say No to Political Correctness/Wokeness.

"Britain has a glorious history and cultural heritage, BUT IT'S UNDER THREAT. The British Democrats will defend our statues, street names, our history, culture and British Way of Life."

EO: Agree 100%.

We Want a Full and Complete Brexit.

"Unilaterally withdraw from the Northern Ireland Protocol/Windsor Framework Agreement, completely removing all EU law & and trade restrictions between NI and GB. Restore total sovereignty to Northern Ireland as an integral part of the United Kingdom.

We voted for the entire United Kingdom to leave the EU, but the Conservatives have betrayed the people of Northern Ireland and the Labour Party would be no different.

Restore complete control of our fishing waters as early as possible - this is what we voted for at the 2016 referendum."

EO: This policy statement needs revision following the Stormont Agreement of January 2024.  A hard border with the Republic of Ireland would contravene the Good Friday Agreement of 1998 which ended over seventy years of conflict. The logical solution is for the UK to re-join the EU. The latest opinion polls now show a majority for re-joining.

As for fishing; the real trouble is that we do not eat enough fish. If we consumed as much fish as the Spanish people we would have a thriving fishing industry.

The British Democrats are mostly right but like all nationalists they let their hearts rule their heads. Like it or not we are part of a global economy dominated by the USA and China. In the real world "splendid isolation" is unobtainable and compromise is unavoidable.

Faces From The Past

I have many photos of nationalists dating back to the pre-war era. With the aid of my memory and the help of historians and researchers I have been able to identify nearly all of them. But two men are unknown to me. One is holding a White Defence League placard and the other is seen speaking for the National Labour Party, both circa 1960. I would be grateful if anyone remembers these comrades, and if they are still alive please get in touch.

Nation Revisited

European Outlook

All articles are by Bill Baillie unless otherwise stated. The opinions of guest writers are entirely their own. The editor reserves the right to shorten or otherwise amend articles submitted for publication. We seek reform by lawful means according to the UN Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19:

"We all have the right to make up our own minds, to think what we like, to say what we think, and to share our ideas with other people."



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