Big Brother is Watching You
Some years ago a British man serving in the Hong Kong Police was charged with corruption because his bank balance didn't reflect his earnings as a police officer. No evidence of criminality was presented. He was convicted solely on his bank statement.
With the aid of electronic surveillance the State monitors our every move. The Data Protection Act is supposed to keep our personal details secret, but GCHQ has access to Oyster cards used for travelling, loyalty cards issued by supermarkets, and data collected by the Inland Revenue, the Police, the Passport Office, the DHSS, and the DVLA.
We are watched from the cradle to the grave, but when the Government proposed Identity Cards the Libertarians cried "Police State" and the scheme was abandoned. Despite all evidence to the contrary they believe in the myth of 'liberty'. They don't want an intrusive Government but that ship has already sailed.
The UK has an estimated immigrant-swollen population of 69.5 million. In order to provide the services we need for so many people, the Government needs to know who is in the country, and what they are doing.
If our fingerprints and DNA profiles were kept on a central database the Police would be better able to fight crime and illegal immigration.
The problem is not that the State has too much information but that it doesn't have enough. For years the Police told illegal immigrants to make their way to the nearest Immigration Reporting Office, usually Lunar House, Croydon. We don't how many of them simply disappeared into the black economy because no reliable records were kept, and very few of them were deported.
Those who want to keep their details secret should relocate to an underdeveloped country that doesn't provide health care, a police force, retirement pensions, and all the amenities of civilisation, but those of us who value these things must accept a reasonable degree of surveillance. It's the price we pay for the services we enjoy.
Comparisons with George Orwell's Big Brother from his dystopian novel 1984 are exaggerated, He was an outstanding writer but a terrible pessimist. His vision of the UK as 'Airstrip One' did not come to pass, at least, not as he imagined it.
The Electorate
A friend of mine was canvasing for the Tory Party in a multiracial area of London. He asked a white man how he intended to vote. The man replied emphatically "National Front." My friend pointed out that the NF did not have a candidate in his constituency. So the man said: "In that case I'll vote Labour."
The National Front advocated the deportation of coloured immigrants, as opposed to the Labour Party that was, at that time, committed to an open door immigration policy. Such is the faulty logic of the electorate.
In the last UK general election a great number of Tory voters switched to the Labour Party. There is practically no difference between the Tory Party and the Labour Party, but the public wanted a change, even if it was just a change of faces.
Now, a new party has entered the scene in the form of Reform UK, a populist nationalist party led by Nigel Farage that still believes in Brexit, despite growing evidence that it was an economic disaster. The opinion polls are currently showing Reform UK to be neck and neck with the two main parties. A tiny minority of people actually read election manifestoes. The majority cast their votes for various reasons ranging from tribal loyalty to the attractiveness of a particular candidate. People thought that Boris Johnson was a lovable rouge who was good looking in a dishevelled sort of way. They never worried about him being an adulterer and a liar, they liked him for his juvenile behaviour and his promiscuous love life.
Clement Attlee (pictured) was the best Prime Minister we have had since the War. Unfortunately, he made the monumental mistake of passing the British Nationality Act of 1948 which gave Commonwealth citizens the right to come to Britain..
To his credit, he steered broken and bankrupt Britain through the debris of World War Two, founded the Welfare State, dismantled the Indian Empire, withdrew from Palestine and developed atomic weapons. This patriotic socialist wouldn't be elected in modern Britain because he was an old-fashioned barrister with a bald head.
The classic example of glamour verses ability was the 1960 presidential election between Richard Nixon and John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Nixon was a seasoned politician with a blue chin and a morose expression, whereas JFK was a handsome young war hero with perfect teeth who radiated sex appeal. The good looking candidate won the election; which just goes to show that the Americans are just as gullible as the British.
The Fascist Salute
When tech billionaire Elon Musk appeared to give the Fascist Salute to a cheering audience in America his harmless gesture enraged the usual suspects who hate him for being a white South African and a Donald Trump supporter.
The straight right arm salute was used by the Romans, revived by Benito Mussolini, and copied by the Nazis, the Spanish Falangists, and Fascist groups around the world. It is still used by Hezbollah in Lebanon.
Denis Pirie gave a defiant Fascist Salute to the judge who sentenced him to three months imprisonment in 1961 for belonging to Colin Jordan's 'Spearhead' formation. This consisted of half a dozen unarmed men dressed as Stormtroopers who played war games in the woods of Kent.
A year later Alan Whereat, a member of Keith Goodall's short-lived National Union of Fascists, gave a Fascist salute to the court when his case was dropped through lack of evidence. He was charged under the Public Order Act with wearing a black shirt whilst distributing leaflets outside Lambeth Town Hall.
About the same time I visited the Princedale Road headquarters of the National Socialist Movement to hear Colin Jordan speak on the subject of 'National Socialism and the Arts'. When I knocked on the front door it was opened by Roland Kerr Ritchie who flung out his right arm in a Fascist Salute and accidentally poked me in the eye.
But the comedy did not end there. We gathered in an upstairs room that contained far too many chairs. When Colin Jordan entered the room everybody stood up to salute him and most of the chairs fell over.
Another occasion where the Fascist Salute was openly displayed was the funeral service of veteran East London nationalist Ron Tear in 2017. As the crematorium curtains closed on his coffin we saluted our old comrade
The flamboyant American strategist Steve Bannon recently upset Marine le Pen, presidential candidate for Rassemblement National, by giving the Fascist Salute to his followers. She probably doesn't know that this ancient gesture was originally a sign of peace, the open hand extended to show no weapons.
The so-called 'anti-Fascists' like getting their opponents sacked from their jobs or evicted from their homes, but they can't hurt Elon Musk who is one of the richest men in the world.
The Perfect Aryan
The Irish playwright Samuel Becket wrote that the perfect Aryan should be blonde like Hitler, slim like Goering, and tall like Goebbels. He was poking fun at the Nazis who believed themselves to be a Master Race. They thought that the Russians were an inferior race that would be easily conquered, but things turned out differently.
Adolf Hitler's regime was the inevitable consequence of the Treaty of Versailles. The Allies ignored John Maynard Keynes' warning that crippling reparations would result in the collapse of the German economy and political chaos.
Hitler started off well. He financed a massive rearmament program through the sale of interest bearing bonds. He increased the Autobahn network that had been started by the Weimar Republic, and he wiped out unemployment by ordering manufacturers to hire more workers.
Unfortunately, his economic miracle was undermined by his hatred of Jews and Slavs. He boasted that it was only necessary to kick the door in to defeat the Soviet Union. And he dismissed the Americans as being half Jewish and half Negro.
The National Socialist regime followed the pattern of the French Revolution. The Socialists were eliminated in the Night of the Long Knives when Ernst Rohm and many of his Brownshirts were executed. Neighbouring countries were invaded, Germany was gripped by paranoia, and Jews and Communists were accused of treason.
German Jews were integrated into society and many of them had fought for Germany and Austria in the First World War, but in accordance with Nazi race theory they were dispossessed, rounded up, and finally murdered. What started as a measure against a prosperous minority got completely out of control and resulted in the Holocaust.
There was actually very little difference between the political systems of National Socialist Germany and the Soviet Union. Both states were dictatorships with centrally planned economies and massive armed forces. But Hitler failed to see the similarity, and by 1945, just 12 years after the Nazis came to power, Germany lay in ruins and was occupied by the Allied Powers. All because of Hitler's obsessive racism.
When German troops invaded Poland in 1939 they noticed that most Poles had blue eyes and blonde hair, just like themselves. To counter this observation the Nazis invented a new ethnicity called the East Baltics; which they described as an inferior race not to be confused with the Nordics.
According to the Nazi race theorist Hans Gunther, the Nordics were descended from an ancient race of Hyperborean supermen that inhabited Antarctica, worshipped Apollo, and travelled around the world in flying saucers to build the Pyramids and Stonehenge. This nonsense is still being propagated on American websites.
I am totally opposed to uncontrolled Third World immigration and I support the repatriation of illegal and undesirable immigrants, but I don't subscribe to the fantasies that motivated the Nazis. National identity is a complex mixture of race and culture modified by history and geography. We have every right to defend European Civilisation, but we must not resort to head measuring.
The Death Penalty
The Birmingham Six in 1991. Photo credit the BBC
A spate of child murders had prompted calls for a return of capital punishment. Few people would argue against the death penalty for premeditated murder but we must remember the Birmingham Six who were wrongly convicted of two pub bombings. They were imprisoned for nearly 17 years before their convictions were overturned by the Appeal Court. They all came from Northern Ireland and they sympathised with the IRA, but they were entirely innocent of murder. If we still had the death penalty in 1975 when they were convicted they would have been executed.
The death penalty could only be justified if we had a perfect police force and judiciary. As it is, the police are incompetent and the judicial system gets it right only fifty percent of the time, the same odds as spinning a coin. If we could be absolutely sure that we have got the right man, or woman, we could bring back the rope, but such certainty is usually lacking.
You may think it acceptable to hang a few innocent people in the greater interest of justice, but you would no doubt think differently if your neck was in the noose.
Our judicial system can't be relied on. The testimony of 'Expert Witnesses' often goes unchallenged, juries are swayed by articulate prosecutors, and some judges are clearly senile. To be on the safe side we must maintain life sentences both for ordinary murders and terrorist atrocities.
Nation Revisited
European Outlook
All articles are by Bill Baillie unless otherwise stated. The opinions of guest writers are entirely their own. The editor reserves the right to shorten or otherwise amend articles submitted for publication. We seek reform by lawful means according to the UN Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19: