Wednesday 31 May 2023

European Outlook # 87, June 2023

The Monarchy

Charles Windsor has been crowned King Charles 111 by the Archbishop of Canterbury in an extravagant ceremony that's thought to have cost £200 million. He is now head of state of the UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and several other countries.

Monarchists are still in the majority but republicanism is growing, especially among the younger generation.

The great French patriot Charles Maurras, founder of Action Francaise, was an agnostic and a republican who supported the monarchy and the Catholic Church because he believed they were good for France. I agree with him in principle, but it's difficult to support a King and a Church of England committed to self-hating liberalism.

I have been surprised by criticism of the monarchy from traditionalists, Colin Todd, for instance, the editor of 'Candour' has stated that his allegiance is to his race and nation.

Many believe that the monarchy keeps the Commonwealth together, but our ties of language and culture are more important. Our kinship with the old Commonwealth is real, but we have no connection with states like Mozambique and Rwanda that were never part of the British Empire, or with states like Nigeria, Ghana, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Trinidad, and Jamaica, who see the UK as a source of foreign aid and a dumping ground for their surplus population.

The saying that the Church of England is the Tory Party at prayer has never been so accurate; the COE and the monarchy are anti-British organisations just like the Tories.

We are therefore conflicted on the issue. Should we keep the monarchy because it's part of our history, or dump it in favour of a democratically elected head of state? 

I suggest the alternative of a regency. We had a regency in the UK from 1795, when George 111 went mad, to 1837 when his spendthrift son George 1V was installed as King. 

Spain had a regency under the firm and wise guidance of General Franco from 1939 to 1975 when the priapic Bourbon pretender Juan Carlos took the throne.

Under a regency we would keep the institution of monarchy without having a King or Queen. This would satisfy the traditionalists who cherish stability and placate the republicans who want to get rid of the monarch.

Paranoia Can be Cured

              Sigmund Freud the father of psychoanalysis

I get lots of emails from groups and individuals offering sensible solutions to current problems, but others are clearly suffering from paranoia. This is defined as: "an intense, irrational, persistent instinct of thought process of fearful feelings and thoughts." In other words anxiety.

The sensible emails indict global capitalism but the paranoid ones blame nebulous organisations like 'Big Pharma' or 'the 'Satanic Paedophile Ring'. To these conspiracy theorists nothing is what it seems; almost every death of a famous person is attributed to 'hidden forces' and medical science is accused of genocide.

Paranoia is a progressive condition that can get worse without treatment. The convicted killer David Copeland began by reading extremist literature and ended up planting nail bombs all over London. He targeted Blacks, Gays, and Asians because he thought they were all part of a conspiracy.

However, treatment is available. The following is from 

"What treatment is available? If your paranoid thoughts are causing you distress then you may want to seek treatment. You may also be offered treatment for paranoia as part of your treatment for a mental health problem.

The first step is usually to visit your GP. Our information on seeking help for a mental health problem can help you speak to your doctor about your mental health.

Talking therapies can help you understand your experiences and develop coping mechanisms to deal with them.

The most common form of talking therapy for paranoia is cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). During CBT you will examine the way you think and the evidence for your beliefs and look for different possible interpretations. CBT can also help reduce worry and anxiety that may influence an increase feelings of paranoia." 

There is nothing shameful about mental health problems. If you are a conspiracy theorists remember that treatment is available. If your friends' eyes glaze over when you are holding forth about the deaths of JFK or Diana Spencer, or if people start to avoid you, you must seek help.

Sam Dickson replies to an Irish critic

Sarah R: The Irish were among the few modern victims of an environmental catastrophe - the bug that destroyed their staple crop. This was not a "mass panic." To my mind "panic" implies a reaction to an imaginary problem or at least an overreaction.

Contrary to what is MANDATED to be taught in the public school system of New York (that the Anglo Saxons deliberately tried to exterminate the Irish through the Potato Famine), the Irish suffered from the kind of horrors like the Black Death that our ancient ancestors experienced but we rarely encounter today. We were too slow in coming to their help of the Irish but it's a silly - and hate-filled - lie to claim that we intended to exterminate the Irish through hunger.

The rarity of such catastrophes is the result of modern science which is one of the many gifts the WASPs and other Northern Europeans have given to humanity...for which we never get a "thank you." All we get is demonization in which we - and we alone - are condemned as "racists" ...for doing the same thing that all the other races and peoples have done but for which they are never condemned.

As with petty, narrow-minded, ethnocentric White Europeans in other countries, the block headed Irish Catholics and my own block headed Presbyterian Loyalists in Ulster don't "get it."

All of us, all White Christian Europeans, are facing a common demographic peril beyond anything in our history, something that dwarfs even something like the Mongol conquest of Russia.

It is way past time to set aside family quarrels such as those between us of Protestant Loyalist, Orangeman descent and those of Fenian, Roman Catholic descent.

I have tried without success to explain this to hate-crazed Irish Roman Catholics who want to get even with Cromwell and to my distant Presbyterian Unionist cousins in Ulster who are fretting over the frightening prospect of being ruled over by the Pope. 

We are figuratively living in Constantinople of May 1453. The religious, racial, ethnic and linguistic aliens are at the walls. If they get over the wall, this will mean the end of us.

In Constantinople it was time to shelve the arguments between popish Roman Catholicism and Greek Orthodoxy over the Filioque Clause of the Nicene Creed and to deal with the situation at hand, a situation that is an EXISTENTIAL threat. in "existence." Our existence is at stake.

We see through the example of the American Indians what a bad immigration policy leads to. Why can't we learn from that example? Why do we have to suffer the same fate?


Lovecraft, Poe and America - Constantin von Hoffmeister

In October 1916 when Europeans were slaughtering each other wholesale in the trenches and on the battlefields, one of the greatest writers that America has ever produced, HP Lovecraft, asked the following important question: "Do Americans desire to remain a vigorous, clean moraled Teutonic-Celtic people; or do they desire to transform their country into a sordid amorphous chaos of degeneration and hybridism like imperial Rome?" The question cannot be easily answered.

America saw itself as a White civilization until 1965 when the new Immigration Act opened the floodgates to the Third World. But what do White Americans think today, over sixty years after this catastrophic event? Do most of them view America as a White country or a melting pot hodge-podge of all races and creeds? I believe the majority of White Americans from middle America (or flyover country) still believe in the notion of a White America. Their moving patterns reinforce this, the main obstacle is the demographic shift and the rapid pace at which it is unfolding. Simply stopping immigration will not be enough to stem the tide. If White America does not reassert itself by not only implementing a total immigration moratorium but also a mass deportation of the undesirable elements already inside the country, it will be lost forever.

Europe can learn a lot from America's Faustian nature. America is Promethean in character. The American West was won by conquest, which was achieved purely through will, blood and sweat. Spaceships and missions named after Pagan gods - Apollo and Mercury, the sun god and the messenger of the gods - pierced the cosmos in the name of the race that made it possible. Eternal Rome, in the guise of the Eagle, has indeed landed! Doctor Faust's descendants might have lost their way, but they are still striving to go above and beyond. America's capitalist system fosters the Faustian spirit. Private space exploration enterprises have picked up where the state left off.

It is no accident that the idea of cosmic terror was first championed by the American Shakespeare, Edgar Allan Poe, who said, "The ways of God in Nature (as in Providence) are not as ours are: nor are the models that we frame any way commensurate to the vastness and profundity of his works; which have a depth in them greater than the Well of Democritus." Exploring this depth on the physical plane has been the goal of many scientists and engineers while reaching this depth in the metaphorical realm has been the aim of countless writers and artists. Both aspects of America, the practical and the intellectual, are Faustian, by the extolment of pragmatism and the fascination with the infinite.

The Oil Crisis -  Bill Baillie - 'Nation' September 1973

The energy requirements of industry are more important than private cars. Disregarding our enormous wealth of North Sea oil, and the fact that this island is one great coalfield, we lead the world in nuclear energy. And if all else fails there is no shortage of hydrogen. This gas is highly explosive and can be used in properly designed internal combustion engines. In Ireland they produce a fiery spirit called Poteen from potato peelings. Anyone who has tasted this spirit will testify to its inflammable nature and suitability as fuel. Spirit can also be distilled from wood and most vegetable matter. There are great deposits of shale oil in Canada and smaller high-grade fields in Scotland. Then there's the Sun, a  source of energy that no Arab can monopolize. Solar energy costs nothing and it's limitless. If the Sun ever gives up the struggle we will have more to worry about than how to power our electric toothbrushes. So, energy crisis, forget it.

EO: I was right about alternative energy but I should have taken the oil crisis more seriously. It crashed the UK stock market and led to the Sterling Crisis of 1976. What we are going through today is just a repeat performance.

Bogeymen - Paul Barnes - 'Nation' July 1974

When looking through my copy of the 'Jewish Chronicle' the other day I was assaulted by an article concerning the National Front. The author of this article worked himself into a state of near collapse writing of the relative success of Mike Lobb in Newham and of the 'vicious anti-Semitism' that he suggests flows regularly from the pages of 'Spearhead'.

The article in 'Spearhead' that seemed particularly to offend him concerned the practice of Shechita. Now to my untutored mind to suggest that being against the vile superstitious barbarity of Shechita is to be automatically anti-Semitic, is somewhat over sensitive, perhaps a little too defensive on the part of the 'Jewish Chronicle'. Although one must give some thought as to what sort of people could possible practice this depravity. 

The customs and heritage of the indigenous population of this once great land are a happy source of ridicule and fun for the perverters of the public mind; is Jewish ritual slaughter to become a holy cow for fear of being charged with anti-Semitism?

The second offence caused by 'Spearhead' to the representative of the Chosen was in describing Henry Kissinger "a little Jew boy". I wouldn't mind if the 'Jewish Chronicle' described him as "a little English boy." It sometimes make me think that if the Jewish community isn't suffering persecution it feels the need to invent a little just to keep up that feeling of togetherness.

A further example of this collective flagellation may have been seen when I and a few friends went to a National Film Theatre showing of Dr Goebbels' film 'Hideous Jew' - a visit made for purely educational purposes. Upon arriving at the cinema we were prevented from attaining seats by hundreds of wailing Hebrews all waiting their turn to pay good money to be insulted. 

It's on par with your writer attending a Zionist conference in a Watney house; even to write it down makes the blood drain from my face, to actually think of going makes one fair faint away. 

EO: In 1974 Henry Kissinger was US Secretary of State. Watney draught beer was dispensed by gas pressure instead of traditional hand pumps.

Majority Rights    

Nation Revisited

European Outlook

All articles are by Bill Baillie unless otherwise stated. The opinions of guest writers are entirely their own. The editor reserves the right to shorten or otherwise amend articles submitted for publication. We seek reform by lawful means according to the UN Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19:

"We all have the right to make up our own minds, to think what we like, to say what we think, and to share our ideas with other people."





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