Wednesday, 31 October 2018

European Outlook # 53 November 2018

Dave Cameron's Legacy

Both of the main parties are divided over Brexit. The Tories are threatened by the Jacob Rees-Mogg faction and the Labour Party are still dithering. Theresa May's latest plan is still being considered by the EU, and an estimated 700,000 people marched through London calling for another referendum. 

The public is as confused as ever. Londoners are mostly pro-European but the depressed areas of the country are smarting with resentment and brainwashed by the popular press. Two years after the referendum we still don't know where we are going.. 

This political disaster was started by Dave Cameron who tried to unite the Tory Party by picking a fight with the EU. This led to the referendum. followed by two years of argument. Now, we face the prospect of leaving the EU and risking what's left of our manufacturing industry. Our car plants are not likely to survive if their supplies are disrupted by border checks and tariffs.

The referendum was supposed to be about Europe but it turned into a protest against immigration. A nationalist friend recently explained how immigration works. According to him, every foreigner comes here to live on social security and contribute nothing to the country. On arrival, each and every one of them is presented with a council house, a new car, and a large sum of money. Immigration is a plot by the 'unelected' bosses of the European Union to destroy Britain. They hate us because we beat the Spanish Armada, Napoleon Bonaparte, Kaiser Bill, and Adolf Hitler.

I never realised it was so simple. I thought that migration was a worldwide movement of labour in search of employment, an economic problem that could be solved by international agreement. But it turns out that all we need to do is quit the EU and the immigrants will somehow disappear. We will get our country back, and: "there will be bluebirds over the white cliffs of Dover, and Jimmy will go to sleep in his own little room again."

Moules-Frites et Stella

Some people claim we are being ruled by Belgium. The EU parliament is based in Brussels but it represents 28 sovereign states. When we leave the EU we will still belong to NATO, the United Nations, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and many other treaties and conventions. We might regain our 'sovereignty' but we will never be completely independent.

When I think of Belgium I remember happy days spent drinking Stella Artois and eating Moules-Frites. Belgium is a brave little country that suffered badly in two world wars, a friendly country that has contributed in full to European civilisation, but some people think of Belgium as an 'evil empire'. Perhaps tyranny, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder?

Nigel Farage doesn't think that Belgium is a proper country because they have two languages. One wonders what he thinks of Wales with English and Welsh, or Ireland with English and Irish, or Switzerland with German, French and Italian, or Spain with Spanish, Catalan and Basque, or Canada with English and French? Those of us blessed with a vision of Europe see beyond languages, but Farage and his narrow-minded followers see only divisions.

Remember the Liberty - NSWPP Cicero IL 6060 USA

On June 6th 1967, the USS Liberty, an unarmed, clearly-marked communications vessel stationed in the Mediterranean Sea, was savagely attacked without warning in an unprovoked assault by Israeli jet fighters and torpedo boats. Thirty-four US servicemen died in the attack, and another 171 were wounded. 

'Life' magazine, June 23rd, 1967 stated: "The Israelis had attacked because She had monitored orders proving that Israel had started the war." 'Newsweek' on June 19th, 1967 stated the same thing.

The Liberty's mission was to monitor any fighting between Israel and its Arab neighbours which were then at war. Specifically, the Liberty's task was to report any evidence picked up by its sophisticated electronic gear as to whether or not Israel was planning to use its nuclear arsenal against the Arabs and also to warn Israel of possible Arab resistance. The Israelis were not going to have the United States interfering with their use of atomic weapons no matter what the consequences might be - and so it was ordered that the Liberty be put out of commission.

A group of White House Zionists had gathered to celebrate the initial victory of the Zionist blitzkrieg as its Wehrmacht crushed the unprepared Arab defences. These Zionists were stunned by reports from the USS Liberty, that its monitors had recorded all the Israeli attack orders. This proof of Israeli aggression had to be destroyed and the White House Zionists ordered that the USS Liberty be sunk immediately while the CIA prepared false reports "proving" that it was sunk by Egyptian planes. The US paratroops would land in Cairo, kill Nasser and set up a provisional government for the Israelis. This plan was ruined because the Israelis could not sink the USS Liberty. Despite many hours gruelling attack the heroic Americans fought on surrounded by their dead and saved their ship, but, instead of being rewarded for their heroism, the survivors were placed under oath of secrecy, transferred to other ships and the USS Liberty was renamed the USS Hyman Rickover and the very name of the ship disappeared from history. 

Many American officers demanded that Israel be punished for this vicious attack on an American ship which was in their waters to aid them. A military coup in Washington seemed Imminent as the government tried to cover up the affair and two admirals were placed under arrest. Arthur Goldberg, a Zionist, and American ambassador to the United Nations sent a frantic memo to President Lyndon Johnson; " An investigation of the Liberty affair will mean civil war as the military men and the working people will rise against us."

The Zionist cover-up in Washington succeeded and King Hussein of Jordan said: "We were not defeated by Moshe Dyan on the borders. We were defeated by Goldberg in New York."

Why did not the national press publish the full account of the USS Liberty affair? Because the national press in Britain is under the control of the political Zionists who wish to keep us in the dark concerning their intentions while they destroy us.

Despite the murder of thirty-four American fighting men, the system which governs the USA has continued to give roughly two billion dollars a year in military aid to the very ones who butchered their men in an unprovoked act of blatant, premeditated aggression.

Justice, if there is now any, demands that the Israeli murderers be brought to justice and those members of the US government who have sided with and abetted this outrage by their silence and complicity be punished.

Now read on - from the armed forces Journal International 1980.....

Startling new evidence about the 1967 Israeli attack on the American naval vessel, the USS Liberty, has been brought to light in a just-released Random House book, 'Assault on the Liberty', by James M Ennes Jr.

Ennes was on the bridge of the Liberty during much of the assault. He was commissioned an ensign in 1962, and from 1965 until he retired from the Navy he was assigned to cryptographic duties.

The Liberty which was attacked in international waters off the Sinai Peninsular was initially attacked by Israeli high-performance jets. Those attacks were followed by torpedo boats armed to kill. The attack lasted for two hours, killing 34 Americans and wounding 171 others. When the Liberty failed to sink quickly, Israeli forces machine-gunned her life rafts in troop-carrying helicopters.

Once the US Sixth Fleet rescue aircraft were on their way, the Israelis quickly apologized, claiming that their forces had mistaken the ship for an Egyptian freighter. The US Government quietly accepted the excuse. But Ennes produces strong evidence to support the following new allegations.

* Pre-attack reconnaissance was more intense than the government has admitted: at least 13 orbits of the ship were made by reconnaissance aircraft before the attack, some only 200 feet overhead. (The government claims that only three significant reconnaissance flights were made and that only one aircraft came within five miles of the ship).

* The identification of the ship was known to the Israeli War Room several hours before the attack, and its position plotted on a chart. (An Israeli aircraft was heard before the attack informing its headquarters by radio that the ship flew an American flag. Bowing to the Israeli request to keep circumstances of the attack secret, however, the American government states publicly that the Liberty was not identified until after the attack).

* Three days before the attack, USS Liberty requested the Sixth Fleet to send an armed destroyer to provide protection against attack. (The Sixth Fleet's commander assured the Liberty that she was operating in a safe area, promising immediate support in the "unlikely" event it might be needed and denying the ship's request for special protection).

* Although the Sixth Fleet promised air support within 10 minutes of any request, the US Navy failed to protect the ship during the attack. (The Liberty pleaded over the radio for assistance for more than two hours, but the Sixth Fleet - because of White House intervention - and the Sixth Fleet's unpreparedness, failed to come to her aid).

* Israel's explanation for the attack contradicts known facts and evidence but was accepted without hesitation by the American government. (Israel claims that the Liberty was mistaken for the small Egyptian freighter El Arish, even though Israel and the US were both aware that El Arish was far from the area, Israel also claims that the attack occurred because Israeli motor torpedo boats falsely identified Liberty as an enemy vessel after erroneously tracking the ship by radar at 30 knots - although she was only moving at five knots - and subsequently called in the air strike. The strike, which in fact was called before the torpedo boats were within radar range of the Liberty, was organised by forces ashore).

* A cover-up of the circumstances of the attack was ordered by President Johnson. (The President was concerned with negotiating a peace treaty in the Middle East and could ill afford a confrontation with Israel; he thus accepted Israel's flimsy explanation, failed to investigate the attack properly, and ordered a cover-up of the circumstances that were already known).

* Liberty sailors were forbidden any unsupervised contact with the press, even after the "news lid" was lifted. (Crewmen were not allowed to talk with reporters until after a Court of Inquiry report was published. Even then, however, sailors were permitted to repeat only the official version of the attack and only in the same words the Court had used. The few interviews that were authorized were carefully supervised and rehearsed).

* Testimony to the Court of Inquiry revealed that the attack was probably deliberate, but all such evidence was withheld from the public. (Liberty officers and crewmen told the Court of Inquiry of extensive low-level pre-attack reconnaissance, of the ship's American flag clearly displayed and of a prolonged and carefully orchestrated attack. All such details were ignored or classified Top Secret in order to support the government's contention that the attack was a mistake).

* The American public was given a distorted version of the attack. (The public was told that the air attack lasted five or six minutes: the ship's officers recall and testified that it lasted 20 or 25 minutes. The US claims that the attack ended with the torpedo explosion, while in fact, torpedo boats fired on the ship's life rafts 40 minutes after that explosion - and fired on the crew in the interim. The fact that Israeli forces repeatedly used napalm against the crew was never made known. Moreover, although the government claims that the ship was never in danger of sinking, officers recall that "scuttle ship," "demolish ship" and "prepare to abandon ship" orders were given).

Race Relations

Prosecutions for inciting racial hatred are now so common that they hardly make the news. One of the most famous was the 1992 prosecution of Nick Griffin and Paul Ballard for producing the magazine 'The Rune'. I was recently given two copies of this notorious publication, issues number 10 and 11, but not number 12 which was apparently so offensive that it caused Alex Carlile QC to complain to the police. The two copies that I have seen are undoubtedly anti-Semitic but I am surprised that a hardened criminal lawyer was so sensitive.

In my far-off drinking days, I frequented a South London pub that didn't welcome black customers. The exception was Henry, a popular West Indian philosopher. He blamed the disadvantaged position of the Blacks on Abraham Lincoln. He used to say: "Lincoln abolished slavery and we have been out of work ever since."

If a White man said that he would be prosecuted, and if a Jew had edited 'The Rune' he would probably have escaped prosecution. Blacks are allowed to use the 'N' word. and Jews can flirt with anti-Semitism. Self-hatred is entrenched in this country, indeed it's the guiding principle of the 'Commonwealth'.

e have an entire industry devoted to race relations. Lawyers and social workers specialise in such cases and win massive compensation claims for their clients. This helps to heal wounded feelings but fines and imprisonment do little to turn racial conservatives into model citizens.    

Good race relations depend on mutual respect and education. The government can't force people to like one another, but most of us are fair-minded and even the far-right parties accept coloured members. Race, nationality, culture and identity are interwoven and complex subjects. Attempts to redress racial discrimination with 'affirmative action' are wrong. Jobs should go to those best qualified and promotion should be by merit. Organisations such as 'Black Lives Matter' are inherently racists and should be banned under the Race Relations Act. All lives matter.

Keeping up the Holocaust

London is soon to have a memorial costing millions of pounds as a permanent reminder of the Holocaust; the killing of millions of Jews in World War Two. The Jews are worried that we might forget about it and allow anti-Semitism to make a comeback.

They are right to be worried. The few remaining survivors from the concentration camps are on their last legs, and modern students know little or nothing about history. Also, when my generation learned about the Holocaust we were naturally horrified but today we see pictures of dead and dying people on our televisions all the time. We have been brutalized by current events and the terrible crimes of the past are no longer so horrifying.

Our newspapers are not state-controlled, as they are in Saudi Arabia, but they all support British intervention in Afghanistan and the Middle East. It is unpatriotic to question foreign policy when 'our boys' are involved, and when we shoot up wedding parties or bomb hospitals it's dismissed as 'collateral damage'. We see images of dead and wounded women and children who were in the way, and starving refugees who were trying to get out of the way. And when we accept these atrocities as necessary for our defence and security, we are condoning what the Germans, and others, did in the past. It's what governments do.

Jews who were killed over seventy years ago can't compete with Arabs who are being killed at this very moment. Pictures coming out of Syria and Yemen are fresh in our minds but the terrible deeds of the past are fading from memory. Instead of wasting millions of pounds on a memorial we should give the money to the Red Cross to help the millions of people who are being killed all over the world. 

Nation Revisited
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