Friday 31 March 2023

European Outlook # 85, April 2023

The Changing Face of Britain

Cats and dogs piss on lamp posts and trees to mark out their territory, just as we fly flags. In the event of a dispute between two animals they fight to see who owns the backyard, and we fight for the same reason. In ancient times we feared foreigners that came into our territory to steal cattle and women. They carried unfamiliar pathogens to which we had no immunity, and they brought their own religions, their own languages, and their own strange customs.

We have softened our approach to foreigners since then, but the instinct to drive them into the sea has never completely left us. As we grew more civilised we adopted 'liberalism', and instead of defending our territory we threw down our arms and welcomed the invaders.

If reasonable numbers of immigrants had landed on our shores they would have blended in, but so many arrived that they have changed the face of Britain. The top five jobs in the British Cabinet reflect this change; Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is of Indian origin, Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab's father was Jewish, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt is British but married to a Chinese woman, Home Secretary Suella Braveman is of Indian extraction, and Foreign Secretary James Cleverly had an English father and a Sierra Leone mother. 

We could have absorbed limited numbers of coloured immigrants if they had arrived over a period of years, but so many arrived that we were overwhelmed. We can't do much about those already here but we certainly don't need anymore. We have a declining native birth rate and we need immigrants to man our services but there are plenty of fellow Europeans available. 

Despite the changing demographic we are still a majority white country that has contributed in full to every branch of human activity. We are the 9th economy in the world by GDP, with a seat on the UN Security Council and armed forces commensurate with our status. We have lost our empire but we are still a global commercial power with a thriving banking and insurance industry, world-class universities, and impressive scientific and medical facilities. We are beset with problems, many of our own making, but we have the potential to be a truly great country. 

Above all we need to acknowledge that the Empire has gone. We are no longer a world power with a navy that rules the waves. We must accept our position as a European state and stop trying to feed and defend half the world.

Far too many of our politicians are dreaming of sending gunboats to the four corners of the world to put down native uprisings. Those days are long gone. The war in Ukraine will be settled by negotiation. By donating weapons and money, that we can't afford, to the corrupt Zelensky regime we are only prolonging the agony, and our interference in Chinese affairs would be just as unwise.    

Stop RAF Scrampton Being Turned into a Detention Camp

I am signing this petition because RAF Scrampton (and Lincolnshire) has a fantastic history, as has Britain as a whole and we - the sovereign indigenous Britons - have never given any politician or Monarch permission to allow immigrants to settle in OUR homeland against our wishes; and we never will.

The residents of areas affected by alleged 'legal and illegal' immigrants (all of whom are unwanted, unneeded and unsanctioned invaders) should question why the traitorous MPs are overtly supporting people who have settled in Britain against the expressed wishes of the sovereign indigenous Britons - who own these isles. Many of those indigenous Britons, in Lincolnshire, East Yorkshire and most areas of Britain, have demonstrated en-masse that they are opposed to immigration; so why aren't the politicians listening or speaking out on our behalf? Who is it that they REALLY serve?

Q1. While such civil servants are actively working against the interest of the sovereign indigenous Britons; why should we vote for ANY of them; and why do we allow Parliament to continue?

Q2. Do THEY believe that elected officials are ABOVE the views of the voters; or should elected public servants actually represent the views of their electorate?

Q3. As all the EXCUSES regarding immigration have been destroyed; when will public servants support OUR people and speak out openly and honestly against immigration?

Q4. If their answer to Q3 above is "NEVER"; will the politicians state emphatically that regardless of the views of their electorate; they WILL support immigration? And, will they still get elected if they oppose OUR people? I very much doubt it.

Mike Whitby


Sam Dickson

I ordered a t-shirt today that featured the words, "Science doesn't care what you believe."

I looked it up after I saw such a t-shirt in an article someone sent me.

This t-shirt was listed on Ebay as an "atheist" product.

I had assumed it was meant to make fun of liberals whose metaphysics (as explained to me by a philosophy professor) are based on existence, i.e. reality. I did not think of it as an "atheist" t-shirt. This may be because I was fortunate enough to grow up in the Presbyterian Church in which my Sunday School teachers emphasized that if something is scientifically true, it must be theologically true, i.e. no more ideas about burning Galileo at the stake.

Now this article comes along reinforcing my opinion of just how out of touch our antagonists are.

I did not know that the AMA has issued a fatwa that race doesn't exist.

I first heard this fantasy in anthropology class at the University of Georgia in the late 1960s.

Our professor was the son of Spaniards who had fled across the Pyrenees as Franco's nationalists liberated Barcelona. In other words, he came from a family of Communists.

The chapter on race in our textbook was entitled "The Myth of Race."

Our professor erupted into a fit when I asked him if there was a discernible difference when you looked at a picture of a 6 foot blond haired blue eyed Norwegian standing next to a Pygmy.

He gave me the lowest grade I ever got in college to punish me for saying something that reprehensible.

But despite my professor and the AMA science does not care what they believe or, to put it better, science does not care what they feel.

Extract from "Man and Technics" - Oswald Spengler

And then, at the close of the last century, the blind will-to-power began to make its decisive mistakes. Instead of keeping strictly to itself the knowledge that constituted their greatest asset, the "white" peoples complacently offered it to all the world, in every Hochschule, verbally and on paper, and the astonished homage of Indians and Japanese delighted them. The famous "dissemination of industry" set in, motivated by the idea of getting bigger profits by bringing production into the marketing area. And so, in place of the export of finished products exclusively, they began an export of secrets, processes, methods, engineers and organizers. Even the inventors emigrate, for Socialism, which could if it liked harness them in its team, expels them instead. And so presently the "natives" saw into our secrets, understood them, and used them to the full. Within thirty years the Japanese became technicians of the first rank, and in their war against Russia they revealed a technical superiority from which their teachers were able to learn many lessons. Today more or less everywhere - in the Far East, India, South America, South Africa - industrial regions are in being, or coming into being, which, owing to their low scales of wages, will face us with a deadly competition. The unassailable privileges of the white races have been thrown away, squandered, betrayed. The others have caught up with their instructors. Possibly - with the combination of "native" cunning and the over-ripe intelligence of their ancient civilizations - they have surpassed them. Where there is coal, or oil, or water-power, there a new weapon can be forged against the heart of the Faustian Civilization. The exploited world is beginning to take its revenge on its lords. The innumerable hands of the coloured races - at least as clever, and far less exigent - will shatter the economic organization of the whites at its foundations. The accustomed luxury of the white workman, in comparison with the coolie, will be his doom. The labour of the white is itself coming to be unwanted. The huge masses of men centred in the Northern coal areas, the great industrial works, the capital invested in them, whole cities and districts, are faced with the probability of going under in the competition. The centre of gravity of production is steadily shifting away from them, especially since even the respect of the coloured races for the white has been ended by the World War. This is the real and final basis of the unemployment that prevails in the white countries. It is no mere crisis, but the beginning of a catastrophe.

For these "coloured" peoples (including in this context, the Russians) the Faustian technics are in no wise an inward necessity. It is only Faustian man that thinks, feels, and lives in this form. To him it is a spiritual need, not on account of its economic consequences, but on account of its victories - "navigare necesse est, vivere non est necesse." For the coloured races, on the contrary, it is but a weapon in the fight against the Faustian civilization, a weapon like a tree from the woods that one uses as house-timber, but discards as soon as it has served its purpose. This machine-technics will end with the Faustian civilization and one day will lie in fragments, forgotten - our railways and steamships as dead as the Roman roads and the Chinese wall, our giant cities and skyscrapers in ruins like old Memphis and Babylon. The history of this technics is fast drawing to its inevitable close. It will be eaten up from within, like the grand forms of any and every Culture. When, and in what fashion, we know not.

Faced as we are with this destiny, there is only one world- outlook that is worthy of us, that that has already been mentioned as the Choice of Achilles - better a short life full of deeds and glory, than a long life without content. Already the danger is so great, for every individual, every class, every people, that to cherish any illusion whatever is deplorable. Time does not suffer itself to be halted; there is no question of prudent retreat or wise renunciation. Only dreamers believe that there is a way out. Optimism is cowardice.

We are born into this time and must bravely follow the path to the defined end. There is no other way. Our duty is to hold on to the lost position, without hope, without rescue, like that Roman soldier  whose bones were found in front of a door in Pompeii, who, during the eruption of Vesuvius, died at his post because they forgot to relieve him. That is greatness. That is what it means to be a thoroughbred. The honourable end is the one that can not be taken from a man.

European Outlook: Don't be depressed by Oswald Spengler's pessimism. He came from a long line of German doom-mongers. Nothing is written in the stars - our future is in our own hands.

Prof Roger Pearson RIP

Prof Roger Pearson the distinguished anthropologist and subscriber to this blog has passed away at the great age of 95. His obituary is posted on Heritage and Destiny:

I contacted him in June 2020 to tell him that our mutual friend John Bean had suffered a stroke. He replied as follows:

Bill, Thank you, though I am sorry for the news. I will contact him.

I fear our world belongs to the past, but though the world will never see its like again, and even a mongerlized humanity may not survive, the fact is our world existed, and we were a band of kindred that fought for it. 

What has existed and has been can never be undone. It represents a peak of human achievement, and of noble behaviour, and will always be so. We can take heart in that. John had a heart that beat like mine, as did others you and I remember. I am grateful to have had the honor of knowing them and striving with them in the same noble cause. We did not disgrace our forebears.

Keep well yourself if you can. Roger

Majority Rights    

Nation Revisited

European Outlook

All articles are by Bill Baillie unless otherwise stated. The opinions of guest writers are entirely their own. The editor reserves the right to shorten or otherwise amend articles submitted for publication. We seek reform by lawful means according to the UN Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19:

"We all have the right to make up our own minds, to think what we like, to say what we think, and to share our ideas with other people."




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