Thursday 30 September 2021

European Outlook # 70 October 2021

Arnold Leese

The archivist and historian Stephen Swinfen recently criticized me in the pages of Heritage and Destiny for not showing sufficient respect for Arnold Leese. I never knew Arnold Leese so I can only go by what I have read, and what I was told by former members of his Imperial Fascist League, men such as Phil Ridout, Ron Hargrave and Bill Barnes. They greatly admired him but some of his contemporaries were not so impressed. Stephen wrote:

"I was shocked to see dispariging disrespect for Arnold Leese, described as a "crank", who was in truth an outstanding student of the Royal Veterinary College and practitioner of that profession, a commissioned officer in WW1 and a brave patriot and an absolute legend, forthright in his opinions."

Oswald Mosley's British Union of Fascists was inspired by Italian Fascism which was based on the State: 

"Everything for the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State."

Italy did not introduce racial laws until 1938, and General Francisco Franco defeated the Spanish Red Republic with the help of his Morroccan troops, but German National Socialism was based entitely on Race:

"All that is not Race in the world is dross."

Arnold Leese was attracted to the German model.

After the war those British fascists who had avoided the grisly fate of William Joyce and John Amery, emerged from detention unrepentant. Arnold Leese celebrated the peace by publishing 'The Jewish War of Survival', in which he blamed the Jews for starting the war. He had not modified his views since he wrote in his newspaper 'The Fascist' in 1935:

"It must be admitted that the most certain and permanent way of disposing of the Jews  would be to exterminate them by some humane method such as the lethal chamber. It is quite practicable, but (some will say unfortunately) in our own time it is unlikely that the world will demand the adoption of that drastic procedure." 

This matter-of-fact approach to mass murder prompted Oswald Mosley to describe Arnold Leese's Imperial Fascist League as:

"One of those crank little societies mad about the Jews."

Mosley's post-war Union Movement attacked international finance and opposed mass migration from the Commonwealth but played down anti-Semitism. Nevertheless the incessant propaganda surrounding the Hollocaust stuck to Oswald Mosley just as it did to Colin Jordan, Leese's devoted follower.

John Tyndall, who was heavily influenced by AK Chesterton,  wrote in 'The Eleventh Hour':

"At the other extreme, the works of such authors as Arnold Leese tend to overstate the Jewish role to the point, at times, of absurdity, suggesting for instance that Chinese Communism had Jewish origins because Jews were behind the opium trade which was one of the factors giving rise to the revolutionary conditions in China which led to the Maoist victory in 1949!"  

AK Chesterton escaped detention under Defence Regulation 18B by rejoining his old regiment from WW1. After the war he founded the League of Empire Loyalists which acted as a training school for the far-right. He had been a fierce opponent of the Jews as editor of Mosley's 'Blackshirt' newspaper, but now he took a more cautious line. He wrote in 'The New Unhappy Lords':

"Whether or not One World is the secret final objective of Zionism, World Jewry is the most powerful single force on earth and it follows that all the major policies that have been ruthlessly pursued through the last several decades must have had the stamp of Jewish approval. Indeed, common sense applied to such facts as have come to light must lead to the conclusion that the policies, directed against the most cherished Gentile Values, were incubated by adroit Jewish brains and and fulfilled, or carried to the verge of fulfillment, by the dynamism of the Jewish spirit. At the same time, so many Gentiles are associated with the conspiracy, both directly and through the formation of fronts, there are so many Gentile agents and agencies, and so many Gentile governments which have acquiesced in the conspiracy by falling into line with policies inimical to their own national interests, that it would be ludicrous to offload upon Jewish shoulders responsibility for the destruction or near destruction, of Christendom and the Western World. Nevertheless, it would be equally ludicrous to deny the Jewish part, especially where it is admitted."

Nick Griffin, the leader of the British National Party at the peak of its performance, summed up the situation in his Chairman's Blog in 2007:

"Since the days of ancient Rome it has been good and proper policy to say nothing of the dead unless good, but in the interests of future generations of our kind it is essential that genuine nationalists throughout the English-speaking world understand that - well-intentioned and honourable though they might have been as individual men - the Leese, Rockwell, Tyndall, Pierce stain that polluted our cause for half a century was a political, strategic, tactical, moral and practical disaster." 

Nick Griffin has been accused of all sorts of things but in this case his political analysis is correct.

A Reply To A Righteous Jew On Why Whites Are Different - Sam Dickson


A Jewish friend of mine (yes, there are a few such) wrote and expressed his puzzlement about how and why Whites are so resigned to the destruction of the monuments.

I am pasting my reply below:

Here it is:


Americans of all sorts are descended from people who had lower need for community than the people they left behind in their countries of origin.

We know that personality traits are governed by genetics. Americans are predisposed to "look out for #1", to be individualistic and be less inclined to attach to our communities.

This genetic flaw has been acted on and magnified by an education system and entertainment media that denigrates the past and encourages selfishness and self righteousness - what can be called "lonerism."

As you will know even better than most Christians, even better than most "conservative" Christians, there's a odd bit of trivia found in the now forgotten list of "ten commandments" that says one should honor one's father and one's mother.

The Whites who neither care about nor take action to stop the destruction of the monuments are proud products of our American culture.

They really don't care at all. They do not honor their fathers and their mothers. They have contempt for their parents and even more contempt for generations before their parents.

They derive a cheap thrill - what I call "easy virtue" - by taking what they feel are brave stands on issues that really do matter... the slave trade, the Crusaders sack of Jerusalem and the attendant massacre of Muslims in that city, slavery, segregation, McCarthyism. Their positions on such issues define their moral superiority over others. Taking a stand against such evils not only is the right thing to do but also, to them, it shows how brave they are. They are willing to take such stands regardless of the risk to them. After all, this bravery has been something you must have heard when you were in school as I heard about it when I was there. And we still hear today about how brave such people are.

Little things - being nice to your parents, visiting the sick in the hospitals, being polite and gracious to humble people like waiters and waitresses, refraining from saying untruths about others, fidelity to marriage vows, eschewing the worship of graven images, restraining yourself and not engaging in violence, keeping the Sabbath (and I confess to being one of the worst violaters of the Sabbath) ... little things like these are of almost no importance at all in defining how moral you are. It's the big things that matter.

Modern people find it amusing that anyone ever concerned himself about such silly matters and speak laughingly about previous generations - including their parents - who did. One hears such chatter at cocktail parties, in the classroom, on Okra Winfrey and elsewhere.

But you already understand that I should not impose on your time by commenting at such length about such matters.

To these "moderns" it is puzzling why anyone should care about the obliteration of their people's monuments. They are genuinely puzzled. "How would I get anything out of bothering about that?", they think. "Why do these stupid fools care?" 

Then they get one of "life's little extras" - a frisson of pleasure as they learn from the media or their teachers that their indifference is all part of the goodness and moral virtue and those who do care are simply not as well educated, not as enlightened, not as well informed, not as good as they are. Their indifference is a badge of their moral superiority.

If you have ever watched "Gone With the Wind", you may recall a scene that speaks to our society and the enlightened Whites that inhabit it.

At the dance in Atlanta during the War an appeal is made for a collection to help the Cause. Melanie Hamilton contributes her wedding ring sorrowfully with a last fond look. The soldier collecting the conribution says, "But, Mrs Wilkes, that's your wedding ring." Melanie replies, "It may do my husband more good in Virginia than on my finger."

Melanie represents the discredited, trivial and badly focused past.

The voice of our time's chic, the up-to-date, the enlightend speaks up. She has seen Melanie admired for contributing her wedding ring and she wants to do a little virtue signalling for herself.

Scarlett takes off her ring, tosses it into the collection box and says, "Here. Take my ring too."

And that irritant Rhett Butler, waspishy comments, "I know just how much that meant to you!"

There is a great verse from one of the books in the Apocrypha called "The Book of Sirich" or "Ecclesiasticus." I am grateful to an idolatrous Papist friend of mine for introducing it to me along with many good things that have come to me through this friendship.

"Do not deny kindness to the dead."

I invariably think of this as I watch the monuments come down.


The AUKUS Treaty

The defence pact between Australia, the UK and the US is intended to counter China. But China is Australia's biggest import and export market. China takes 39% of Australia's exports and sends 27% of her imports - figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics for 2020.

Australia's second and third trade partners are Japan and South Korea; what the Imperial Japanese used to call the Greater South East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. 

This treaty is a massive arms deal that will equip Australia with a fleet of nuclear-powered submarines built in Australia from parts made in the UK and the US. It replaces a provisional deal with France.

This is a golden opportunity for Boris Johnson to piss off France, wave his sabre at China, and ingratiate himself with America.

There has been lots of talk about "freedom and democracy" but the main reason for the deal is to promote the Military Industrial Complex that's so vital to the American economy. China does not want a war with Australia because she is one of her best customers.

President Joe Biden doesn't want a war with China but he needs to maintain a state of tension in order to keep his defence industry going. It's impossible to exagerate the economic importance of the US defence industry. Millions of people are employed in planning, designing, making, transporting and deploying missiles, ships, planes, armoured vehicles, artillery, machine guns, small arms and amunition. And they all pay taxes to the US Government.

The last time that America was at peace was between the First and Second World Wars, the period known as the Great Depression that brought poverty and hardship to the American people. But such times of peace are rare in a world run by corrupt politicians in the pay of big business.

The alternative would be to covert American industry to building houses, schools and hospitals, but that would not be nearly so profitable to the arms dealers and warmongers who control the US economy. 

European Outlook

All articles are by Bill Baillie unless otherwise stated. The opinions of guest writers are entirely their own. We seek reform by legal means according to the UN Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19:

"We all have the right to make up our own minds, to think what we like, to say what we think, and to share our ideas with other people."

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