Friday, 31 January 2025

European Outlook # 102, February 2025


Cabinet Ministers are expected to be courteous and diplomatic, especially around foreign heads of State. When British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain returned from Munich with his famous piece of paper, he reported on his discussion with "Herr Hitler". He was respectful even though he was preparing for war with Germany.

The first political commentator to use insulting language was William Joyce, the world's first 'shock jock', who broadcasted propaganda over German radio during the Second World War. He called Winston Churchill "a drunken warmonger," and he was duly hanged for it.

As well as being a drunkard, Winston Churchill was a contrary man. He courted FD Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin as allies against Hitler, but he appointed Selwyn Lloyd to the Foreign Office in 1951, despite Selwyn Lloyd's insistence that he spoke no foreign languages, had never been abroad except during war, and that he didn't like foreigners. Churchill said "young man, I consider that to be a great advantage."

British Foreign Secretary David Lammy is unlikely to suffer the same fate as William Joyce for calling President Donald Trump "a woman-hating neo-Nazi sympathiser." That's not the sort of language we expect from an ambitious politician with an eye on the premiership.

Our 'Special Relationship' with the USA will probably survive David Lammy's outburst but it will not help us to negotiate a trade deal with President Donald Trump.

Prime Minister Keir Starmer is naturally reluctant to sack a Black man after 'taking the knee' in support of Black Lives Matter. The Labour Party has abandoned public ownership, fair play for pensioners, and most of their traditional policies, but they are still devoted to multiracialism.

Member of the Labour front bench all went to a good schools and universities, but they lack common sense. They are used to shouting childish abuse at the opposition in the House of Commons and they think that they can do it  anywhere.

The Speaker of the House does his best to keep order but loud-mouthed MPs like David Lammy are always likely to make fools of themselves. His behaviour is typical of the dumbing down of our institutions.

The House of Lords

The upper chamber of the UK Parliament dates back to the 11th century. It has 800 members serving a population of 66.97 million. The upper house of the United States Congress has just 100 Senators serving a population of 333.29 million. Traditionalists want to keep the HOL as a scrutinising chamber, that's fair enough, but do we really need so many Lords?

Some of our noble lords are Bishops of the Church of England, others inherited their titles, but most of them were appointed by the Old Gang for services rendered. They have no power to reject proposals from the House of Commons but they can delay them.

The late Jack Lelieve was an inspiring orator for the 1960s British National Party.  A New Zealander by birth, he served in the Australian army during the Second World War fighting the Japanese in the jungles of New Guinea. He was a British patriot through and through, but he derisively referred to the HOL as "that once august establishment." It's not only the Left that seeks the reform or abolition of the HOL.

Our correspondent Vic Sarson would like to see an independent upper chamber free of party affiliations. He maintains that the present system of party patronage is corrupt, with peers appointed as a reward for their donations.

This practice was most evident during the premiership of David Lloyd George (1916-1922). He more or less openly sold honours through his agent Maundy Gregory. This criminal behaviour only attracted the attention of the police when Maundy Gregory failed to secure an honour that had already been paid for. Parliament subsequently banned the sale of honours but it still goes on.

The late John Prescott was Tony Blair's Deputy Prime Minister  who was proud of his working class background but he soon got used to the comfortable green leather benches of the HOL and his generous tax-free allowances of £323.00 per day.

If we must have an upper chamber let it be democratically elected, limited in size, and responsible for budgetary control. That way spendthrift governments could be kept in check and we wouldn't have giant aircraft carriers with misaligned prop shafts, or High Speed Railways that are too expensive to complete.

Anti-White Racism


Elon Musk is the latest hate figure of the Left. Not only is he a billionaire capitalist but he is also a White South African, albeit with American citizenship. Zola Budd (pictured) was a medium and long distance runner who competed for Britain in the 1992 Olympic Games. She was a young woman who had never engaged in politics but the Left hounded her every time she competed outside South Africa.

I was living in Cape Town in 1966 when South African Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd was assassinated by Dimitri Tsafendas, a parliamentary messenger of Greek ancestry. On hearing the news my landlady said: "Thank God the killer was White, if he had been Black we would have  a race war on our hands." That's how dangerous racial tension was under Apartheid.

Elon Musk and Zola Budd are not responsible for Apartheid, they are only guilty of being White in a world dominated by self-hating liberals who don't realise that their hatred of White South Africans is a type of racism. They are prejudged against fellow Europeans of mainly British and Dutch stock who are the innocent victims of history. 

Apartheid was an attempt to preserve White civilisation in Africa. The Afrikaners made use of Black labour, but slavery was practised by every nation from the Egyptians who used slaves to build the Pyramids to the Southern Plantation owners who used slaves to pick cotton.

The condition of the Blacks in South Africa under White rule was better than in the Congo under the Belgians, Namibia under the Germans, or Kenya under the British.

Advanced cultures always dominate primitive cultures, The Native Americans were almost wiped out by diseases imported from Europe, as well as by the guns of the US Cavalry.

The Australian Aborigines live a pitiful life in the outback, and native people all over the world are discriminated against. But it's not only Europeans that are responsible, the slave markets of Libya are still selling human beings from sub-Saharan Africa, and Black migrant workers are treated badly in Mauretania and Tunisia.

Education should overcome racism, but Oskar Dirlewanger, who had a PHD in economics, commanded an infamous SS unit responsible for the mass murder of Jews and Gypsies during the Second World War. Unfortunately, racism seems to be part of the human condition.

Email from Robert Baggs the editor of 'Britain, My Nation', 10 Washpool, Swindon, Wiltshire.

Hello Bill

So very good to hear from you and sorry to hear that you've been through the wars. I hope improvements continue apace and 2025 is a good year for you.

Britain, My Nation is plodding along with subscriptions taken out by mostly old school Nationalists. It seems the new breed, despite all good political intentions, are happier with the Internet than they are with hard-copy reading material. 

I will continue with my venture as long as I can and look to you for inspiration. I've just turned 65, so don't seem to have the same energy as I did, but, I think you are older than me, so if you can do your bit then so can I.

Look forward to reading your blogs for some time to come.

Wishing you and yours all the very best for 2025.


I replied.


Thanks for your good wishes.

Please don't worry about your age. I am 80 years old, my Canadian friend John Beattie of the British People's League is in his eighties, and my dearly departed comrades John Bean (1927-2021) and Frank Walsh (1925-2020) were still writing in their nineties. John Bean wrote his column 'Nationalist Notebook' for the British Democrats, and Frank Walsh posted his blog 'My Site' in support of his Patriotic People's Power Party.

So take heart Robert, you could be campaigning for another thirty years.


Free Speech Denied

Eddy Morrison after one of his frequent court appearances.

It has always been difficult to get our message across to the general public. We used to hold meetings on street corners with the speaker standing on a makeshift platform and using a portable loudspeaker, or just his voice. These meetings were frequently attacked by violent mobs of 'anti-Fascists' who were determined to deny us Free Speech.

Venues such as pubs and meeting halls gave in to intimidation by the Left and refused to let us hold meetings, and the biased mass media only reported our activities if they ended in a brawl.

In the 1970s the National Front gained publicity and membership by holding impressive marches and rallies organised by Martin Webster, but the Party was severely damaged in the1979 general election when Margaret Thatcher said that she understood people's fear of being "swamped" by immigration. But weeks later she let in 20,000 Vietnamese refugees.

Bill Baillie editor of the duplicated new letter 'Nation' in 1974

In those days it would still have been possible to deport non-European immigrants. There were far fewer of them than there are now, and it was perfectly legal to call for repatriation. Union Movement and the National Front consistently made such a call and so did I in my duplicated newsletter 'Nation', issued in 1973-1974. Today, it's a criminal offence to advocate repatriation or even to use such phrases as "Britain for the British."

The police used to be on our side but since the Scarman Report following the 1981 Brixton riots they have taken to tipping off the 'anti-Fascists' whenever we try to hold a meeting. They also use various tricks to prevent us from speaking. Eddy Morrison applied to hold a radical Nationalist meeting in Trafalgar Square when Ken Livingstone was the Mayor of London. The Mayor replied politely to say that he was welcome to hold a meeting in the Square, providing that he took out insurance cover which would have been prohibitively expensive.

We still have a number of hard-copy magazines; Heritage and Destiny, Candour, The League Sentinel, Broadsword, and Britain, My Nation, but the ever-increasing cost of postage and printing makes their future uncertain.

The situation looks grim but there's light at the end of the tunnel. The powers that be are trying to control the Internet by forcing tech companies, like Google, to use sign-ins and warning notices, but American-based websites are protected by the US Constitution, and tech billionaire Elon Musk has vowed to defend Free Speech.

Meetings and marches may influence hundreds of people but by using the Internet, humble blogs like Nation Revisited and European Outlook can reach thousands of readers. We are not beaten yet.

Adrian Romilly on Facebook

Note in passing that the Pakis displayed Group Solidarity, they band together to protect their interests, this strengthens them in the face of the police, we do not and we are correspondently weak. Also, they have a concept of women in their community being "their women" and protect them accordingly. We need to recover that sense that it's OUR WOMEN that are being attacked and that it's OUR DUTY to protect OUR WOMEN! We need to react angrily to the Pakis, or others by saying HANDS OFF, THESE ARE OUR GIRLS!

As things are, we're too afraid of being dubbed racist to openly show the indignation we feel. Absurd fear of the R label leaves us paralysed! 


Nation Revisited

European Outlook

All articles are by Bill Baillie unless otherwise stated. The opinions of guest writers are entirely their own. The editor reserves the right to shorten or otherwise amend articles submitted for publication. We seek reform by lawful means according to the UN Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19:

"We all have the right to make up our own minds, to think what we like, to say what we think, and to share our ideas with other people."



Tuesday, 31 December 2024

European Outlook # 101, January 2025

 What We Stand For

National Labour Party supporters in 1960, from the left Terry Savage, unknown, Giuseppe Taracco, John Bean, Ken Davis, Ben Franklin.

The cross and star symbol that adorns Nation Revisited and European Outlook was designed by by my old friend John Bean, the founder of the National Labour Party, in 1957. The cross represents our Christian nation and the star represents our socialist convictions..

In other words we believe in National Socialism; not the discredited goose-stepping regime of Adolf Hitler, but a system that puts people first. At present we are governed by big business and suffering the erosion of our hard-won rights. The government is using anti-terrorist legislation to suppress free speech, just as it did in 1940 when over a thousand British fascists were imprisoned without being charged or tried.

Over a million Britons died in two world wars in defence of democracy, only to fall under plutocracy - rule by the international corporations  that have no respect for nations or races. They import labour fo undercut our wages without regard to the social and economic consequence. But nothing last forever, the crisis of capitalism so long  predicted,  is fast approaching, The mighty dollar is in peril, and if it collapses it will take the pound and the euro with it.

The situation looks grim but our time will come.

The National Health Service

The NHS is constantly criticised for long waiting lists and cancelled operations. Some people have waited months, or even years, for treatment. They have every right to complain but my experience has been entirely different. In the last six months I have been treated for Conjunctivitis, Heart Failure, and Eczema. Each referral was practically immediate an d the doctors and nurses in each department were respectful and efficient.

Years ago doctors were reluctant to talk to their patients, they thought that we were too ignorant  to understand medical terms, and they considered themselves to be a cut above the rest of us. Today thigs are much better, we are kept fully informed about our ailments, and we are treated with respect.

And it's not only attitudes that have improved; hospital equipment is highly sophisticated and costs literally millions of pounds to install and maintain.

Supporters of unrestricted immigration like to point out that our hospitals rely heavily on imported labour. It's true that many of our doctors and nurses come from overseas but so do many of their patients, particular on the maternity wards.

The NHS is a victim of its own success, Every time a new discovery is made, or a new procedure is introduced, the cost to the taxpayer goes up.

The new Labour Party government is pledged to defend the NHS but private medicine is infiltrating the system. and it's just a matter of time before the whole NHS is privatised and run for profit. This would be welcomed by the Tories and Reform UK, but I am advised by my American friends, that private enterprise medical care is very expensive, even with medical insurance. Medical bills are the main cause of bankruptcy in the USA..

If we want to keep the NHS free at the point of use we must be prepared to pay for it. The warmongering mass media is demanding increased defence spending in support of American foreign policy. America has decided that Russia and China are their enemies, but there's no reason why we should follow them. Of course we need to defend our own islands, but what happens in Russia and China is not our business. We should use the money we waste on offensive weapons to pay for our wonderful NHS.

The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament estimates that the cost of installing, updating, and maintaining Trident comes to £200 billion.

Artificial Intelligence

Computers drive everything from the traffic lights in the high street to air traffic control. They are to be found in factories, banks, schools, military installations, universities, and hospitals. The latest computer-driven  hospital equipment can diagnose illnesses and perform the most delicate operations.

Scientists predict that Artificial Intelligence will take over half the jobs that are currently done by human beings, but what will we do with the millions of workers that we have brought in? Will they go home to their own countries or stay here on the dole?

I once asked a Japanese businessman why Japan is so successful compared to Britain? He replied that after the Second World War they went for automation but we went for immigration.

British businessmen and the trade unions resisted modern technology. The bosses were frightened of spending money and the workers were frightened of loosing their jobs .Fork lift trucks were banned in the London Docks until the sixties That's how we lost our place as a leading manufacturing nation.. We must not make the same mistake with AI, we must embrace it.

Relentless Propaganda

The BBC used to have a reputation for  honest reporting. People trusted the BBC to tell the truth and foreigners with less principled broadcasting services listened to the BBC to find out what was really going on.

Sadly, those days have gone. Today the BBC is the mouthpiece of liberal-plutocracy. Almost every phrase that they use is slanted; the Ukraine War is always referred to as "Putin's illegal invasion." Russian missile and drone attacks on Ukrainian positions are described as "barbaric", but Ukrainian attacks on Russia are always reported to be against military targets. 

That splendid website Judging Freedom, hosted by Judge Andrew Napolitano, uses former US military experts such as Col Douglas McGregor, to accurately report the news from Ukraine. He states that the war has been effectively, been won by Russia, but the BBC is still predicting a Ukrainian victory.

When it comes to the war in the Middle East, the BBC is torn between its natural left-wing support for the Palestinians and its ingrained Zionism. Generally speaking Israel is portrayed as the good guy and the Palestinians as naughty children,

The genocidal  ethnic cleansing of Gaza by the so-called Israeli Defence Force  is seldom mentioned but the plight of the Israeli hostages is constantly reported. The BBC employs a great number of Jews, many of them in positions of authority, but very few Palestinians.

But there is no conflict of interest with Black Lives Matter. The BBC supports the BLM movement unconditionally, even when hooligans torch police cars and tear down statues. 

The BBC is an anti-British, propaganda machine funded by a compulsory licence fee that was introduced when there was only one television channel. Today there are hundreds of channels to choose from but you still have to buy a TV licence even if you never watch the BBC.. The entire corporation should be sold  to the highest bidder and its grossly overpaid staff should be sacked. .

The rest of the television channels, and the popular press, are almost as biased as the BBC but they are not a burden on the taxpayer. 

The Class Struggle

The Labour Party used to represent the Working Class, while the Conservative Party defended the Middle Class and the Upper Class. This division is becoming increasingly meaningless.

Working Class men used to do manual jobs. They wore cloth caps, they drank in public bars, and they seldom went to university.

The Middle Class did retail and clerical jobs, they wore bowler hats, they drank in saloon bars, and they generally went to university. The epitome of a Middle Class Tory was Margaret Thatcher. She won the hearts of the people by winning the Falklands War and selling off council houses, but she went too far with the Poll Tax against the advice of most MPs.

The Upper Class lived on their inheritances, on formal occasions they wore coronets, they drank in gentleman's clubs and they were privately educated.

The Upper Class have hung on to most of their privileges, but the Middle and Working Classes are no longer distinguishable. Nurses who are Working Class girls, all earn degrees, and the Middle class competes with the educated Working Class for jobs in the tech industries.

My friend Vic Sarson notes that the American class system is all about money. Whereas the British class system is defined by culture, education, and tradition. I can see his point but money is also a factor.

Attempts by various governments to iron out social differences have not been entirely successful. If people can afford private health and education they will willingly pay for it. The classless society remains an  unfulfilled dream.

In fact the gap between rich and poor is getting wider. The Labour Party used to be made up of ex-coalminers, steel makers, construction workers and other manual workers, In two world wars they flocked to the colours to do their bit for King and Country.

The Conservative Party was full of company directors, senior managers, and accountants. Many of them had served as officers in the armed forces and the party was proud to be called the patriotic party.

Today both parties are dominated by lawyers who owe no allegiance to class or country. Lawyers are the only profession that is paid to tell lies. Under our adversarial legal system a defence councillor will try to convince the jury that the accused is innocent even though he knows that he is guilty. These are the charlatans that are taking over our country,

As for the Upper Class, they remain aloof from the class struggle, except to occasional stand for Parliament when they get fed up with chasing foxes.

Nation Revisited

European Outlook

All articles are by Bill Baillie unless otherwise stated. The opinions of guest writers are entirely their own. The editor reserves the right to shorten or otherwise amend articles submitted for publication. We seek reform by lawful means according to the UN Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19:

"We all have the right to make up our own minds, to think what we like, to say what we think, and to share our ideas with other people."

Sunday, 30 June 2024

European Outlook # 100 July 2924

The State Pension

The first state pension was introduced by German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck in 1883. The 'Bismarck Model' spread throughout Europe and reached Britain in 1908.

The Old Age Pension was paid for with deductions from wages known as National Insurance Contributions. They still exists as a tax but the direct link between NI contributions and the pension was abandoned some years ago. Today NI contributions go into the pot along with Income Tax, Customs and Excise, Road Tax and many other taxes, none of which are dedicated. The Retirement Pension is paid for out of general taxation.

If these contribution had been paid into a well managed commercial pension fund they would have returned a worthwhile dividend over a lifetime's work. Instead, greedy governments treated the national pension fund as a cash cow to be spent on important projects such as the various colonial wars that we fought in the fifties and sixties.

It's ironic that the young men who fought ultimately pointless colonial wars in Aden, Cyprus, Malaya, and Kenya are now subsisting as old men on inadequate pensions.

Our politicians are aware that old people vote and they are all promise to maintain  the link between pensions and wages, but 'exoerts' are predicting the end of state pension

Unfortunately, the compassion shown in the 19th century did not make it to the 21st. The middle class had private pensions or property that could be converted to cash, but the working class depended on means-tested benefits. A humiliating end to a hard life.

A World Without Money

Recently, I took my regular trip to my local supermarket and adjacent restaurant. The Co-op was no problem, I touched my chip and pin card onto their card reader and the transaction was made. But the café was not so simple. I ordered a full English breakfast, comprised of egg, bacon, sausage, fried tomatoes, two crusty toast, and a coffee. This comes to a tenner. I touched my card to the card reader and nothing happened. I tried twice more with the dame negative result. Then I tried inserting the card and entering my pi number, but to no avail. 

The trusting Turk behind the counter said "no problem, pay mb tomorrow." But I was embarrassed because I like to laugh at my technophobic friends. I quickly phoned the bank where an efficient banker cancelled my card, ordered a new one, and directed me to the nearest branch to get some cash.

The girl at the bank issued me with some money and explained my error. When the card was first refused I should have inserted it and entered my pin, instead I continued to try to use my contactless card. This proves the old adage that doing the same thing over and over again is a sure sign of insanity. For the first time in about five years I was walking about with real banknotes whilst waiting for my new card and pin.

Touching a card on to a card reader is painless but spending real banknotes is traumatic. I was very pleased to receive my new pin number and re-enter the world opf modernity.

I love technology and try to embrace it, but my conspiratorial friends tell me that it's all a plot by 'hidden forces' to do away with money and force us all to use electronic methods of payment. I don't understand this theory. The banks already know how much you have got in your account, and if you use a loyalty card, the supermarket knows what you buy each week. 

The Luddites smashed a few looms in an attempt to stop technology, but they did not succeed. The next step is artificial intelligence, computers that can write creatively and make logical decisions. Onwards and upwards.

A Month Without Politicians.

Rishi Sunak has called a general election for 4th July. That means that for a blessed month we will be governed by civil servants without the help of politicians. We will still hear them telling lies and making false promises as part of their election campaign, but Parliament will be free of the clowns and charlatans that usually disgrace its benches., 

Strange characters like Jacob Reese-Mogg who clings to the morals and manners of the nineteenth century. He represented North Somerset where cap-doffing and forelock-tugging are still practices. The fact that Government can operate without members of Parliament in the lower house and Lords in the upper chamber, proves that alternatives are possible.

Our respite is only for a month, but information technology and artificial intelligence are making such strides that it might become a reality, and instead of 650 under performing deputies we will have a modern state run by a super-computer that does not tell lies or take bribes

Such an idea might seem fantastic at the moment but our world is changing faster than our imagination. Science has transformed industry and agriculture for the better and it will do the same for politics.

The Westminster model is a remnant of the past. It dates back to the days when simple-minded peasant sent the local landowner to Parliament as a matter of course. If they didn't vote for him they would find themselves out of a job and a cottage This is the basis of British democracy, It must change..

D Day Remembered

June 6 marked the 80th anniversary of the Normandy Landings. Allied forces from Britain, America, Canada, France, Poland and many other countries mounted the biggest amphibious invasion in history.

Under the inspired leadership of Suprene Commander Dwight D Eisenhower, thousands of men, planes, gliders tanks, artillery systems, ships, landing craft, jeeps and motorcycles, were transported across the English Channel with truly remarkable efficiency.

British servicemen fought bravely on land, sea and air, but we should not kid ourselves that we could have done it on our own. Wars are won with logistics, arms and ammunition. It helps if your soldiers are well led and well trained, but in the end it's manpower and organisation that wins the day. German troops in France and Russia fought magnificently but they were outnumbered and outgunned.

Adolf Hitler's mad gamble was based on the false premise that the German nation was inherently superior. He spent the night before D Day listening to Wagner, but the great master's musical genius did not help him.The Red Army marched from the east and the Allies from the West, but the Germans fought on when all hope had gone. The ordinary German soldier was driven by obedience and training, and the Fuhrer by racial delusion.

4th July

Americans celebrate ndependence Day pn 3th July, the day that they won their ondependence from the British Empire. The arrogance and stupifity of the British goverbnenbt in taxing the American colonists without allowing them representation was repeated all over the world. America boke away byt the ties of language and culture persist to this day.

This year the United Kingdom will hold a general election on July 4th. The long-suffering British electorate can choose between three centrist parries with much in common. The Labour Party, stripped of its founding socialist faction, is expected to win. They will inherita stagnant economy and a staggering nation debt. This desperate situation is the result of the banking crisis, the pandemic, the war in Ukraine and above all Brexit, when Britain became the first country in hisory to take economic sanctions against itself. The Lib Dems are talking about re-joining Europe but the Labour and Tory parties are still in denial.

But I have my own reason to mark July 4. It was on July 4 1999 that I had my last drink in the Red Lion in central London. I was never the type of alcoholic that sleeps in doorways. I had a well paid and responsible job as a Construction Manager but I was heading for disaster. My doctor examined me and said, "Mr Baillie you know what to do." That's all he said but it was enough. Outside of the doctor's office I put my faith in God and promised Him that I would quit drinking immediately. And I did.

That was 25 years ago and I never looked back.I don't claim to have great willpower, but I am one of those people who find it easy to give up addictions, I gave up smoking the year before I gave up drinking and that was just as easy.

Nation Revisited

European Outlook

All articles are by Bill Baillie unless otherwise stated. The opinions of guest writers are entirely their own. The editor reserves the right to shorten or otherwise amend articles submitted for publication. We seek reform by lawful means according to the UN Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19:

"We all have the right to make up our own minds, to think what we like, to say what we think, and to share our ideas with other people."




Saturday, 1 June 2024

European Outlook # 99 June 2024

 Long Live the Union - 'Old Guard' 


For decades the poisonous agenda of the Westminster elite had been a divisive regime in hoc to the global EU and a plaything of international finance. The UK is in danger of decline and dissolution, the inevitable conclusion of years of political planning.

The economic, class and racial divisions deliberately fostered and encouraged  by Westminster have in effect driven a wedge between the native Britons who inhabit these islands. It's poverty for the people whilst globalist bankers and their political playmates grow ever richer on the economic misery inflicted on our folk.

That the Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish now look to divorce themselves from the union is no surprise, separate nations are even easier to milk and manipulate.

Real nationalists are 'beyond the pale' but pseudo-nationalists parties such as Ukip and Reform UK, ,are feted by a political system owned by the Money Power..

Until the 1950s the Scots, Northern Irish, Welsh and English were proudly British with a common loyalty of blood and identity that was corrupted by. multiculturalism. There is no kinship between the British and Afro- Asians. who have been granted entry visas by the traitors and charlatans of Westminster...

Mass immigration since the British Nationality Act of1948 has transformed the character of the United Kingdom and undermined democracy.. People who have been betrayed by the Old Gang parties are starting to put their faith in  a resurgent Fascism. But the task of restoration will not be easy. We must build a new British Union based on the traditions and values of our people.

Count Binface: the man to beat

Former BNP organiser Paul Golding is used to disappointments. His anti-Muslim Britain First party attracted 967 votes in the London Mayoral Election, soundly beaten by Count Binface with 1,889. Sadiq Khan was duly elected Mayor for the third time with 44,725 votes. Golding's tactic of aggressive Mosque invasions clearly does not appeal to .London voters.

In the old days far-right parties aimed to beat the Communist Party candidate in local elections, but now their target is Count Binface.

It was a monumental mistake to import  millions of incompatible aliens into the UK.. Smaller numbers of immigrants might have been more easily assimilated, but we are where we are, millions of established settlers will not go home because Britain First shouts abuse at them.

It's not fair to blame the immigrants for being here. They were imported after the war as cheap labour, France took in North Africans, Germany accepted three million Turks, ad we welcomed 'people of colour' from the Commonwealth. 

Britain First have every right to call for immigration control, but they should not intimidate those already here. It's ironic that most Muslims are social conservatives who cherish family values and the rule of law, the very principles paraded by Britain First.

Jeremy Corbyn: Victim of Zionism


When immigrants started arriving in the UK from Asia and Africa the Labour Party was delighted. These people were poor and bound to be Labour Party supporters. Some hostility from the native British population was expected, but nothing that could not be 'managed'. As the immigrants settled in the big cities their numbers ensured a Labour victory. What could possibly go wrong?

The first surprise was that they were not all poor, especially the Asians from East Africa. They were shopkeepers, administrators, dentists, doctors, opticians, and pharmacists, middle class people who were used to a high standard of living,

Prime Minister Ted Heath was initially reluctant to admit the refugees fleeing from Idi Amin's dictatorship until it was pointed out to him that they were all professionals that were desperately needed by the UK.

Much poorer Asians from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh formed ghettos in the Midlands and the North of England, but the middle class ones became the Tory leaders of today,

The second surprise was that  the various immigrant groups were not always compatible. It soon became evident that the Jews and the Muslims detested each other.

Jews had always been prominent in the Labour Party but they led the campaign to get rid of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, who they wrongly accused of 'antisemitism'. He was not guilty but he supported the Palestinians and that was unforgivable to the Jews.

So they ousted Jeremy and replaced him with Keir Starmer, a self-confessed Zionist with a Jewish wife and two Jewish children. Unsurprisingly, Keir refused to condemn the brutal Israeli destruction of Gaza and thereby alienated the Muslims.

When the starry-eyed dreamers of the lunatic left conceived the idea of multiracialism they forgot the bonds of tribe and family that define us. We are the product of race and culture, modified by history and geography, and guided by destiny.

In the make belief world of liberalism our leaders are men of intellect and principle, but in the real world they are subject to prejudices and hatreds.

Jews and Arabs

The British Mandate over Palestine lasted from 1919 to 1948. After trying unsuccessfully  to keep the peace between Arabs and Jews for 29 years  we pulled out in 1948 and left them to it. 76 years later they are still fighting..

When Hamas guerrillas attacked Israel last October public opinion throughout the West was solidly on the side of the Jews. People remembered the Holocaust and sympathised with Israel, but all that has changed when Israel responded by bombarding Gaza, including Mosques, Churches, schools and hospitals. They also cut off food, water, electricity and the Internet.

According to the Palestinian Health Ministry nearly 40,000 civilians have been killed. And if Netanyahu goes ahead with his intention to destroy the city of Raffa, thousand more will be killed. 

British prime minister in waiting Kier Starmer flatly refused to call for a ceasefire and in the US president to be Donald Trump called upon Israel to "finish the job."

Our leaders are supposed to be untainted by prejudice, but both Donald Trump and Kier Starmer have Jewish wives and children, and Rishi Sunak is a devout Hindu and therefore a sworn enemy of Islam.

The older generation supported Israel but the younger generation protested on the streets and the campuses in favour of Palestine.

It looks like Israel will win this round of the ongoing conflict. The powerful Jewish lobby in the United States together with the evangelical Christians will make sure that "God's Chosen People" are victorious. They claim to be God;s chosen people because it says so in the Bible, which was written by the Jews. They are therefore the Self Chosen.

The only power that could upset the Zionist plan is Iran. Western media delighted in reporting that Iran's recent blitz on Israel was thwarted by the Iron Dome anti-missile system and American and allied aircraft. What they didn't tell us is that most of the Iranian cruise missiles were  shot down but their super missiles got through. Israel is now running of  P defensive missiles, and the whole operation cost Israel at leas two billion dollars.

Israel is quick to point out that they are a nuclear power, but in the event of a nuclear conflict in the Middle East, Pakistan might be tempted to share her 'Islamic' bomb with her neighbour Iran.

Punching Above Our Weight

A retired general speaking on national radio recently lamented the decline of our armed forces. He said that Britain would find it hard to take on Russia, or China, and definitely not both at the same time. He should have included Iran in his nightmare scenario. The general no-doubt relied on our 70,000 soldiers 'fighting above their weight', a dangerous assumption in a world of suicide drones and hyper sonic missiles.

Our armed forces are designed to work within NATO. That may change in the future, but the days of Britain intervening in every quarrel are long gone. Increases defence spending cannot be justified  when our public services are all short of money.

Warmongers like Dave Cameron are mentally stuck in  the days of Empire. In those days we had the resources and the military manpower. to challenge all comers That ended with World War Two. Today, we are a European power with armed forces comparable to France and Germany. There is no reason why we should be in dispute  with Russia, China or Iran. Russia is a self-contained power with no interest in territorial expansion beyond the Russian-speaking regions of Ukraine. China is devoted to capitalism and seeks trade not war, and Iran is an oil-rich regional power countered by Saudi Arabia.

NATO is an instrument of American foreign policy. As long as we belong to NATO  we will be involved in wars that have nothing to do with us. We fought the Napoleonic War as part of a pan-European coalition, we fought the Crimean war alongside France and Turkey, we fought the First World War and the Second World war in alliance with Russia and America, and we fought the Korean War as part of the United Nations. We have always been part of a military alliance and it's logical that we should be so engaged in the future, but not as part of NATO.

The UK General Election

Rishi Sunak Britain's outgoing Tory prime minister

The news that we are to have a general election on 4th July comes as a great relief to all of us who are sick and tired of the Tory government.. The last 14 years have been like sailing on a great ocean liner on a world voyage. No matter how good the food is, within a week you have sampled everything they have to offer, and the rest of the trip is monotonous.

The Tories tried to liven things up by providing an entertaining variety of prime ministers and their deputies. A ridiculous parade of clowns that came and went without warning; Boris Johnson, Liz Truss, Theresa May, Dave Cameron, Rishi Sunak, Jacob Rees-Mogg, Matt Hancock, and others too trivial to mention.

The last serious prime minister we had was Gordon Brown. But now our prayers have been answered and soon the Tory parade of misfits will be no more.

Some old myths have attached themselves to the Tory Party without justification; that they are the natural party of government, that they are the party of business, and that they can be trusted with the economy.

I would like to think that after the last 14 years the Tories were finished, but people have got short memories and, as Harold Wilson said: "a week is a long time in politics."

Nation Revisited

European Outlook

All articles are by Bill Baillie unless otherwise stated. The opinions of guest writers are entirely their own. The editor reserves the right to shorten or otherwise amend articles submitted for publication. We seek reform by lawful means according to the UN Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19:

"We all have the right to make up our own minds, to think what we like, to say what we think, and to share our ideas with other people."


Tuesday, 30 April 2024

European Outlook # 98, May 2014

Old Comrades by Stephen Swinfen

I had regular contact with Bernard Franklin for some years. I left the National Front in the autumn of 2008 when he and Tom Holmes were removed as Vice and Chairman of the Party one week before the annual conference after a lifetime of service to the cause. It was a disappointing affair, they could have been replaced respectfully at the AGM the following week, if indeed the membership had asked. They were founding NF members, Tom Holmes had been a member of Colin Jordan's White Defence League in the 1950s and other nationalist organisations throughout his life

I tried my best to keep contact with Tom Holmes, he had no children and he lived at Caister which was a 250 mile round trip. I went quite a few times, his wife Iris eventually got poorly with dementia. Tom cared for her at home for I don't know how long, eventually she would go into a home for two weeks at a time to give him a break. It took its toll and Tom seemed to be going the same way. Each time I visited him I offered to tidy up the garden but he wouldn't let me. When Tom dispensed with his mobile phone  I was dependent on his landline to keep in touch.

I remember a time when one of Tom's carers answering his landline at Caister, said he was in a care home or hospital, anyway not at home. She said he had a nephew, which was untrue. He did have a sister in Gloucester way he said, if I recall correctly. I think they were trying to put me off ringing

I found him in a care home or it could have been a hospital in Lowestoft, he came to reception in only one slipper, I asked where the other one was but he didn't know or care where the other one was was. Once I took him out to lunch to his chosen restaurant near Caister, he made a big fuss about making sure they didn't give him peas. In the end his landline was never answered and I didn't know what happened to him. It played on my mind for a long time, several years, what could I do to track him down. To this day I still don't know what I could have done and it's a big regret that he died without me finding him. So sad how such a great patriotic stalwart's life was ended seemingly in obscurity and I couldn't show respect at his funeral that must have taken place sometime and somewhere.

After the shame of what was done to them in 2008 neither Tom or Bernard renewed their membership of the NF and nor did I in support. The guy behind their removal was one Ian Edward, a London fella who wanted to take over the NF, no idea what happened to him after he did. All I know about the NF nowadays is that Tony Martin is doing his best to keep it going. 

Derek Godfrey was an old timer from Dunstable who was in his early nineties, I remember him from the 70's. He was a long-time friend of Bernard's, he was at Bernard's funeral, the brothers George and Wesley Lay were there, and myself, that was all that came from the nationalist scene.

I used to visit Bernard at his Hemel Hempstead home every few months, he lived alone after his wife passed. He was a devout Christian and that was often larded into his many articles and letters. He edited The Flame, the National Front newspaper that began after Ian Anderson took the previous title The Flag with him when he left the NF. The Flame ran to 33 issues. Bernard also kept online with The Flame website, frustratingly the guy that did it for him died and no password was left for Bernard, so he couldn't update it. 

In the end Bernard's daughter, who lived at Irchester in Northants coincidentally not far from me hadn't heard from him and asked that the neighbour go and check, he was dead in his bath and had been there for a few days. I had been there a few days previously, met his visiting step-son Mark and left not knowing I would not see Bernard again.

I think we should consider old folk more than we do in general. I'm lucky my son is a caring lad and his partner is a nurse.

UK General Election

The UK faces a general election that's a choice between two similar parties. The Tories have been in power for 14 years during which time everything has got worse. Despite their bold plans to send asylum seekers to Rwanda, incomers of all types; refugees, students, family dependents, essential workers, and overstaying tourists, numbered over a million last year. 

Attention is focussed on the 40,000 asylum seekers who cross the Channel on small boats, but the 1,000,000 who come on scheduled airlines, clutching entry visas, go unnoticed.

We know all the arguments about the need for some immigration, but make no mistake, at this level it will destroy this country. Yes we need foreign doctors and nurses for our health service, but don't forget that immigrants also get sick and need hospital treatment, particularly maternity services.

We've got a national debt of £2.5 trillion, a flatlining economy, a housing crisis that's getting worse, a crumbling health service, a failing educational system, an underperforming police force and a railway network desperately in need of upgrading.

This level of chaos will not be turned around by electing a Labour Party that shares all the failed Tory policies from Asylum to Zionism. 

Over forty years ago Oswald Mosley proposed a Government of National Unity drawn not just from the elected parties but from trade and industry, the universities, the military, and the trade unions. Such a government, elected for a fixed period, with the power to act, might rescue the situation, but simply swapping Tory for Labour will only prolong the agony.

The Reform Party is the latest in a long line of populist parties; National Front, British National Party, UKIP, and Reform, that offer simplistic solutions to complex problems. They tend to peak at about 10% before dissolving in acrimony. They preach a narrow nationalistic policy of self-sufficiency and withdrawal from international representation that would turn our poor country into North Korea. Lee Anderson the rebellious MP for Ashfield has defected from the Tory Party to join Reform.

But there are no easy answers. To sort out our national problems we need a comprehensive plan and a commitment to hard work, fiscal discipline, fair play, and leadership. None of the established parties can be trusted to do any of these things, so ignore the pointless pantomime of a general election. If you must put your illiterate cross on a ballot paper, go for one of the smaller parties that supports proportional representation.


If you are a typical middle-class person who works hard, pays his taxes, reads the Daily Mail and votes for one of the Old Gang parties, you might think that you are safe. But if you are disgusted by the slaughter of the Palestinians at the hands of the Israelis you better keep your mouth shut. Hamas has been declared a terrorist organisation by the British government and any sympathy for the Palestinians is likely to be seen as support for Hamas which will get you banged up in Belmarsh high security prison with some real terrorists.

The Tory government conflates 'extreme' opinions with terrorism. They have locked up Patriotic Alternative campaigner Sam Melia (pictured) for two years for distributing stickers calling for immigration control, but that is not terrorism; terrorism is using bombs and guns to kill and maim. Tory donor Frank Hester incited murder by calling for MP Diane Abbot to be shot, but he is unlikely to get two years in prison.

The Hamas raid into Israel last October was undoubtedly a terrorist act, but so is the bombardment of hospitals, schools, Mosques and Churches in Gaza by the IDF. The only difference is that you are allowed to support Israel, but you are not allowed to support Palestine.

Rishi Sunak's government has spun such a web of lies that most ordinary citizens are frightened of having an opinion. We are told that central London is a 'No Go' area for Jews when the peace marchers are in town. In fact, there are plenty of individual Jews on these marches as well as organised groups of anti-Zionist Jews.

We are told that "From the River to the Sea" is an anti-Semitic slogan, despite the fact that it's used by Likud the far-right Israeli governing party.

Israel was founded on terrorism. Jewish terrorists dynamited the King David Hotel and drove out the Palestinians with maximum violence. Most of the Israeli leaders were terrorists financed by Zionists around the world who supported a national home for the Jews.

Donald Trump takes a practical line on the Ukraine conflict but when it comes to Israel he wants them to "finish the job".  And, of course, Britain, France and the rest of Europe are solidly behind him.

The key to peace in the Middle East is the United States. So long as the American taxpayer props up the Zionist state, it will continue to occupy the West Bank and Gaza. And as long as the occupation lasts the Palestinians will resist.

We have the ridiculous spectacle of the West providing emergency food aid to the starving Palestinians while, at the same time, they are arming the IDF with the latest weapons.

Eventually, there will be one state from the River to the Sea, a secular democratic state for Jews, Christians and Muslims.  Such a prospect might seem remote, but the demographic of Israel is changing. Migration from Russia has slowed to a trickle as Russia's economy continues to boom. Palestinians inside Israel are already 20% of the population and they boast a much higher birth rate than the Israelis. It's true that the mostly American West Bank settlers have very large families but they can't keep up with the Palestinians.

If Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip were combined under a single authority its Arab population would predominate. America and Europe would ensure that the Jews were protected, and the Gulf States would provide the money to rebuild Gaza. This might seem an impossible scenario but peace came to embattled South Africa and Northern Ireland when everyone thought it impossible.


Do we need defence? Yes, we need defence to go round the garden - The Marx Brothers.

The public have little interest in defence. They are worried about the cost of living, public services and immigration. Usually it's only retired generals and paranoid journalists that despair at the size of our armed forces, but all of a sudden Rishi Sunak our unelected prime minister together with Dave Cameron our unelected foreign minister are flying around the world boasting of our increased defence spending.

During the Brexit campaign 'unelected' was a taboo word but it seems to have lost its power. 

President Emmanuel Macron of France has gone even further by threatening to send French troops to join the war in the East. He should remember the hundreds of thousands of soldiers of Napoleon Bonaparte's Grande Armee who lie dead in the fertile soil of Ukraine

The Russian 'threat' is grossly overstated. President Putin has repossessed the Russian-speaking areas of Ukraine but he has no further territorial ambitions.

Billions of dollars thrown at the corrupt Zelensky regime by the US and her obedient allies might replace some of his depleted weapons but  half a million slaughtered soldiers cannot be replaced. Zelensky has simply run out of men.

Former Defence Minister Penny Morduant is typical of Britain's warmongers, well-educated but lacking in political understanding. She is a Royal Navy Reserve officer with a nautical sense of humour who once repeated the word 'cpck' several times during a parliamentary debate. 

The Industrial-Military-Complex knows that the game is up for Zelensky but they are determined to keep the war going for as long as possible; until they have drained the last cent out of the American taxpayer.

The Defence Scam works the same way as the Israel Lobby. Congressmen vote for massive handouts to Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan in return for lucrative kickbacks. And it's all in the name of 'freedom and democracy'.

Things are not as bad in the UK because we are slightly less corrupt than our American cousins. Nevertheless our greedy politicians rush to vote for increased defence spending, they argue about pennies on health and education but but when it comes to defence they are warmongers to a man.

Of course Britain needs adequate defence forces to protect our islands, but we don't need giant aircraft carriers or Trident missile submarines. We need smaller vessels to patrol home waters backed up by well trained armed forces. What happens in  the Middle East, the China Sea, or Ukraine is none of our business.

Nation Revisited

European Outlook

All articles are by Bill Baillie unless otherwise stated. The opinions of guest writers are entirely their own. The editor reserves the right to shorten or otherwise amend articles submitted for publication. We seek reform by lawful means according to the UN Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19:

"We all have the right to make up our own minds, to think what we like, to say what we think, and to share our ideas with other people."