Wednesday 31 December 2014

European Outlook # 13, January 2015

Back to the Fifties

Ukip are gathering the votes of the discontented by promising to go back to the fifties when we allegedly controlled our own borders. They fear outsiders with their foreign languages and strange ways. But apart from immigration they want to bring back Saturday morning pictures, pounds, shillings and pence, and the long hot summers of our childhood.

In reality our declining native population cannot support our current economy. We need people to drive the buses, stack the shelves, build the buildings, harvest the crops, care for the sick and elderly, teach the children, and catch the criminals.

The National Health Service and the Welfare State rely on an expanding economy. But we will have more pensioners than contributors if present trends continue and at current rates of interest the average worker will never accumulate a viable pension pot. The NHS needs to keep pace with medical advances and rising labour costs. The pie chart recently issued to every taxpayer by the UK government shows that most of our money is spent on Health and Welfare.

There are supposed to be millions of British workers available but many of them lack the skills or motivation to work. People who have grown up in workless households tend to uphold the family tradition. Governments are cracking down on so-called benefit scroungers but alcoholics, drug addicts and glue sniffers will not go to work even if you cut off their dole money, and genuine job seekers living in industrial wastelands will not be helped by starvation.

We can survive with mobility of labour, goods and services but we will not change the demographic by shouting slogans and we will not find the money for our pensions and hospitals by quitting the EU. Our future depends on planning, education and investment. We will achieve nothing by living in the past.

But Dave Cameron is as nostalgic as Nigel Farage. He fancies himself as a great world leader as he threatens to quit the European Union or wage economic war on Russia. He boasts an “independent nuclear deterrent” but the American Trident system needs replacing at an estimated cost of £35 billion; a lot of money for a weapon that will never be used. His aircraft carriers have no warplanes; his missiles are kept by the US Navy at Kings Bay, Georgia, and despite spending more on defence than France or Germany his armed forces depend on part-timers.

British forces are under the command of NATO. This was founded in 1949 to counter the Warsaw Pact but it has been redundant since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Today it is nothing but an instrument of American foreign policy and a provocation to the Russian Federation. We should dismantle NATO and sign a non-aggression pact with Russia, The real threat to Europe is not Russia but the Third World. We are not being invaded by the Red Army but by countless divisions of economic refugees. To stop this invasion we need solidarity instead of Cold War rhetoric and border guards instead of aircraft carriers.

Five Questions Answered # 13 Jez Turner

Who are you?
I’m English, I’m British, I’m European, I’m White, I’m a Man. In my own way I’m an activist, an organiser, a writer and a speaker on behalf of those who believe in the importance of identity, and who realise that identity together with all the things that make life worthwhile are facing annihilation.
I’m an identitarian, which means I’m a Nationalist for all nations and a Patriot for all Patrias, but as a White man, a European, a Briton and an Englishman I necessarily put my own people first. “We must secure an existence for White people and a future for White children” – I’d add five more words, “We must and WE WILL!

What do you believe in?

I believe in the eternal, primal and primordial truths that man has subconsciously believed in since the dawn of time.
I believe in self-awareness, self-actualisation, self-becoming and in self-overcoming.
I believe in human nature and know that it has never changed and never will.
I believe in the power of nature, the power of race, the power of culture, the power of tradition, and the power of religion and the power of identity to form an indestructible combination that brings out the best in human nature and that protects a people from the worst of storms.
I believe in the right of all peoples, (races, ethnic groups, tribes) to pursue their own destiny as a people free from interference, and to do this they require their own homogenic nation state and crucially control over their own homogenic nation state.
I believe in authenticity and therefore support the organic over the inorganic and the natural over the artificial.
I believe that the current situation of internationally approved nation states and borders will be swept away by the instinctive yearning for identity and the thirst for freedom and those smaller, healthier, homogenic states will emerge.
I believe we were put on this earth to fight evil and that the greatest evil in this world today is the drive to create a drab one world slave state made up of a mass of miscegenated, mongrelised, mixed up, multi-racial, mammon worshipping morons without culture, religion or traditions – perfect slaves as the won’t even know they are slaves – and tyrannically ruling over them will be a secret ‘elite’ of mind and money manipulators, a secret ‘elite’ that still zealously guards its own religion, race, traditions and culture.
I believe this evil will come about if we do not fight it with all our might. The fight against this evil is the only cause worth fighting for; it is ‘The Cause'. Nothing else really matters. To that end I support all those, without exception, who oppose such a horrific, nightmare future.
I therefore believe in cooperation between peoples in order to fight this one world menace and to that end they should be free to voluntarily form alliances, federations and leagues for mutual protection.
I believe that we have everything on our side – nature, instincts, genetics, socio-biology, wisdom and common sense – everything except money, whereas ‘the one worlders’ , (whether they cloak themselves in Capitalism, Communism or Liberalism), only have money on their side.
I believe the world is heading for an almighty crash, (financially, economically, socially, medically and environmentally), and in consequence the power of money will fail, and then the Evil that seeks to enslave the earth will falter in its advance and then our time will come.
Finally, I believe in the power of belief and I believe that we will win.

If you could direct government policy what would you do?

I would repeal just about every law that has been created over the last 500 years. I would direct the government, in its present format, to self-destruct.

What are you proud of?

I am proud of not having taken the easy route in life. I am proud of not being brainwashed by the mind manipulators. I am proud of my independence of thought. I’m proud of my mind.

What do you regret?

Not finishing my PhD – about once a year.
Not marrying my childhood sweetheart – about once a month.
Wasting my early teenage years – about once a week.
Not being able to do more for the salvation of my Race – every day.

How would you like to be remembered?

Jonathan Bowden’s last speech was on a Saturday afternoon to the London Forum and was on the subject of ‘Charles Maurras, Action Francaise and the Cagoule’. In the evening I drove him home and on the way we chatted about character, courage and ‘The Cause’. As he got out of the car he turned to me, looked me in the eye and said “Jez, you’re a fighter and you’re a good man.” He then warmly shook my hand and bid me good night. As it turned out those were the last words he said to anyone face to face – although I spoke to him the following day on the phone – and they’ve stayed with me ever since. So I’d like to be remembered by those who matter, as ‘A fighter and a good man’.

European Nationalism

My friend Michael Woodbridge points out that Western Spring’s participation in a demo outside the Greek embassy in support of Golden Dawn shows that they are a pan- European nationalist movement. Judge for yourself by visiting:

European Nationalists believe in a United States of Europe but Western Spring, and like-minded groups, support General de Gaulle’s idea of “Europe des Patries” - a collection of states held together by treaty. The trouble is that sovereign states, especially ones with nationalistic governments, have a nasty habit of invading their neighbours.

Nazi Germany used the pretext of kinship to invade Austria and murder the nationalist leader Englebert Dolfuss. They went on to invade Poland, which had an authoritarian government, and they trampled over the nationalist aspirations of all the states of eastern Europe in a doomed attempt to build a “Thousand Year Reich.”

South of the Alps things were no better. Italy’s invasion of Albania and Greece was unprovoked and unjustified. General Metaxas of Greece ran a regime closely resembling the Italian model but that didn’t save him.

The competing nationalisms of the 47 states of the European Council would be difficult to accommodate without a belief in “ever closer union.” An Irishman who believes in “Europe a Nation” can shake hands with an Englishman who shares the same goal, but it would be hard for a National Front member to shake hands with a Sinn Fein supporter; or for a Catalan separatist to befriend a Spanish Nationalist.

                                            Alessandra Mussolini

Attempts to form nationalist blocs in the European Parliament have been derailed by prejudice. Alessandra Mussolini wrecked the first attempt by implying that Romanians were all thieves and Gypsies. And when Ian Paisley took his seat in the European Parliament the attendant asked him to sit with two Italian neo-fascists. He took his seat but protested loudly: “Our Lord was crucified among thieves.”

Western Spring's policy is a great improvement on the petty nationalism that was set in stone when the National Front was founded in 1967. The debate about a federal structure for the United Kingdom, following the Scottish referendum, has opened the eyes of many nationalists. They now realize that federalism does not destroy nations, and that we really are “better off together.”

The Great Illusion by Norman Angell

This book was published in 1913, a year before the First World War that it tried to avoid. Norman Angell demolished the idea that national prosperity depended on military might, or that commercial advantage would follow a victory over Germany.

Global capitalism was already established in 1913. Telecommunications, railways and shipping linked national economies to each other but mainstream opinion held that our survival depended on the Royal Navy. Some warmongers were even calling for the extinction of Germany. The author wrote:

“What does this extinction of Germany mean? Does it mean that we shall slay in cold blood sixty or seventy millions of men, women and children? Otherwise, even though the fleet and army were annihilated the country’s sixty million odd workers still remain, who would be all the more industrious, as they would have undergone great suffering and privations – prepared to exploit their mines and workshops with as much thoroughness and thrift  and industry as ever, and consequently just as much our trade rivals as ever, army or no army, navy or no navy. Even if we could annihilate Germany, we should annihilate such an important section of our debtors as to create hopeless panic in London, and such panic would so react on our own trade that it would be in no sort of condition to take the place which Germany had previously occupied in neutral markets, leaving aside the question that by such annihilation a market equal to that of Canada and South Africa combined would be destroyed.”

He also dismissed the idea that the Empire was a self-contained market:

“Britain’s total overseas trade for 1908 was £1049 million, of which £784 million was with foreigners and £265 million with her own possessions. And while it is true that with some of her Colonies Britain has as much as 52 percent of their trade – e.g. Australia – it also happens that some absolutely foreign countries give a greater percentage even of trade with Britain than do our own Colonies. Britain possesses 38 percent of Argentina’s foreign trade, but only 36 percent of Canada’s, although Canada has recently given considerable preference.”

And he countered the belief that war was inevitable because of Human Nature.

“The most recent evidence would seem to show that man as a fire-using animal dates back to the Tertiary epoch – say, three hundred thousand years. Now, in all that touches this discussion, man in northern Europe (in Great Britain, say) remained unchanged for two hundred and ninety-eight thousand of those years. In the last two thousand years he changed more than in the two hundred and ninety-eight thousand preceding, and in one hundred he has changed more, perhaps, than in the preceding two thousand. The comparison becomes more understandable if we resolve it into hours. For, say, fifty years the man was a cannibal savage or a wild animal, hunting other wild animals, and then in the space of three months he became John Smith of Surbiton, attending church, passing laws, using the telephone, and so on. That is the history of European mankind. And in the face of it the wiseacres talk sapiently, and lay it down as a self-evident and demonstrable fact that the abandonment of inter-State war, which by reason of the mechanics of our civilization, accomplishes nothing and can accomplish nothing, will forever be rendered impossible because once man has got the habit of doing a thing, he will go on doing it, although the reason which in the first instance prompted it has long since disappeared – because, in short, of the unchangeability of human nature.”

Norman Angell’s conclusions are still true a hundred years later. We achieve no commercial advantage by getting involved in wars in the Middle East, or by maintaining a fleet of submarines equipped with American nuclear missiles.  Ironically, the author was an early editor of the Daily Mail; a newspaper described by Poly Toynbee as “a daily dose of fear and loathing.” Its present editor, Paul Dacre, would do well to read The Great Illusion; available from:

Two New Books

Two new books have been published that are of particular interest to me because I knew most of the people involved.

To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the LEL the AK Chesterton Trust has published “The History of the League of Empire Loyalists and Candour” by Rob Black and Hugh McNeile. This well-researched book records the characters and activities of the League and includes some rare pictures. It is available from

Stephen Frost of British Movement has written an excellent biography of Colin Jordan entitled “Twas a Good Fight.” Using material assembled for Colin Jordan’s autobiography he charts his progress from the Birmingham Nationalist Club to his membership of Jeffrey Hamm’s Ex-Servicemen’s Association, the British Peoples’ Party, the Empire Loyalists, the White Defence League, the BNP, the National Socialist Movement, and finally, British Movement. It is available from

As a result of the Second World War Europe was divided between the United States and the Soviet Union and Britain was forced to abandon the Empire. We welcomed cheap labour from the colonies and the nations of Europe formed themselves into a Common Market. All of that is easy to understand now but it was not so obvious fifty years ago. We thought that we could save the Empire and repatriate the Commonwealth immigrants recruited by London Transport and the National Health Service.

Oswald Mosley grasped the reality of the post-war situation but most people couldn’t believe that the Empire was gone forever. Some of us were so intransigent that we joined the League of Empire Loyalists. We accepted the loss of India, Pakistan and Burma but we thought that we could hang on to the White Dominions, Hong Kong, Malaya, Suez, Cyprus, Kenya, Aden and Rhodesia.

I joined the League of Empire Loyalists at the age of 16 but I was already reading The Alternative, Mosley’s post-war vision of a Europe independent of both America and the Soviet Union. The LEL taught me the rudiments of self defence, public speaking and drinking. I met some wonderful people and got into some memorable scrapes before drifting into the British National Party. Andrew Fountaine was President of the BNP but it was run by three ex-Empire Loyalists; John Bean, Colin Jordan and John Tyndall. Colin Jordan was a convinced racialist who had no time for petty nationalism; John Tyndall was an old fashioned British Nationalist, and John Bean trod a middle path.

In 1962 John Tyndall gave me a lift home in the BNP Land Rover. He drove furiously from Earls Court to Mitcham but then spent a couple of hours parked outside my mother’s house explaining his political philosophy. I was therefore surprised when he joined Colin Jordan’s faction a few weeks later because he was much more of an Empire Loyalist than a National Socialist.

After helping John Bean with his impressive 1964 BNP election campaign in Southall I visited several European countries and in 1965 I embarked on a tour of South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. By the time I came home in 1970 I was convinced that a revived Commonwealth was a non-starter. I therefore joined Union Movement and campaigned for “Europe a Nation.” In its last days UM became Action Society which published Action and distributed Mosley’s many books and pamphlets.

Blood in the Square

John Bean’s first book “Ten Miles from Anywhere” appeared in 1995, it was a collection of articles from “Wickhambrook Scene” the community magazine of his remote Suffolk village. It is a chronicle of rural life from 1973 to 1994 that captures something of the low horizons and sunlit skies of East Anglia, as well as the natural reserve of its inhabitants. I thought it a cracking book but then I have been friends with John Bean since 1961 - in the days covered by his latest novel “Blood in the Square.”

His second book “Many Shades of Black” was published in 1999 and soon became a standard reference work for students of radical politics. It is quoted by almost every author on the subject, but having been part of that turbulent period I can detect a degree of journalistic licence. “Many Shades” is still a good read but it upset a few people who felt that they had been misrepresented. Once again I thoroughly enjoyed it and I make no apology for my opinion.

JB’s third book “Blood in the Square” has just been published by Ostara Publications. Unlike his two previous historical works this is a novel; albeit a historical novel. Its characters are reminiscent of the prominenti of the 1960’s radical-right. Victor Blackwood is familiar, as is Alan Laudersby and the Nationalist Action Party.

Readers who do not remember the Sixties sometimes have a romantic impression of the era, but those of us who lived through it have more realistic memories. It was an age of transition but the regimented mentality of wartime persisted. We still respected politicians, along with schoolteachers and librarians. Pub landlords were petty dictators who treated their customers with contempt and restaurants were overpriced and thin on the ground. JB has captured this poverty of expectation that dominated the Sixties.

Superficially this is a snapshot of a particular part of our history but psychologists, both amateur and professional, will pick up the angst that permeates its pages. Some of the characters from “Blood in the Square” are borderline psychopaths. In fact there are just as many nutcases in conventional politics but the image of the deranged right-wing extremist is well established. John Bean spent most of his political life trying to balance practical politics with fanaticism. But it was an impossible balancing act. Ukip is the latest attempt to make the Right respectable but we already getting reports of closet Nazis, sexual degenerates and people with underlying personality disorders. Nothing much has changed.

JB’s latest effort is a surprising book with a surprising ending. It is available from:

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