Cabinet Ministers are expected to be courteous and diplomatic, especially around foreign heads of State. When British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain returned from Munich with his famous piece of paper, he reported on his discussion with "Herr Hitler". He was respectful even though he was preparing for war with Germany.
The first political commentator to use insulting language was William Joyce, the world's first 'shock jock', who broadcasted propaganda over German radio during the Second World War. He called Winston Churchill "a drunken warmonger," and he was duly hanged for it.
As well as being a drunkard, Winston Churchill was a contrary man. He courted FD Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin as allies against Hitler, but he appointed Selwyn Lloyd to the Foreign Office in 1951, despite Selwyn Lloyd's insistence that he spoke no foreign languages, had never been abroad except during war, and that he didn't like foreigners. Churchill said "young man, I consider that to be a great advantage."
British Foreign Secretary David Lammy is unlikely to suffer the same fate as William Joyce for calling President Donald Trump "a woman-hating neo-Nazi sympathiser." That's not the sort of language we expect from an ambitious politician with an eye on the premiership.
Our 'Special Relationship' with the USA will probably survive David Lammy's outburst but it will not help us to negotiate a trade deal with President Donald Trump.
Prime Minister Keir Starmer is naturally reluctant to sack a Black man after 'taking the knee' in support of Black Lives Matter. The Labour Party has abandoned public ownership, fair play for pensioners, and most of their traditional policies, but they are still devoted to multiracialism.
Member of the Labour front bench all went to a good schools and universities, but they lack common sense. They are used to shouting childish abuse at the opposition in the House of Commons and they think that they can do it anywhere.
The Speaker of the House does his best to keep order but loud-mouthed MPs like David Lammy are always likely to make fools of themselves. His behaviour is typical of the dumbing down of our institutions.
The House of Lords
The upper chamber of the UK Parliament dates back to the 11th century. It has 800 members serving a population of 66.97 million. The upper house of the United States Congress has just 100 Senators serving a population of 333.29 million. Traditionalists want to keep the HOL as a scrutinising chamber, that's fair enough, but do we really need so many Lords?
Some of our noble lords are Bishops of the Church of England, others inherited their titles, but most of them were appointed by the Old Gang for services rendered. They have no power to reject proposals from the House of Commons but they can delay them.
The late Jack Lelieve was an inspiring orator for the 1960s British National Party. A New Zealander by birth, he served in the Australian army during the Second World War fighting the Japanese in the jungles of New Guinea. He was a British patriot through and through, but he derisively referred to the HOL as "that once august establishment." It's not only the Left that seeks the reform or abolition of the HOL.
Our correspondent Vic Sarson would like to see an independent upper chamber free of party affiliations. He maintains that the present system of party patronage is corrupt, with peers appointed as a reward for their donations.
This practice was most evident during the premiership of David Lloyd George (1916-1922). He more or less openly sold honours through his agent Maundy Gregory. This criminal behaviour only attracted the attention of the police when Maundy Gregory failed to secure an honour that had already been paid for. Parliament subsequently banned the sale of honours but it still goes on.
The late John Prescott was Tony Blair's Deputy Prime Minister who was proud of his working class background but he soon got used to the comfortable green leather benches of the HOL and his generous tax-free allowances of £323.00 per day.
If we must have an upper chamber let it be democratically elected, limited in size, and responsible for budgetary control. That way spendthrift governments could be kept in check and we wouldn't have giant aircraft carriers with misaligned prop shafts, or High Speed Railways that are too expensive to complete.
Anti-White Racism
Elon Musk is the latest hate figure of the Left. Not only is he a billionaire capitalist but he is also a White South African, albeit with American citizenship. Zola Budd (pictured) was a medium and long distance runner who competed for Britain in the 1992 Olympic Games. She was a young woman who had never engaged in politics but the Left hounded her every time she competed outside South Africa.
I was living in Cape Town in 1966 when South African Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd was assassinated by Dimitri Tsafendas, a parliamentary messenger of Greek ancestry. On hearing the news my landlady said: "Thank God the killer was White, if he had been Black we would have a race war on our hands." That's how dangerous racial tension was under Apartheid.
Elon Musk and Zola Budd are not responsible for Apartheid, they are only guilty of being White in a world dominated by self-hating liberals who don't realise that their hatred of White South Africans is a type of racism. They are prejudged against fellow Europeans of mainly British and Dutch stock who are the innocent victims of history.
Apartheid was an attempt to preserve White civilisation in Africa. The Afrikaners made use of Black labour, but slavery was practised by every nation from the Egyptians who used slaves to build the Pyramids to the Southern Plantation owners who used slaves to pick cotton.
The condition of the Blacks in South Africa under White rule was better than in the Congo under the Belgians, Namibia under the Germans, or Kenya under the British.
Advanced cultures always dominate primitive cultures, The Native Americans were almost wiped out by diseases imported from Europe, as well as by the guns of the US Cavalry.
The Australian Aborigines live a pitiful life in the outback, and native people all over the world are discriminated against. But it's not only Europeans that are responsible, the slave markets of Libya are still selling human beings from sub-Saharan Africa, and Black migrant workers are treated badly in Mauretania and Tunisia.
Education should overcome racism, but Oskar Dirlewanger, who had a PHD in economics, commanded an infamous SS unit responsible for the mass murder of Jews and Gypsies during the Second World War. Unfortunately, racism seems to be part of the human condition.
Email from Robert Baggs the editor of 'Britain, My Nation', 10 Washpool, Swindon, Wiltshire. britainmynation@yahoo.com
Hello Bill
So very good to hear from you and sorry to hear that you've been through the wars. I hope improvements continue apace and 2025 is a good year for you.
Britain, My Nation is plodding along with subscriptions taken out by mostly old school Nationalists. It seems the new breed, despite all good political intentions, are happier with the Internet than they are with hard-copy reading material.
I will continue with my venture as long as I can and look to you for inspiration. I've just turned 65, so don't seem to have the same energy as I did, but, I think you are older than me, so if you can do your bit then so can I.
Look forward to reading your blogs for some time to come.
Wishing you and yours all the very best for 2025.
I replied.
Thanks for your good wishes.
Please don't worry about your age. I am 80 years old, my Canadian friend John Beattie of the British People's League is in his eighties, and my dearly departed comrades John Bean (1927-2021) and Frank Walsh (1925-2020) were still writing in their nineties. John Bean wrote his column 'Nationalist Notebook' for the British Democrats, and Frank Walsh posted his blog 'My Site' in support of his Patriotic People's Power Party.
So take heart Robert, you could be campaigning for another thirty years.
Free Speech Denied
Eddy Morrison after one of his frequent court appearances.
It has always been difficult to get our message across to the general public. We used to hold meetings on street corners with the speaker standing on a makeshift platform and using a portable loudspeaker, or just his voice. These meetings were frequently attacked by violent mobs of 'anti-Fascists' who were determined to deny us Free Speech.
Venues such as pubs and meeting halls gave in to intimidation by the Left and refused to let us hold meetings, and the biased mass media only reported our activities if they ended in a brawl.
In the 1970s the National Front gained publicity and membership by holding impressive marches and rallies organised by Martin Webster, but the Party was severely damaged in the1979 general election when Margaret Thatcher said that she understood people's fear of being "swamped" by immigration. But weeks later she let in 20,000 Vietnamese refugees.
Bill Baillie editor of the duplicated new letter 'Nation' in 1974
In those days it would still have been possible to deport non-European immigrants. There were far fewer of them than there are now, and it was perfectly legal to call for repatriation. Union Movement and the National Front consistently made such a call and so did I in my duplicated newsletter 'Nation', issued in 1973-1974. Today, it's a criminal offence to advocate repatriation or even to use such phrases as "Britain for the British."
The police used to be on our side but since the Scarman Report following the 1981 Brixton riots they have taken to tipping off the 'anti-Fascists' whenever we try to hold a meeting. They also use various tricks to prevent us from speaking. Eddy Morrison applied to hold a radical Nationalist meeting in Trafalgar Square when Ken Livingstone was the Mayor of London. The Mayor replied politely to say that he was welcome to hold a meeting in the Square, providing that he took out insurance cover which would have been prohibitively expensive.
We still have a number of hard-copy magazines; Heritage and Destiny, Candour, The League Sentinel, Broadsword, and Britain, My Nation, but the ever-increasing cost of postage and printing makes their future uncertain.
The situation looks grim but there's light at the end of the tunnel. The powers that be are trying to control the Internet by forcing tech companies, like Google, to use sign-ins and warning notices, but American-based websites are protected by the US Constitution, and tech billionaire Elon Musk has vowed to defend Free Speech.
Meetings and marches may influence hundreds of people but by using the Internet, humble blogs like Nation Revisited and European Outlook can reach thousands of readers. We are not beaten yet.
Adrian Romilly on Facebook
Note in passing that the Pakis displayed Group Solidarity, they band together to protect their interests, this strengthens them in the face of the police, we do not and we are correspondently weak. Also, they have a concept of women in their community being "their women" and protect them accordingly. We need to recover that sense that it's OUR WOMEN that are being attacked and that it's OUR DUTY to protect OUR WOMEN! We need to react angrily to the Pakis, or others by saying HANDS OFF, THESE ARE OUR GIRLS!
As things are, we're too afraid of being dubbed racist to openly show the indignation we feel. Absurd fear of the R label leaves us paralysed!
Nation Revisited
European Outlook
All articles are by Bill Baillie unless otherwise stated. The opinions of guest writers are entirely their own. The editor reserves the right to shorten or otherwise amend articles submitted for publication. We seek reform by lawful means according to the UN Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19: