Thursday 31 August 2023

European Outlook # 90, September 2023

Europe: The Great Divide

The 1975 referendum on Britain's membership of the Common Market was divisive. Most of my friends were members of the National Front who wanted out, but with my comrades in Union Movement I campaigned for our continued membership. 

Having lived and worked in South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand I was convinced that it was too late to resurrect the Commonwealth. I therefore rejected the isolationist propaganda of the recently-formed National Front.

During the referendum campaign a group of us from Union Movement walked into a pub in Westminster that was full of National Front supporters. We were wearing badges saying "Keep Britain in Europe" and they were wearing badges saying "Get Britain Out."  Fortunately, we agreed about coloured immigration and the Money Power, so there was no confrontation. 

The  survival of European civilisation is more important than politics, I therefore maintain contact with many old friends who oppose our membership of the EU. I thought that Brexit was an act of self-harm that would lower our standard of living and increase immigration. I was proven right on both points, but I realise that many genuine patriots are simply misguided on the issue.

To illustrate my point I run out the following emails from Brexit supporters who were otherwise politically sound.

Bernard Franklin 10th Feb 2019

Since the early 1950s every aspect of our once great country has been destroyed . Only old age pensioners in their seventies, like myself, are aware of the changes that have been made. When we are gone there will be no one left to explain what we have lost to the younger generations. I feel that we need to urge the OAPs to become vocal, but that is hard work. Still I am going to urge more of my generation to explain the situation to their children and grandchildren. My daughter and her husband both work but are unable to keep up with the bills. In the 1950s wives didn't work. The families were able to survive and pay all the bills on the husband's wage. In the 1950s and 60s virtually everyone could afford a mortgage so long as you were a regular saver. In 1958 a terraced house in the suburbs of London would have sold for £10,000 today it would be £500,000. Not that the house would be worth anymore, that is how fraudulent governments have reduce the value of money by just creating it out of thin air. Parliament is run by our enemies and has been throughout my life. The time is long overdue to find our own BRITISH candidates who have the knowledge and skills to run the country. You need no qualifications or knowledge to become a prime or cabinet minister. You only have to be subservient to a political mafia that really rules our country; nay the world.

Bernard was a good man who is sadly missed. The next email is from Vic Sarson who I have known since 1961.

Vic Sarson 07 July 2019

The seizure by the Royal Navy of a ship that was legitimately carrying a cargo of oil cannot be seen as anything but an act of piracy at best and an act of war at worst.

The EU may well have imposed sanctions in terms of preventing the export of goods etc, to Iran but seizing a merchant ship of that country in the course of legitimate commercial activity is going a very big step too far.

It is clear that the EU is acting upon instructions from Washington which calls into question its ambition to become a United States of Europe with a single so-called 'Independent Foreign Policy'.

The EU it appears has now adopted Washington's attitude that it can impose its will on any nation state anywhere in the world on any pretext; Iraq, Syria, Libya etc, and we continue to live with the consequences. In other words 'Might is Right'.

In the longer term such activities are highly dangerous. The present turmoil in the Middle East is the logical and obvious outcome of actions based on such attitudes and policies. Washington's actions of this sort always have EU backing and support.

While celebrating the end of WW2 and the end of hostilities in Europe, Washington kicked off the first war in Europe since 1945 in obvious mockery of the enormous human cost of that dreadful conflict. In the former Yugoslavia, NATO was supposed to neutralise the military potential of the Serb army that was painted as the villain and primary cause of the conflict. Yet NATO air forces targeted Serbian civilian areas that included shopping malls, schools, nurseries, hospitals, housing, and a civilian radio station, causing many deaths including women and children. It was terror bombing. Where was it different from Hitler's bombing of Warsaw?

The Yugoslav civil war was entirely of Washington's making, aided and abetted by the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany, not the German people, and wholly supported by the EU that went on to claim the credit for 50 years of peace in Europe for which its contribution was at best secondary and indirect. Its leadership is shown by example to be as vicious, ruthless and reckless as any of the ugliest regimes in today's world while operating under the guise of a 'benefactor'. Politics is about power and getting hands on the levers of power and very little else. There is no difference between the EU and any other similar grouping.

Vatican Most Anti-Immigrant Nation on Earth - Sam Dickson

Remember how Francis excoriated Europeans in general and Italians in particular because of opposition to colonizing Europe with millions of Moslem immigrants from Syria and Libya?

How odd then to read that the Vatican has the most restrictive citizenship laws in the entire world!  How could that be?

I read somewhere that there are 11,000 (hard to believe - 1,100?) rooms in the Vatican.

Given the unprecedented housing needs of these Moslem immigrants and indeed the unprecedented need for diversity to enrich the narrow and narrow-minded existence of Christian Europeans as Francis told us, surely we could pack 100K to 200K Moslem immigrants into the Vatican where Francis could then delight in living in the hate-free, multi-cultural society he has his heart set on.

Of course, for their own protection against possible attack from xenophobic racists and haters among the population of the Vatican, it will be necessary to give every Moslem his own scimitar.

Pleasant dreams Francis! Sleep secure surrounded by all those lovable immigrants I hear about on National Public Radio.

Matthew Boose, Black Grievence Politics is Destroying Civilization - 

Arguably. the greatest indictment of leftism is its preference for the vagrant and the criminal over the law-abiding citizen and victim in politics, there are all kinds of disagreements about the role and scope of the state, but the one thing the state must do is protect the innocent.

Without security, there is anarchy. And where there is anarchy, the state can command neither legitimacy nor respect. Yet racial idolaters on the Left have pushed society to forgo basic expectations of public order and civilized conduct. Demanding anything more than day-to-day chaos would be cruel to "marginalized" people like deranged homeless black men on the subway.

The Left has a warped infatuation with society's most entitled, recalcitrant, and destructive elements. Their latest martyr is a lunatic named Jordan Neely, who was killed while threatening commuters in Manhattan on Monday morning. The man portrayed by sympathetic media as a "Michael Jackson impersonator" was throwing garbage at people and making vaguely threatening statements about his willingness to go to prison for life. A reasonable person would feel afraid in this situation, as passengers doubtless did. A heroic vigilante intervened and put Neely in a chokehold. Two other men helped restrain Neely, who later died.

Seldom has the line between civilization and savagery drawn so clearly as it was in Jordan Neely's subway car. The Left has demonized the vigilante for his "barbaric" supposed "lynching," but this gets it precisely backward. Barbarism is forcing commuters to fear for their lives and property on a Monday morning. It's what you call it when vagrants shove people to their deaths in front of moving trains, and all the state can do is shrug.

In places like New York City, criminals are a protected class. Just days ago, a homeless man stabbed a commuter with an ice pick. Jordan Neely himself had 42 prior arrests and an open warrant for assaulting a 67-year-old woman at the time of his death. He is widely reported to have been a menace to the safety of others, in short, a net negative on society.

Jordan Neely had no business being on the street. Only a deranged society would treat such a man as an equal.

But rather than permit the "injustice" of locking up violent blacks governments in places like New York empower criminals to terrorize innocents. This is called "social justice," and it's happening everywhere.

Roving caravans of "youths" in Chicago regularly riot and loot with impunity. The City wrings its hands over a lack of "resources" in the hood and stages ineffectual "awareness" campaigns . Civilized society is extorted, literally and morally. Philadelphia recently paid off rioters who were tear-gassed while blocking highways during the George Floyd riots.

No matter how bad it gets, no matter how many people get hurt, it will never be enough to satisfy the Left. They will always find a way to justify the criminals and blame the real victims, whose cries for justice are drowned out by the endless wailing of black entitlement. We are often told that the politics of "white grievance" is transforming America into some kind of authoritarian state, but the opposite is true. We are racing into the ghetto.

It is impossible to have civilization when it is a crime to hold members of a protected class unaccountable for their conduct. In Manhattan on Monday, justice momentarily took the reins away from "social justice." The normal course of state-sanctioned disorder was disrupted by a brave onlooker, who very well could have ignored the threat, like most commuters have been conditioned to do. Instead, he chose to act at great risk to his safety, reputation, and freedom. It would be surprising if he is not hanged, drawn and quartered for doing the right thing. He is a fool if he does not expect it.

Cognitive Dissonance

Cognitive dissonance is the discomfort a person feels when their behaviour does not align with their values or beliefs. It can also occur when a person holds two contradictory beliefs at the same time. The theory of cognitive dissonance proposes that people seek psychological consistency between their expectations of life and the existential reality of the world. 

Britain has an aging population and a birth rate below replacement level. As the post-war generation dies off we are not being replaced by British babies. We are postponing this problem by importing workers from abroad, but the right-wing of the Tory party and the various groups of the far-right refuse to accept "the existential reality of the world."

They insist that our native workforce can perform all the functions on which we depend. Home Secretary Suella Braverman says that British workers should be able to pick fruit and drive trucks. Of course they could, if there was enough of them, but the fact is that they simply don't exist. These missing workers were never conceived, they were not born, and they are not available.

It's true that we managed alright before WW2 with British labour, but we only had a population of 47.5 million in 1939, today it's 67.7 million. We have to provide services for 20 million more people with a labour force of only 32.8 million; the rest are studying, retired, disabled, imprisoned, addicted, or workshy.

The fact is that we need immigrants to make our economy work. The only question is where we get them from.  We can choose fellow Europeans who share our race and culture, or we can choose Africans and Asians who do not.

Lefties and self-hating liberals think that selective immigration is "racist" but it makes sense.

Majority Rights

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European Outlook

All articles are by Bill Baillie unless otherwise stated. The opinions of guest writers are entirely their own. The editor reserves the right to shorten or otherwise amend articles submitted for publication. We seek reform by lawful means according to the UN Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19:

"We all have the right to make up our own minds, to think what we like, to say what we think, and to share our ideas with other people."






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