Fallen Empires
The troubles in the Middle East can be traced back to the fall of the Ottoman Empire. Under the Caliphate, Turks, Kurds, Armenians, Arabs, and Jews were all subjects of the Sultan. Equality was guaranteed in return for loyalty, but any revolt against the empire, such as the Armenian rebellion, was put down with extreme violence.
The war in Ukraine results from the demise of the Soviet Union but its roots go much deeper. Before the First World War, Ukraine was divided between the Austo-Hungarian Empire and the Russian Empire. The Soviet Socialist Republic of Ukraine was founded by Vladimir Lenin during the Russian Civil War.
India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Myanmar were all part of the British Empire. Today, Kashmir is disputed between India and Pakistan, the persecuted Rohingya people of Myanmar are fleeing to Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka is recovering from bitter fighting between Sinhalese and Tamils. All these nations were ruthlessly kept in check under the Britsh Raj. The Indian Mutiny of 1857 cost the lives of 6,000 Britons and 800,000 Indians.
Empires were harsh masters but they provided centuries of stability. Since they were broken up their constituent nations have fallen prey to nationalism, racism, and bigotry. New empires are emerging in the form of the European Union, the Russian Federation, China, India. and the United States. If they can agree on their respective spheres of influence we could have world peace, but if one empire wants to dominate the rest it could lead to war: nuclear war.
With good will, political, racial, and religious differencies can be overcome. The real problem is America's addiction to 'exceptionalism', the belief that they should run the world. If that can be controlled humanity might have a chance.
I have recently fallen foul of 'Community Standards' on three different social media platforms. I thought that a hostile blog inspector was reading my posts, but I am told that an algorythm is to blame. I am being monitored by mathematical methods.
There has been an increase in censorship of late, and the government is planning even stricter rules. Former prime minister Gordon Brown's dictum: "British Jobs for British Workers," will almost certainly become illegal, and so will "Britain for the British." Anyone advocating an end to non-European immigration is liable to be arrested, charged with 'hate crime', and confined to a prison dominated by violent aliens.
I have always maintained that we can express our opinions without breaking the law, just by being careful, but it's getting harder. Any mention of the high crime rate in 'enriched' areas is likely to aggravate the algorythm, and any enquiry into the Holocaust is met with screams of 'antisemitism.'
Being barred from social media is an inconvenience but some naive youngsters have recieved long prison sentences just for belonging to a student group called National Action. This is the first time that a political party has been proscribed since Oswald Mosley's BUF in 1940. The state pulled the same trick then by using anti-terrorist laws to ban a political party. Defence Regulation 18B was designed to stop the IRA, and the Counter-Terrorism Act is supposed to stop the current wave of terrorists with Middle East connections.
This savage censorship goes against the tide of liberalism. Things that used to be unspoken are now disgussed, but race and nation are practically tabboo subjects. Even old films shown on the Talking Pictures TV channel carry a warning if they are thought to contain racist or offensive language.

The war in Ukraine has prompted the government to ban Russian Television. We are not allowed to hear the other side of the argument. According to mainstream media, President Putin is mad, old, dictatorial and warlike, but President Zelinsky (pictured) is young, handsome, courageous, and peaceful. Isn't democracy wonderful?
Spies and Traitors
Nick Griffin, the former leader of the British National Party, no longer has a professional website, a trashy newspaper, and a glossy magazine but he is still trying to make an impression on social media. He is abused by disappointed former supporters who blame him for the collapse of the BNP; instead of admitting that it was eclipsed, first by UKIP, and then by the lunatic fringe of the Tory Party.
There's very little difference between the narrow nationalist policies of the various factions of the far-right. They all want to stop free movement of labour within Europe, they all support Brexit, and they all wave Union Jacks at every opportunity. A simple-minded populism that appeals to the brainwashed masses.
Nick Griffin is accused, amongst other things, of being a state agent. This is par for the course, almost every nationalist leader has been suspected of treachery, but even agents provocatuers can be good writers, speakers, and organisers. William Joyce was an informer for the British Army in Ireland who almost certainly worked for MI5 when he defected to Germany to broadcast Nazi propaganda, but nobody doubts his courage and sincerity.
The so-called far-right in the UK has been riddled with government agents since the British Fascists was founded by Miss Rotha Lintorn-Orman in 1923. Charles Maxwell Knight (pictured), was a MI5 officer who was appointed BF Director of Intelligence in 1924, to protect them from infiltrators! Every subsequent fascist movement has been similarly spied on, and some of them were actually founded by MI5. Nationalist leaders are protected by caeserism, but political movements essentially founded on paranoia are bound to be suspicious, and hero worship can easily turn to hatred.
When Oswald Mosley announced that Jews were welcome to join Union Movement some of his members were upset. One old Blackshirt told me that he never expected a long line of Jews at 302 Vauxhall Bridge Road seeking membership, but he was afraid that it would let in spies.
Rufus of the 'News From Atlantis' blog summed up the situation in 2019:
"I broke with the organised supremacists years ago. I spoke out against National Action before they were banned. Taking a step back allowed me to see the mess of the totally compromised far-right, with its mixture of paid state agents (including undercover police), mentally unstable alcoholics/drug addicts, low life losers, hobbyists and dangerous cranks. The few good people involved risk their personal safety, and their liberty by associating with people who are only ever a pint away from inviting police attention through acts of provocation and/or outright stupidity. We dont need to put ourselves at risk. We can stand strong with friends, with family, looking out for each other, helping each other in real terms - giving physical and emotional support to others when in need. The likes of NA, EDL, Tommy Robinson, Daily Stormer, racist Gab users, apologists for Brenton Tarrant are a gift to those who seek absolute control. Avoid them like the plague that they are. Build our communities, look after each other. The struggle is now really a struggle for survival. The cranks have never been any help, and will always be a weapon against us. Make connections online to be sure, but make a difference in the real world - the only one that matters."
Will Wright wrote on the Anglo Celtic blog:
"National Action – has been declared to be a terrorist group, by Home Secretary, Amber Rudd. This was because they applauded the assassination of the Searchlight/Hope Not Hate-supporting Labour MP, Jo Cox by a mentally unwell man. Masked men giving stiff right arm salutes is not the right path for nationalists. The Establishment is looking for any excuse to ban nationalist groups. Islamic terrorist supporters are crying out for ‘even-handedness’ – they want nationalist groups banned. It is idiocy to give the Government that excuse. In any case, terrorism cannot succeed. Only a mass movement and a political party can effect the necessary change to our country. NA is a dangerous dead end and authentic nationalists should avoid it like the plague."
Crime and Corruption
Some years ago an Englishman serving in the Hong Kong Police was found guilty of corruption on the simple evidence of his bank account. The authorities knew how much he earned, what he was spending, and how much he was saving. If the same test was applied to local government officers, senior police officers, and members of parliament, we would need to build a dozen more prisons to accomodate them.
With breathtaking hypocrisy we Brits accuse foreigners of corruption but we seldom acknowledge our own shortcomings. Prime minister Tony Blair was questioned three times by the police in 2006-7 about the Cash-for-Honours scandal, but he wasn't charged. All governments have been suspected of taking bribes but Boris Johnson's regime is riddled with corruption. He dishes out peerages and lucrative contracts to his mates without a trace of embarrassment; he accepted massive donations from Russian oligarchs, and he lied to parliament about parties at No 10 during the Covid lockdown.
Public opinion is made by the mass media which generally turns a blind eye to corruption. Could it be that the proprietors of the popular press and television channels are part of the web of criminality covering the establishment?
The UK is run by a small group of extremely wealthy landowners who send their children to the same exclusive schools and mix in the same circles. They are often related, well connected, and unbelievably greedy. Marriages are made for money and conventional morality is unknown to them. The leading families can be traced back to the Normans who came over with William the Conqueror in 1066. They used brute force to steal everything they could lay their hands on, and their descendands are still robbing us a thousand years later.
When crime or corruption is suspected in the UK a court of inquiry is set up to look into it. This usually consists of law makers and enforcers that crawled out of the same swamp as the subjects of their enquiries. It's therefore unsurprising when they find that nothing nefarious has taken place.
More drastic measures have been used by authoritarian regimes. According to Human Rights Watch, President Saddam Hussein of Iraq disposed of 250,000 people suspected of corruption when he came to power in 1979.
Somewhere, between our soft approach and Saddam's tough justice, lies the correct level of judicial action to achieve a decent society.
Five Questions
Back in 2011, I asked my readers five questions; Who are you? What do you believe in? If you could direct government policy what would you do? What are you proud of and what do you regret? How would you like to be remembered?
I received replies from;
John Bean, NR # 76, Feb 2011
Robert Edwards, NR # 77, Mar 2011
Bill Baillie, NR # 78, Apr 2011
Michael Woodbridge, NR # 96, Sep 2012
Eddy Morrison, NR # 97, Nov 2012
Robert Best, NR # 98, Dec 2012
Arlette Baldacchino, NR # 99, Jan 2013
Alexander Morana, NR # 100, Feb 2013
Rufus, NR # 101, Mar 2013
Pete Williamson, NR # 103, May 2013
Claire Khaw, NR # 106, Aug 2013
Jane Edwards, NR 107, Sep 2013
Vic Sarson, NR # 109, Nov 2013
Jez Turner, EO # 13, Jan 2015
Michael Walsh, EO # 32, Aug 2016
Seth Tryssen, NR 146, Dec 2018
Ahmed, NR # 166, Aug 2020
Birth of a Nation
DW Griffiths' epic film The Birth of a Nation was premiered in Los Angeles in 1915. It was the world's first full length feature film, lasting over three hours, and using new techniques such as close ups, moving cameras, and long shots. DW Griffiths who was the son of a Confederate colonel was an unapolagectic racist. His film glorified the Ku Klux Klan, the 'Invisible Empire', that was shown rescuing a town from maurading blacks.
I watched this historic film, all three and a quarter hours of it, with a growing sense of unease. It's the only film I have ever seen that is positively pro white. I expected the plot to suddenly change to show the Klan as thugs and murderers, but it never happened. The carpetbagger politician was shown as a corrupt coward, his mulatto accomplice was a power mad drunk, and the rioting blacks were savages, as opposed to the plantation servants who were brave and loyal.
Birth of a Nation is a silent film (the first Talkie was made in 1927) and some of its captions are memorable. When Union veterans combine with Southerners to fight the blacks, the caption reads: "North and South stand together to defend their Aryan heritage."
If DW Griffiths made this film today he would be hounded out of Hollywood, charged with a catalogue of federal offences, and locked up in a Supermax prison for life. The wonder is that it was made in 1915, just thirty years before I was born.
All articles are by Bill Baillie unless otherwise stated. The opinions of guest writers are entirely their own. We seek reform by legal means according to the UN Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19:
"We all have the right to make up our own minds, to think what we like, to say what we think, and to share our ideas with other people."
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