Wednesday 31 January 2024

European Outlook # 95, February 2024

Sam Swerling

The Christian principle "Do not speak ill of the dead," is not followed by the Zionist magazine Searchlight which celebrated the death of Sam November 2023:

" It is without a scintilla of regret that Searchlight reports the death of lifelong fascist and racist Sam Swerling at the age of 83."

Searchlight and its rival anti-fascist publication Hope Not Hate both pretend to promote peace and love but they are really motivated by Old Testament revenge and hatred.

Sam Swerling was a traditional conservative who fought against the scourge of liberal capitalism. I salute his memory but some of his "friends" are not so generous.

Letter to the Editor, Springbok Club Newsletter, Nov 2023.

Sir, You are to be congratulated upon writing an honest "obituary" to Sam Swerling, rather than conforming to the deferential practice of "not speaking ill of the dead." (See SCN Oct 2023) Swerling was a truly horrible and obnoxious personage. Many people thought that he was a deliberately planted agent provocateur, but I always very much doubted this as his trouble-making antics were always far too obvious. But was certainly a phoney. He called for the re-nationalisation of the railways and opposed Western military action  during the War against (Islamic) Terrorism - hardly the views which one would expect from a former Conservative Councillor, particularly one associated with such right-wing bodies as the Monday Club and the British National Party! (One interesting tale which I heard about Swerling from a lady acquaintance was that he once turned up at a meeting having forgotten to put any trouser on. The man was  clearly mentally unbalanced.

David Kendrick, Camberley, Surrey, UK

(The story about having forgotten to put on his trousers seems a little too bizarre to believe - even for the Swerling Dervish! One incident which I can however vouch for myself was when he confronted me after a Swinton Circle meeting and castigated me for allegedly writing offensive comments about him. Being totally mystified about where these alleged comments appeared I asked him to specify, whereupon he simply replied "on the Internet". Wow! That told me a lot - Ed. 

Hyperinflation: The New Threat to The Pound in Your Pocket. 'Nation' No 8, July 1974

Monetary inflation has been with us for so long that most of us take it for granted. Prices rise and wages increase, which means that prices must go up to meet the higher wage bill, resulting in new wage demands to keep pace with prices, and so on and on.

What, one might ask, is wrong with that? If wages are constantly adjusted to keep abreast of prices, stability is maintained. But 'stability' is a myth. Inflation is a wildcat, not a controllable creature but a menace that will destroy the economy and sink us into real poverty.

In Italy the fields are full of crops, the vines are heavy with grapes and their industrial order books are healthy. Italian unit production costs are low and their exports are high; machine tools, cars, trucks, aircraft and domestic appliances  pour out of Italian factories to feed the markets of the world. But despite all this productivity the Italian people face disaster as their economy begins to implode with hyperinflation.

What is hyperinflation? We quote from an article by Leith McGrindle in The Sunday Telegraph of June 1974.

"There is no clear definition of what a hyperinflation is. There was a time when prices in the West during the 1950's were rising at a steady and not terribly damaging 2% or so a year - when hyperinflation would have been considered a rising cost of living in excess of 10%. Anything in double figures.

Now that inflation is with us in Britain at over 15% a year and in double figures in most industrialised and developing countries, we have tended to raise the limit to 20% or over.

In fact, however, a real hyperinflation is when inflation breeds faster and faster on itself. Prices multiply many, many times over a short number of years. The end, when it comes, produces the multi-million note (like the Mark in 1922-3 during the Weimar hyperinflation) and then a complete changing of the currency . The creation of a new Mark etc.

An inflation rate of 15% a year means that prices double in five years and would multiply by nearly 18,000 times over the three score years and ten of a child born today. A house built this year and sold for £15,000 would sell for £250 million after 70 years.

Property has traditionally been a superb inflation hedge. Because people know that house prices tend to rise more sharply than anything else when an inflation starts going. Witness the last few years.

Moreover, when the hyperinflation finally goes 'pop' the house is still there but notes under the bed or in the wheel barrow are worthless.

All this is provided that in the course of ending the hyperinflation your house isn't raised to the ground by insurrectionists or confiscated by a revolutionary government."

This kind of language is something new from a democratic newspaper. We were warned by Douglas, Mosley and Chesterton years ago that our economy is unscientific and bound to end in slump. Now, 'respectable' economists are singing the same song.

Britain and the rest of Europe urgently need strong government with the power to act. Our present system of party mismanagement cannot and will not act to stop inflation. As soon as one party gets its program going it gets thrown out by a discontented electorate, only to be replace by another party with another theory that's also at the mercy of the mob.

Sooner or later Britain will be governed by a strong regime. It is the task and responsibility of all of us who know the truth to see to it that the ascendants are patriots and not thinly disguised alien imperialists.

European Outlook: The runaway inflation of the 1970s was the result of American deficit spending on the Vietnam War and the Arab-Israeli War of 1973. Fifty years later our global economy is again disrupted by war in Ukraine and the Middle East. British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak hopes to reduce the cost of living by imposing crippling taxes and limiting wage claims. But there is little he can do about our dependency on imported fuel and food. We can only hope that a new American administration will stabilise world markets by withdrawing military assistance to Jerusalem and Kiev. 


Sam Dickson replies to a critic.

Ms Watson: Would it be "nasty" of me to point out an adjective you neglected to use?

You attacked my comment as "nasty" and "racially inflammatory."

(You might have used another tired, wearied, stale adjective often used by "progressives" (ie. people who always obeyed teacher, always believed what they were told by the "authoritative" media, have never in their lives read a book that contradicted what they were spoon fed in grade school and on throughout life).

The adjective that you neglected to use is "untrue" or "false."

It does not matter to those who prefer to think with their heart instead of their brain whether or not something is true.

Truth doesn't matter to such people. Virtue signalling, showing teacher that you always obey, squealing on the kid who talked while teacher was out of the room...and growing up to denounce truthful but unfashionable views as "nasty" and "racially inflammatory" is what these obedient people are into. Not truth.

In my post I made 2 basic points.

1) The word "racist" was invested by mass murdering violent Communist terrorist who in the name of his profound belief in equality killed millions of people. The word "racist" did not exist in the English language until this antisocial thug. This is a FACT. You just dismiss it as "nasty". It's just not what nice little boys say.

2) That the recent prolonged race riots throughout France showed that the decades of enforced mixing, government promoted colonization of France by 3rd World settlers and nonstop anti-White propaganda...immigration has FAILED. What do you think the week long, nationwide rioting by millions of nonwhites against White Frenchmen shows? Does it show anything? Or is it just "nasty" and "racially inflammatory" to face reality.

You have been deceived and now later in life you are deceiving yourself.

Reality is out there. Denying it and believing in a quasi-religion of goody-goody ideas like equality, like the ludicrous claim that genes and heredity don't matter and so on will not make reality go away.

Those who refuse to recognise reality as a friend will sadly meet it as an enemy.

I know my words are harsh but they are not ill-willed if that is what you mean by "nasty".

They are intended to help you. If you will examine yourself and your life, admit that you have never read a single book that contradicted accepted "progressive" and fashionable thinking and toughen yourself up to think factually and not emotionally, you will be greatly benefitted.

My words are harsh but they are true. And people - including you - need to THINK about them and not just denounce them.

Amend thy ways, erring sister!

American Fascists

Donald Trump is not the first American politician to be charged with attempting to overthrow the government. Lawrence Dennis the fascist political theorist and writer was charged with sedition in the 1944 Business Plot, but he was found not guilty. His fellow fascist William Dudley Pelley was found guilty and sentenced to 15 years imprisonment.

Lawrence Dennis was born in Atlanta, Georgia on December 25, 1893, to a black mother and a white father. His family was poor but he managed to attend Georgia Tech where he studied engineering before going to Harvard to study politics and economics. He served in the US army during WW1 and worked as a journalist and a stock broker until the Great Depression, an experience that convinced him that capitalism was an unfair system.

During his time as a journalist he interviewed Adolf Hitler who he thought was "too extreme." But he advocated the corporate state as pioneered by Benito Mussolini in Italy. He initially supported FD Roosevelt's New Deal but blamed him for taking America into WW2. After the war he rejected the Cold War and favoured a non-interventionist foreign policy.

He was an unashamed Holocaust denier who wrote: "The story of the extermination of six million Jews by the Germans is a gross exaggeration and a propaganda myth."

Dennis, who identified as white, proposed a separate negro state within the United States as a permanent solution to the racial problem. He died on August 20th 1977, in Palm Beach, Florida.

William Dudley Pelley was born in Lynn, Massachusetts in 1890. He worked as a writer and a journalist in the film industry and complained that Hollywood was dominated by the Jews. He founded the Silver Legion of America which was modelled on the NSDAP in 1933. He ran for President in 1936 as the Christian Party candidate. He served 8 years of his 15 year sentence. After his release in 1952 he continued to write and speak on political and economic matters. He died on June 30th 1965.

Why does a blog called European Outlook publish articles by American writers and cover the history of American nationalist movements? Because as much as I despise American foreign policy, I regard European-Americans as our brothers. The demographic nightmare and the grip of global capitalism applies to America as much as to Europe. And Americans cling to false ideas of 'exceptionalism' just the same as the British

The most famous American Fascist was Ezra Pound who was acknowledged to be one of the greatest poets of the twentieth century. Pound was born in 1885 and died in 1972. He wrote for the BUF paper 'Action' in the 1930s and broadcasted for Fascist Italy during WW2.

He was arrested by American Military Police and confined to a metal cage in the blazing sun for three weeks. He was charged with treason, diagnosed as insane and committed to St Elizabeth Hospital. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954 and following a worldwide campaign he was released in 1958.

Why does European Outlook publish articles by American writers and cover the history of American nationalist movements? Because as much as I despise American foreign policy, I regard European-Americans as our brothers. The demographic nightmare and global capitalism damage America as much as Europe. Americans cling to false ideas of 'exceptionalism' just the same as the British. And both of our countries are deeply in debt yet committed to foreign adventures such as Ukraine and Israel. Together we fought colonial wars all over the world for no obvious advantage, except to the armaments manufacturers. We have more in common than the English language.


I have been accused of being a Freemason on the grounds that I never attack them. As a matter of editorial policy I never attack vegetarians but that doesn't make me one of them. I do not attack Freemasons because I know little or nothing about them.

Benito Mussolini took a dim view of Freemasonry and so did Arnold Leese. The Masons are a secret society that dates back to the building of the pyramids. They are accused of helping each other at the expense of non-masons, and their arcane rituals have been compared to black magic.

I have known a few Masons over the years. They are supposed to keep their membership secret but the ones I knew boasted about it. Ken, a builder from Hertfordshire, was an active member of the old BNP.  Mike from Lancashire, raised lots of money for charity, and Charles, from Essex, lived for his lodge meetings. One night, driving home from a Masonic dinner he was stopped by the police. The cop asked him if he had been drinking. "Oh yes" replied Charles enthusiastically, "we had a few beers at the bar, lots of wine with the meal, and plenty of brandy afterwards." When the cop ordered him to take the breathalyser test Charles protested: "why, don't you believe me?" He was fined and lost his license. Being a Mason didn't protect him from the police and the courts that are supposed to be riddled with Freemasonry.

Nesta Webster (no relation to Martin as far as I know), accused the Masons of starting the French Revolution which she saw as the downfall of civilisation. She linked Freemasonry to the Jews and the Illuminati (an obscure German religious order) and accused them of all the brutal excesses of the French and Russian Revolutions.


Her conspiracy theories took no account of the grinding poverty that provoked both uprisings. France was bankrupt in 1789 as the result of the war with Austria and her support for the rebels in the American War of Independence. And a similar situation prevailed in Russia during WW1. It was economic factors that led to revolution, not the scheming activities of German economists, thirsty freemasons or deluded Satanists.

Many people find conspiracy theories comforting because they attempt to explain the inner workings of the world, but those of us familiar with the story of Occam's Razor know that the obvious answer is usually the right one.


Nation Revisited

European Outlook

All articles are by Bill Baillie unless otherwise stated. The opinions of guest writers are entirely their own. The editor reserves the right to shorten or otherwise amend articles submitted for publication. We seek reform by lawful means according to the UN Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19:

"We all have the right to make up our own minds, to think what we like, to say what we think, and to share our ideas with other people."


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